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Kite season is underway at CSC. The kids are excitedly looking for plastic bags, sticks, and string. They are creative in their design and can't wait to get their kite flying in the air. The aunties are even excited to help the younger children make kites. You have to be careful walking around CSC these days as you might trip on string or be ran into by someone trying to get their kite in the air. Unfortunately the trees at CSC seem to collect a lot of kites these days. That doesn't matter though or stop the fun from happening at CSC. I would encourage you to go out and fly a kite. It's a lot of fun no matter what age you are.
The Art Exhibit of Creative Young Minds
Last week the Cebu Children of Hope School students participated in a Art Exhibit at school. They had been working on different art projects throughout the school year in art class. Teacher Jimmer their art teacher decided to display and sell their work in an exhibit. The evening started off with a ribbon cutting and the opening of the exhibit. People enjoyed looking at the art, visiting with one another and enjoying snacks and refreshments.The kids were proud to display their artwork for all to see. For the Opening of the exhibit, uncle Paul cutting the ribbon. Teacher Cris, Teacher Jimmer and uncle Mitch holding the ribbon.
Annual Physical Check-up for All CSC Workers
Yesterday the CSC workers all had their annual physical checkup. A big truck pulled up into the driveway at CSC and the workers came throughout the day to have blood work, chest x-rays and a physical checkup. The needles were not well liked by the workers but they were grateful to know more about their health.
Aunties waiting for their turn.
Blood pressure check
The least favorite. Blood extraction
Sportsfest is Coming!
A week from today Cebu Children of Hope School will be having their annual Sportsfest. The kids have signed up for their events and are anxiously awaiting. They are excited to participate in track and field events. The teacher are busy preparing the ribbons and getting the equipment ready for the big event. The Kids along with the teachers are preparing a banner and cheer for each team. Everyone is excited!
Here are some photo of the teachers getting ready. Check back next Friday to see pictures of the kids in their events and to hear more about Sportsfest 2016! The Teacher's of CCHS are very busy making awards!
The venue is ready for the Sportsfest
Uncle Edwin is preparing the hurdles.
Party Party Party
There are many parties at CSC in December. December 5 was the CSC workers party. A fun evning of games, prizes, a short meditation, food and fun was had by everyone.
Saturday December 11, was the CSC Outreach party. Many former CSC residents came for an afternoon of games, a gift from Santa Claus, singing of Christmas carols, hearing the Christmas story and a meal from Jollibee. It's always fun to see some of our former CSC kids and their families.
There are still many upcoming CSC parties! The individual department parties, the school program, progressive dinnner, Christmas Eve and Christmas day activities.
Thank you to everyone who helps make the Christmas Season so special for all of the CSC kids and workers.