Our Stories

Thank you for digging deeper into what we do. Stories abound at CSC. You can read them here in our staff blog, in some special stories of our children and in testimonials, videos and pictures.

Staff Blog Post: Safety and Security: The Importance of Fire Drills

By: Mark Leop

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One Child’s Story: One Foot In The Grave

One afternoon our staff received an urgent message that there was an extremely ill child in a squatter village near the city bus terminal. So one of our nurses, one of our social workers and Marlys Healy went there immediately to assess the situation.  The government workers brought eleven month old   […]   Read More »

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Testimonial: I know it has made all of us better to be a part of Foster Friends at CSC!

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My family started child sponsorship at the Children's Shelter of Cebu in 2006. When we decided to give through the Foster Friends program, we had no idea how much we would get back.

Our boys were five, seven and 10 years old when we were assigned a girl named Adelyn at the shelter. She became a bigger part of our lives than we could have imagined! We loved every update on how she was progressing and would gather around if a card came from her, even bringing them with us to show extended family. We hung her picture up with the pictures of our own children. Everyone in our family cared about and prayed for Adelyn.

It was a day of celebration when we learned Adelyn was being adopted. She had been at the shelter for 9 years hoping and waiting for that day. And, just a little over a month later, we went to the CSC banquet in Minnesota. I couldn't believe it when I walked in and the first person I saw was Adelyn. Our whole family got to meet her, her sisters and her parents.

We couldn't have asked for the kind of connection we got with Adelyn, but we are so thankful to have it. We are also excited to be supporting another child at CSC. I know it has made all of us better to be a part of Foster Friends at CSC!

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