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The final activity related to CCHS's Reading Challenge was a trip to the Cebu City Public Library, so the kids headed out to visit the library one day last week.  The trip was meant to be the kids' reward for doing such a great job during the Challenge, but another underlying purpose was to expose them to the idea of a public library.  Unlike most communities in the United States, the existence of public libraries in the Philippines is rare, so most people have little or no opportunity to avail themselves of the multitude of services public libraries provide.  The Cebu City Public Library is the only public library in the city of 870,000 people! 


When we got to the library, the head librarian welcomed us and explained what a public library is.  Then the kids were allowed to browse through the books in the children's section for about thirty minutes.  Great fun!  Most of our children have not had the opportunity to read books when they arrive at the shelter.  The idea of being able to look at and read books whenever they want is a foreign experience, so they thoroughly enjoy our school library and the mini-libraries in the classrooms and houses.  This was another chance to be exposed to books in a different environment. 

While we were at the library, we learned about a program to bring books into the communities in the city.  Books bags are distributed by the library to kindergarten and first grade students and their families for them to keep at their homes for one week.  The book bags are returned after a week and the family is given another bag for the next week.  It's sort of a creative revolving check-out system.  Coupled with the book bag distribution are sessions teaching the parents how to read with their children.  It was encouraging to hear the public library is reaching out into the communities in this way.

The kids are still pumped about reading and continue to challenge themselves by reading a lot.  Right now they are into book series and books related to what they are studying in science class.  Maybe that will shift to books about countries and people around the world since United Nations Day is coming up.  We'll see...

Teacher Amanda

Jul. 15, 2015By: Amy Pacada

AmandaYesterday we celebrated Teacher Amanda's 22nd birthday. Amanda graduated from college this May and arrived in Cebu the beginning of June. Just in time to start the school year at Cebu Children of Hope School. Amanda has adjusted well to life in Cebu and is a great addition to our school. She has a contagious positive attitude about everything and is a wonderful teacher and team member.  We are thankful to have her at our school this year.

As we were celebrating her birthday last night, I couldn't help but think about how our stories are some in the same.  Seventeen years ago I arrived in Cebu after graduating from college the month before. The school was opening for the first time and teachers were coming together from the U.S. and Cebu to start Children of Hope School.  I was young and excited to be in Cebu.

What was a one year commitment for me has turned into 16 additional years and counting. Days full of blessings and learning and growing experiences.  Daily seeing God's hand at work in my life and the ministry of CSC. Not to mention marrying my husband from Cebu and the joy of having our first child together.  God has blessed me in ways I never could have imagined at the age of 22.

Thank God for Amanda today as you think of her in your prayers. Pray God would give her wisdom and strength for the year ahead of her. Pray He would guide her steps for the future He has for her.

Thanks Amanda for sharing this year of your life with us at CSC. You are a wonderful addition to our team!

Thanks Grace!

Jul. 9, 2015By: Lindsay Hoeft

Last August, Grace arrived at CSC having committed to giving a year of her life to this ministry---whatever that might entail!  And she did just that!  Grace has spent the last year creating and implementing a daily educational experience for our toddlers, she has spent time teaching and encouraging our children's musical interests by facilitating individual voice and piano lessons.  Grace also built relationships with our kids by just being on the playground with them having fun.  Additionally, she has been a great help to the Child Development department in keeping good records on the infants and toddlers she oversaw.

Below you will find some pictures of how Grace spent her time at CSC.








To you, Grace, CSC thanks you for your service.  You have left a mark on this ministry in more ways than one.  You have a place in the kids' hearts because of your investment in their interests and your time spent helping them hone their talent.  And for our youngest residents, you have helped them learn and have taught them that learning is fun!

Please keep Grace in your prayers as she embarks on her next journey!

Meet the HR team

Jul. 6, 2015By: Marcel Pacada

HR_TeamI'm Marcel, the guy on the right! I am happy to be back in Cebu after spending the past year in the States with my wife and her family. It was great to meet so many of you while we were there. Upon returning to Cebu I have joined the Human Resource Team at CSC. We are working together to make improvements for all of the workers and processes for the organization. I am excited to be  a part of CSC and work alongside Joel and Peter!

Friendship Knows No Boundary

Jul. 2, 2015By: Jinkee Reasoner

Friend.  Pal.  Buddy.  Comrade.  Everyone has one or maybe more.  It is a need in human life.  As the old saying goes, “No man is an island.”  One can’t go through life alone.

The recent CSC banquet’s theme was: Friends.  CSC, in its entirety, has many friends all over the world. Different connections, but connected nonetheless. CSC is standing because of its many friends supporting, loving, and praying.

Inside the four walls of CSC, friendship starts.  The kids come from different backgrounds, but it is amazing how quickly they form a bond; a bond they keep forever.  Distance is never an issue between friends.  Whether it is 10,000 miles or a couple of staircases away, they find a way to exchange a few words and be in touch in each other’s lives.

At CSC, when you get sick and if it is contagious, you are put in isolation.  Now, the word isolation seems scary because you are separated from your friends.  However, most of the kids like to be in “iso” because they get to watch movies all day long, which is the only entertaining thing you can do when you get sick.

Friendship_Knows_No_BoundaryBeing sick and being in “iso” did not stop these two friends from having a little chat.  The girl on top is sick while the girl on the bottom is well.  There are no visiting hours in the infirmary, but that did not mean she could not visit her friend.  They found a way.  And to top it all, she was not scared that she might get sore eyes from the friend she was visiting.

That’s how friends are. 


Jul. 1, 2015By: Amy Pacada

ErnaErna is helping out at Cebu Children of Hope School for a couple of months.  She is assisting in preschool while Teacher Junelyn is on maternity leave and helping out in a number of classes in the afternoons.

Erna lived at CSC years ago. She and her sister were adopted by a family in the United States in 1999.

It's great to have Erna back with us at CSC for a couple of months.  Thanks for sharing your gifts and talents with the kids at CSC Erna!