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Blessed Decisions
I sat in a referral meeting the other day. We have these meetings to discuss children for potential admittance. Often in these meetings the list of children in need is greater than what our homes can house. The list is long because poverty is destructive; it untangles families when there are more mouths to feed than there is food to give. The list is long because of poverty, violence, abuse, neglect, drugs, sickness, and death. All of our children come to CSC for one or several of these reasons.
Our top priority was to discuss a 6-week-old baby boy very much in need of loving care and proper nourishment, some things he had not had much of yet. He was so tiny, not even four pounds yet. He had spent these first weeks of his life in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit fighting off sepsis and trying his best to grow but not receiving enough nourishment to do so. His young mother had her own struggles, battling mental health issues and cognitive delays; she was also doing her best to be a good mom but was unable to do what was needed.
Here he is. He is such a small little guy, barely able to keep his eyes open most of the time.
Our decision to admit this child or not might seem
like a no-brainer. He needs good care;
he needs the kind of care that can be provided at CSC. But he is so young, only six weeks old. Doctors have met him, observed him, and run
tests to try to figure out what is keeping him from growing and
developing. Because of his age, there is
little they can know for sure. The
unknowns regarding his future are many.
Of course, the same could be said about every child admitted to CSC and that would be true. But with a child who has had such a rough start to life, permanent damage could have already been done. The type of permanent damage that could prevent him from being adopted. And that is what it inevitably comes down to. CSC is a temporary place for children to come to for stability, healing and growth before continuing all of that in their forever family. We need to admit children that will be adopted so there is space for others to come after.
Big decisions. And they are not made lightly. We seek and pray for God’s wisdom regarding which children we admit. We take all of the information given to us by the social workers, our medical team, physical therapists and doctors in the community and cover it in prayer. Individually and collectively. These decisions are made easier when we spend time in the referral meetings talking about how so many times before, staff members have had these same conversations, sharing valid concerns about taking in a certain child with unknown needs. And we have been blessed to see God's hand at work, healing children in miraculous ways.
One such story stands out to me. A little 7-month-old girl was referred to us, weak and malnourished and her limbs were so floppy. They lacked muscle tone for such a while that doctors suspected she might never walk. Fast forward 2.5 years and we have a rambunctious and mischevious little girl on our hands. And oh how she RUNS! And next week a family is arriving to take her home! She is a testament to God sitting with us in those meetings and honoring CSC's commitment to venture into the unknown. She is a living and breathing example that God heaps blessings on those who walk in faith!
I am so happy to report that the little guy above recently had a major test, the results of which we were expecting to be poor, but which were normal. We are already seeing God's hand at work in his life. We felt confident and happy to make him the newest member of the Eicher Home! :)
- 1. a curved flat piece of wood that can be thrown so as to return to the thrower, traditionally used by Australian Aborigines as a hunting weapon
- 1. (of a plan or action) return to the originator
Over the last few years, former CSC children have been returning for visits with increasing frequency. Some families have brought their children back to the country of their birth, and to see one of their first homes, for a heritage tour. Other children---actually young adults now---have made the journey on their own, for a more independent experience.
One former child, who was the youngest ever to leave for adoption (at age 9 months) requested to celebrate his 10th birthday with the kids of CSC; it was his birthday wish! Another young lady, who was adopted as a toddler, was here this past October. She is now a senior in college, studying Early Childhood Development, and wanted to return to CSC to see firsthand how the children of CSC are cared for and loved on, since she was one of them too! Last month, CSC was happy to have one of its very first children return for her 3rd visit back to CSC; this time she and her husband were excited to show their little girl where her mom came from. And most recently, about 2 days ago, CSC welcomed back a young boy who left as a toddler exactly 4 years ago. His family brought him back to once again play on the playground with some of the same kids he used to play with (though he made plenty of new friends too!) and to spend time with his former houseparents.
For each returning child, their story is of course uniquely theirs. They all have different circumstances that bring them to CSC and they all have different life experiences once they leave CSC. However, there is a pull, like that of a boomerang, for many kids to return to CSC. To see a place that they might only have pictures of but for which they have no vivid memories. They want to see first-hand former caregivers that put band-aids on their skinned knee, read stories to them or rocked them to sleep at night.
CSC is happy to welcome back former kids because really, once you are in the CSC family, you are always in the CSC family!
The "business" of CSC
CSC is in the "business" of loving kids. Of course our ministry has a much longer mission statement, and any of our business-type documents would describe what we do in a more complex manner. However, when it comes down to what CSC does, it really and truly is, plain and simple: we love our kids.
And because we love them, we want what is best for them. And what is best for them usually means leaving CSC and becoming part of their own forever family.
In the last few weeks of 2015 and in the first several days of 2016, CSC has welcomed a handful of loving adoptive families, and said goodbye to many precious children. This is the nature of our work and every goodbye is an answered prayer. Though the tears may fall as we wave at departing vehicles, we are all truly happy to witness God's handiwork.
It is such a pleasure to meet and get to know adoptive families. How they arrive to the shelter so excited and already in love with a child that they have usually only seen in pictures and read about in a few reports amazes me every time. I love when they share their stories of how God gave them this particular child or how He let them know they needed to adopt those siblings. And how understanding these families are about what their child(ren) are going through: the fears they have, the uncertainty. One family that adopted a young boy last year always spoke about how brave he was to be leaving everything he had ever known. And I am again in awe of how God works and how He brings families to CSC to take children that have been loved powerfully here so that they will be loved powerfully elsewhere.
A new year has started and I know that in this coming year there will be more kids to leave CSC, and more families to come. Business as usual. And what a blessed "business" it is!
Giving generously and with a cheerful heart
The Christmas decorations are up and holiday tunes can be heard wherever you go! It is almost Christmas, only 15 days away! One of my absolute favorite CSC Christmas events is Junel's box. Maybe you have already heard the story, but for those of you who haven't...
Junel used to live at CSC. His generous spirit was his legacy and it inspired a wonderful CSC tradition. Before coming to CSC, Junel was not treated very well in his previous home. He was not allowed to eat with the rest of the members of his household and he was only able to eat if there was food left over. When he came to CSC, he expected it to be much the same. When it was mealtime, he went and sat in a corner instead of in a chair at the table, where all of the other children were. He needed reminders that he was just as special and loved just as much as the other CSC children.
Junel's most prized possession seemed to be a small film canister with a few coins in it. He loved to shake the canister to hear the coins jingle and he did so frequently! That noise signaled his caregivers of his presence and it became part of the background noise in the home. It was so much a part of the din that one day when it was not heard, the caregivers became concerned. "Where is Junel?! He should be upstairs! Everyone is home from school!" The caregivers rushed upstairs and sure enough he was there, and so was his canister, but it no longer made any noise. It was empty.
In school that day, Junel's teacher had told the story of children on another island not having any slippers to wear on their feet. He was so moved and compelled to help them that he gave all of his money, every last coin, each "noise-maker" he had.
Sacrifice. Giving everything you have. Giving what you cherish the most. That is truly what this season is all about.
"For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him." John 3:16-17
Every year at this time, all of CSC's children hear the story of Junel. For some of them they have heard it before, but for many, it is a story they are hearing for the first time. For children new to CSC, they are not so far away from the life they lived before. They can still remember begging on the street, or when their stomach hurt so much because it had been so long since they had eaten. They have vivid memories of being in need. The kids hear the story of Junel and then they hear of a family in their community that needs help. They see pictures of the family and the home. Maybe they see themselves. The kids are then told they have the opportunity to give money from their allowance to help that family this Christmas. The contributions will be used to buy food, and other household items to meet the needs of the family. The family this year needs a home so if enough funds are raised, building materials could be purchased.
Every year, I am astounded at the generosity of our children. So many of them, when told how much money is in their bank and asked how much they would like to give say, "Tanan." Meaning everything. They will give it all. And they do so with big smiles on their face.
For they were once in need and now they can help others. 'Tis the season, indeed. Merry Christmas!
Today was a special day. Today one of CSC's children was dedicated. CSC does not have the privilege of bearing witness to such ceremonies for all of its children, so when it does happen it is a treasured time. Of course, CSC staff and supporters, from all around the world (and around the clock) are constantly praying for our children. And in those prayers, God is given the authority to guide caregivers in how they care for each child, to draw His children closer to Him and to be under His protective care. And while those prayers are no doubt honored by God, there is something powerful and sacred in the ceremony of a dedication that is God-honoring.
In the book of Deuteronomy, chapter six, verses five to seven, we can read the commandment: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise."
Please pray for our houseparents and the very important job they have in raising each of CSC's children in the ways of the Lord. And enjoy the pictures from today's dedication ceremony!