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For most people, getting on a plane to Cebu City, Philippines is a glamorous occasion. It’s exciting to see a place on your itinerary that many people have never heard of…a place that’s exotic, tropical and far away.

Mitch and Ruth Ohlendorf are on their way to Cebu as I write, but I doubt glamorous is a word they’d use to describe their departure. Their year of home assignment in Minnesota, USA has come to an end. They packed up their lives (again), left two beloved sons behind at college and returned to a ministry that moves quickly and requires incredible flexibility, diligence and commitment.

Mitch and Ruth leaving Minnesota is another sacrifice in a long list of sacrifices they’ve made for the homeless children of Cebu. They’re not jet setting off to see a far-off world for a couple weeks. They’re returning to their call. They are the hands and feet of so many who care about orphans. Mitch is our Cebu Executive Director and Ruth is Outreach Director.


Here's a glimpse into their call to CSC via a short interview:

How did it first hit you, "I want to work for CSC?"

Mitch: When I was in Cebu the first summer on a short-term mission trip. I was in a group of seven that wasn’t working for the shelter, but we were based there with social time at the shelter. I knew that first summer, at least by the end, that God was calling me to this work. I didn’t have a moment where I fell to my knees or saw a blinding light. It was a progression that happened as a result of the whole experience.

Ruth: I grew up not wanting to work with “snotty kids!” But then I saw these big Americans working with and hugging the most malnourished in our community. Here are these handsome men and beautiful women coming to our country and doing this hard work. This changed my attitude towards the children, and I couldn’t help falling in love with them. You could see the physical difference in the children after they came to the shelter.

Looking back at this point, what are some highlights of your time at CSC?

Mitch: Certainly the development of our facilities. It’s a highlight to work hard with those who made it possible through giving. Of course, it’s thrilling when very large sibling groups or children with special needs are placed for adoption. Those children who had equal opportunity at CSC, but less of a chance at adoption due to various circumstances. Being part of that process. Any day spent doing things with the kids is a highlight for me.

Ruth: Looking back the first heartbreak I had was when a girl named Arlie left for adoption. When I started working full time at CSC she was one of the kids who would go around with me in the village. When she left I could hear her calling to me and that was really sad, and I really missed her. When Arlie returned to Cebu a few years ago that was so exciting. Since she left in 1983 I didn’t know if I’d ever see her again. When we said goodbye back then we never knew if we’d see a child again. Now, kids come back, but that wasn’t always a given. Being able to see them and knowing how they are now is a highlight.

When was a time it really struck you you’d changed a child's life?

Mitch: Any time that I do the matching work for a child. It’s a very burdensome, weighty time knowing I have the responsibility of choosing a family for a child--a family for the rest of their lives. It also hits us when we see children at home after they’re adopted. Seeing the ways they’ve been blessed and even challenges they’ve gone through, seeing them continue in the Christian values that they learned while at CSC, especially as they start their own families. It’s important to see the cycle of abuse, crisis and trauma being broken. Sometimes you see what the kids have come from and wonder how they can break out of that, but many have. A boy named Mark having a hole in his heart and seeing him rescued from that and having the life he has now. A girl like Anna. She would be dead if CSC hadn’t stepped in. She and her sister both had sepsis, she survived but her sister didn’t. Everything we do each day, whether major like placing children for adoption, or spending 5 minutes giving special attention is changing their lives.

Ruth: Roselyn and Julieto, two of our Teen Home residents. I encouraged Roselyn to think about going back to school after it became clear she had just settled on being a beautician. She want back to high school and now she’s in college and almost graduating. Julieto saw this and wanted to do the same thing. Roselyn became an example and now Julieto is graduating from high school. We have outreach kids (children who were returned to their birth family) who have graduated from college. With CSC’s help, they’re able to make this happen. 

What does it mean to you to be called?

Mitch: To do what you would not otherwise want or feel equipped to do. I think if you didn’t feel called you wouldn’t be in the ministry as long as we have. There are many encouraging things, but there are also many discouraging and difficult things. Being called is about persevering.

Ruth: Hard to see kids make the same mistakes others have made. Instead of learning, they repeat them. But if you’re not there for them, they don’t have any other family. You are their family. I think that’s what calling is really about at CSC.

What would you tell a young person who is interested in a career in missions?


Mitch: It’s a chance, along with many challenges, to live a life filled with incredible blessing and reward and joy. You’ll have done something that’s changed a lot of lives.

Ruth: You’ve heard the phrase you receive more than you give. CSC is very much that place. You can never give more than you receive. There are times you don’t feel good, and going to the shelter makes your day. The kids are excited to see you. They just make you smile.

Well, Mitch and Ruth Ohlendorf make us smile. We are thankful they followed God to his work for them at CSC.


Aunties and Uncles!

Sep. 14, 2013By: Paul Healy

We do not recognize the contributions of our direct service workers enough. They are truly the heart and soul of our ministry. They feed, cook, bathe, change, medicate, comfort, mediate, encourage, admonish, discipline, and a whole lot more things I can't think of right now. We need to honor them more often. Consider this blog entry and attempt to do that. You can help honor them by praying for them and their families. Our aunties and uncles are very hard working and dedicated, and most of them have families of their own to go home to. There they need to do the same tasks that they perform at CSC. It is not an easy job, but I think most of our workers would tell you of the ways that their lives have been blessed through investing in the lives of our children.

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You can fly, you can fly, you can fly!

Sep. 10, 2013By: Lindsay Hoeft




Think of a wonderful thought

Any merry little thought
Think of Christmas, think of snow
Think of sleigh bells
Off you go like reindeer in the sky
You can fly! You can fly!
You can fly!

Think of the happiest things
It's the same as having wings
Take the path that moonbeams make
If the moon is still awake
You'll see him wink his eye
You can fly, you can fly!
You can fly!

Up you go with a heigh and ho
To the stars beyond the blue
There's a Never Land waiting for you
Where all your happy dreams come true
Every dream that you dream will come true

When there's a smile in your heart
There's no better time to start
Think of all the joy you'll find
When you leave the world behind
And bid your cares goodbye
You can fly, you can fly!
You can fly, you can fly!
You can fly!

I captured that picture above, and as I pushed the button of my camera, this song was running through my head.  It is one of the songs from the Disney movie, Peter Pan.  It is a classic, from pre-Pixar days.  For those of you unfamiliar with the plot, it is about a boy from the magical land of Never Land.  It is a story of fantasy, magic and imagination.

I remember watching that movie as a child and when that song came on, I felt excitement and joy---like anything was possible!  Peter Pan was able to fly!  With just a little bit of pixie dust after all.

As I watched that boy running across the yard with that plastic bag as if it were a parachute, or a plane or a spaceship, I felt like he felt the same thing.  And I was so happy and grateful that he could feel that.  Despite where he had come from before arriving at CSC, he was feeling like a kid, a carefree, fun-loving, free to imagine kid.  He didn't have to worry about begging for food or tend to an ailing family member.

All too often our kids have had to grow up much sooner than they should have.  And not to say that CSC is like Never Land, but it is not unheard of to see kids regress a little once they come.  When they realize they are no longer responsible for the health and wellness of their siblings or for finding food for their family, they play more and sometimes as if they were younger.

Growing up is a process that can't be avoided; however, it's nice to know that being a kid isn't that far out of reach...

Pics Aplenty

Sep. 8, 2013By: Paul Healy

It takes a lot of pictures to  satisfy the needs of keeping our friends up on the latest from CSC. Most of our staff members take pictures. We store them on hard drives, on Dropbox and Picasa. We use them in our newsletters, on our web site, on Facebook and in prayer letters. We keep large numbers of pictures of each CSC child for their records, and to share with adoptive families.

We need pictures to accompany child study reports submitted for local and intercountry adoption. Some of these are used to document the height of the children.  

We take pictures of special days at CSC that involve the children in music, dance, sports or school outings.




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 We need pictures of the everyday activities of our children that show our supporters or prospective donors the kinds of facilities, people and programs that constitute this ministry. And we take pictures of highlights in the lives of our kids: graduations, birthdays, or the times when we tell them that they are going to be adopted. These pictures will eventually go with the children when they leave us, and will for an important part of their histories. We never know just how important a picture might be to one of our residents, his adoptive family, or, eventually, her own family. And we never know which picture we shoot might motivate someone to want to get involved in the support of this ministry.





Filipino Fried Chicken Recipe

Sep. 5, 2013By: Lindsay Ostrom


When we lived in the Philippines, I was really surprised to find out how much Filipinos love fried chicken.

Fried chicken is EVERYWHERE - at all restaurants and fast food places and even sold by vendors from little carts on the street. CSC is no exception! Fried chicken is a hit with all the kids.

This picture just cracks me up: it's the big plastic bucket where the aunties marinate the chicken. It's labeled "Monday".



After you marinate the chicken, you put it into a pan of hot oil. Auntie Elvira kept the heat really low to cook the chicken long and slow. I was also really interested to find out that they weren't putting any breading on the chicken. The marinating and the crispy skin are enough to flavor the chicken after it's been fried.


Fried Chicken
Recipe from the Cherne house

2 lb. chicken drumsticks
1-2 teaspoon minced garlic
1-2 teaspoon minced onion
1 tablespoon oyster sauce
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon seasoning mix*
1 egg
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1-2 cups oil for frying

1. Place the raw chicken in a large bowl. Add the garlic, onion, oyster sauce, black pepper, salt, seasoning mix, egg, and cornstarch. Stir until the chicken is evenly coated.
2. Heat oil in a large pot over medium heat. When the oil is hot, place the chicken in the oil. The oil should cover the chicken pieces almost completely and it will bubble gently as the chicken cooks. Continue to fry the chicken until the skin is golden brown and crispy. The amount of time you’ll need depends on the temperature of the oil. Auntie Elvira keeps the heat low and fries each piece for at least 15 minutes.
3. Remove from the oil and set on paper towels to drain excess oil.

*The seasoning mix that they use is called Magic Sarap and it basically adds a very salty flavor. You could use any kind of seasoning salt you like to give the chicken more flavor.

Cebu City and CSC

Sep. 1, 2013By: Paul Healy

Cebu City has been our home for more than 34 years. It is the home of our ministry and our families. We have seen tremendous change here in our years as residents. It is a place of great beauty. Tourists flock to the beaches of Mactan Island and other places in droves, coming from Japan, Taiwan, Korea, China, Australia, Europe and North America. Sadly, many of these visitors never cross the bridge to Cebu City, so they do not get an accurate picture of what life is like for the greater percentage of Filipinos living here. They see the beautiful white sand beaches and blue ocean water, but fail to observe the teeming squatter areas, the street children and families, and the desperate poverty that is the way of life for hundreds of thousands here in Cebu City. 

Cebu is a fascinating place to visit. Visitors who make it a point to get the full tour go away with an education in the diverse lifestyles, opportunities and expressions of Philippine culture that make this such an interesting place. It isn't pleasant to view the poverty and difficulties of life, but those things are part of the reality of life here. Often that exposure helps reinforce people's resolve to do something to help those in need, through ministries like CSC.

Although a small part of the city geographically, CSC is a part of the beauty and diversity that makes Cebu such a fascinating place. We have children and adults of all sizes and shapes. We have kids who come from very different situations in life, and who have varied interests and talents. But all are a part of the CSC family, and a part of the city from which many of them came. Visiting CSC has been a blessing for thousands of people over the years, and we have welcomed parties from more than 30 nations to come and see what we are doing. Check out this quick view of Cebu City and CSC.