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Posts By: Lindsay HoeftShow All

He is risen, He is risen indeed!

Apr. 3, 2015By: Lindsay Hoeft

It is Holy Week.  This week is a meaningful time for Christians everywhere.  In the Philippines, most stores and restaurants are closed on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday and schools are not in session on those days either.  Therefore, our school, Cebu Children of Hope, held it's Easter celebration on Wednesday.  The event started with a reading of Scripture - recounting the events of Jesus' last days on Earth.  Then there were games, crafts and praise and worship.  

I was moved during the praise and worship, and as you can see below, I was not the only one!  How blessed are we to be children of the Most High God!  That He, being without blemish, laid His life down for ours when we needed it most, but were also the most undeserving.  

May you and your families be blessed this Easter and remember God's goodness and Jesus' sacrifice.




Praise the Lord!  He is risen!  He is risen indeed!

This is Christmas!

Dec. 28, 2014By: Lindsay Hoeft

Christmas is a pretty big deal in the Philippines, yes, you might argue that it is a big deal to many other places as well, but it is only in this country where you start hearing Christmas music in September!!  :)  

Similarly, Christmas at CSC is a big deal.  There are many events and traditions held.  It is an important value at CSC that this very significant holiday is celebrated well and that it's true meaning is highlighted, amongst the glitz and glamour of the presents and beautifully lighted Christmas trees.  

Of course there is quite a bit of planning that happens even before December, but the break-neck pace of non-stop Christmas parties, dinners, programs, and other such events begins around the middle of the month.

Below you will see pictures taken during the hair/make-up/all other kind of prep done before Cebu Children of Hope School's annual Christmas program.  This year, the main feature was a play called Hotel Bethlehem, a modern spin put on the Christmas story.  It was a huge success!  The children put their hearts into it.  And the countless hours invested by the teachers (rehearsing lines, making the set, working on the sound equipment and many other tasks) could be seen in that night's polished production!

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A beloved tradition at CSC is the annual Progressive Dinner.  The children travel to the homes of the missionary staff to enjoy some food and to hear and see different parts of the Christmas story acted out.  After the groups have made it to each home and are quite busog (full) they head back home and the missionary staff follow and everyone enjoys eating cinnamon rolls in the shape of a Christmas tree!  It is a great night of fun and food, but the true meaning of Christmas---Jesus' birth is shared in a memorable way as well!

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Another really special event during this time of year is called Junel's Box.  It is a great opportunity for our kids, who once had nothing, to give to others.  Every year, our social workers find a family in the community in need of assistance.  We share information about this family to our kids and give them the opportunity to give money from their bank (they receive an allowance each week for completing their chores).  That money is then used to buy the things the family needs, such as food, house needs, building equipment, clothes, etc.  And their generosity astounds---it happens frequently that a child will give all of the money in their bank, without hesitation.  Below you will see pictures from the day we delivered all of those goods.  The family was so grateful and our kids were able to help others, to give to others, when so many of them had once been on the other side of need.

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People that know about CSC often want to bless our kids around the holidays and this year was no different!  Marriott Hotel contacted CSC to say that they wanted to throw a Christmas party for our 7-10 year olds.  We were so excited!  Marriott came and picked up 28 of our kids and a handful of our adults and treated them to an afternoon of storytelling, Christmas cookie decorating (and eating!), balloon popping, snacks, present opening and eating (I say it so many times because it was a frequent activity!)

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And on Christmas Eve night, Santa came to the Philippines!  There are many new children at CSC at this time and for them, this was the first Christmas experience they had ever had.  Several were a bit wary of Santa, but with gift in hand he seemed to be an okay guy.  It was such a blessing to see the ecstatic smiles of those getting their first Christmas gift---but for those not new to CSC---well, they were still extremely excited as well.  A Christmas like this is only made possible by those of you who give, so I just want to say a special thank you for your generosity! 

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Christmas day is not complete at CSC without the formal Christmas dinner.  The missionary staff, the house parents and all of the children enjoy a nice meal outside together!  The food is good, the tables are decorated beautifully, the children get all dressed up and the meal is finished with Christmas cookies for dessert!  This year, after the meal, everyone went to the school to participate in a unique telling of the Christmas story, interspersed with the singing of hymns.  After that came a time of prayer.  As you will see in the pictures, not all of the little ones made it through the whole event!

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!  CSC has been blessed this year and we trust that God will continue to provide for this ministry and these children.  Thank you for reading about the many Christmas traditions at CSC.  What is your favorite Christmas tradition in your family?


Dec. 9, 2014By: Lindsay Hoeft

Nothing brings a boy more joy than playing with his very own "caperlaler"---i.e. caterpillar!  :)




Some of his playmates were a bit hesitant to go near to it at first, for fear that it would bite!


Once she held it and learned it was docile, it was immediately cute and she wanted to hold it again and again!  Oh, and pose for pictures again and again!




He is now holding a "pling mantus"--praying mantis!  He is a lover of the critters!  :)


National Teacher's Day!

Oct. 5, 2014By: Lindsay Hoeft

Last Friday was National Teacher's Day!  What a great day to be reminded of the many blessings we have in our talented faculty.  It made me think of what makes a good teacher...well, good.  All I had to do was watch our teachers in action and the answers are all there.

A good teacher...

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gives their students a voice


prays over them

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leads by example


strategizes with them

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gives them the stage sometimes


lends a helping hand

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motivates them to try


loves them

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cheers them on

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rewards their effort

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and makes learning fun!

We have better than good teachers at Cebu Children of Hope School----we have phenomenal teachers!  Please remember them in your prayers for CSC and I hope that you say an extra prayer for all teachers everywhere.  Their job is a very tough, but oh so important one and they need God's strength in all that they do.


Baking with Jules!

Sep. 15, 2014By: Lindsay Hoeft

The other day, I had the great pleasure of learning how to make pan de munay, a Filipino baked delicacy.  Jules, one of our Teen Home residents, recently completed a Bread and Pastry course.  He is a certified baker now!  Jules has long been interested in the Culinary Arts, but high school was long and difficult for him.  Even so, he never gave up on himself or his dream!  He graduated from high school this past April and he has been eager to pursue his desired field.  Since becoming certified, he is baking up a storm.  Each day trying something new!  Those at the Teen Home are blessed to eat his daily creations and I know, I am excited whenever I visit for the chance to taste one of his products.  For those of you interested in learning how pan de munay is made, check out Jules' step by step instructions in the pictures below.  He was a great teacher for me and he even let me roll a few of them!  :) 


1. Cut the dough


2. Roll it


3. Stretch it


4. Oil the pan


5. Cut the dough


6. Fill with sugar.  Yum!


7. Let rise


8. Bake, then let cool!


9. Enjoy!  (Truthfully, I had intended to take pictures after each bite, but I was overtaken by the warm, buttery, sugary goodness and instead just focused on eating it!)



Thanks for tuning in to baking with Jules!  Please keep him in your prayers as he continues to practice his skills and eventually looks for work as a baker.  He is a great guy and we are proud of him!