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A toddler proudly rushes to show her Sunday school artwork to her big sister. A school-aged child scans the audience to see his parents watch him perform. A teen gets emotional over the applause she receives after delivering a heartfelt speech. You and I, whether we admit it or not, also long to be lauded, validated, or acknowledged for some of our accomplishments or for simply doing a good job. Be it on birthdays, special events, and occasions—like being on stage to get a diploma—we all want to be recognized or appreciated.

When it comes to students—kindergarten, elementary, or high school—it's not any different. Being in a phase where there's not only much learning but also change and growth, they, too, need to be recognized for their milestones and successes. This is where the Baccalaureate comes in. The Baccalaureate is a celebration of our students' hard work and achievements. It is where graduates are recognized and praised for finally crossing the finish line. It's a joyous celebration, but only so because the people grace the occasion and express love to the celebrants. That's what makes it special—you and me and the love that we share with them.

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Warmly welcomed by our Program Director, Eunice Guinanoy, and Field Director, Roberto Atienza Jr., the tone of the celebration was set. In a moment, the graduates began to be recognized, and first up were two kindergarteners who beamed with pride upon hearing their names called for their first graduation. After the recognition, three elementary graduates and a graduate's sister sang and danced with smiles that showed how much they cherished each other. Six junior high school graduates also carried out a skit that spoke some snippets of their high school journey, hearts' worries and desires, and a message affirming that the Lord's purpose will prevail in their lives. One senior high school graduate also shared a thank-you speech expressing gratitude to CSC and two other graduates' reflections and gratitude to the Lord and everyone who supported them to make their way to the end of a chapter. Their journey was not just about academic achievements but also about emotional growth and resilience, which we all can relate to.

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Heartfelt prayers echo in the room where heads are bowed. One of the celebration's highlights is when houseparents prayed for their respective graduates. We surrendered the graduates' new chapter to our unchanging Heavenly Father. To continue the lovely atmosphere, everyone enjoyed various snacks and refreshments. The attendees were delighted to see the appealing colors and flavors of the food and enjoyed the bites while conversations flowed easily, punctuated by laughter and shared memories.

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Our presence, applause, prayers, and efforts to celebrate are the ways we validate their achievements. We were there, too; we graduated, too. And we had our share of victories and celebrations. Some people were with us, too—many or few. There may have been times when no one was there to watch us succeed. It doesn't make the milestone any less significant. What's important is that we finished something. What is better though is that we celebrate with people. That's what a Baccalaureate is—a celebration of shared achievements and the community that makes it possible.

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Babies in God's Hands

Oct. 8, 2014By: Joel Reasoner

When a new baby is being cradled lovingly in the arms of the person caring for him, we are given a glimpse of being held in the hands of God.

Two weeks ago, a two day old newborn boy came to CSC. This week, a little baby girl joined CSC at about one week old.  They are both in good health, but still they need constant care, just like any newborn baby.  They are fragile, demanding, beautiful, and completely dependent. 

We are babies to God.  We need constant care even when we are in the best place in our lives and doing the very best we can.  With God’s hands to guide and protect us, we can do amazing things.  Actually, God does amazing things through us. 

It is humbling to care for a newborn baby.  A baby's potential is vast and we can be a part of fulfilling that potential.  God wants to use us to fulfill His plans. 

National Teacher's Day!

Oct. 5, 2014By: Lindsay Hoeft

Last Friday was National Teacher's Day!  What a great day to be reminded of the many blessings we have in our talented faculty.  It made me think of what makes a good teacher...well, good.  All I had to do was watch our teachers in action and the answers are all there.

A good teacher...

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gives their students a voice


prays over them

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leads by example


strategizes with them

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gives them the stage sometimes


lends a helping hand

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motivates them to try


loves them

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cheers them on

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rewards their effort

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and makes learning fun!

We have better than good teachers at Cebu Children of Hope School----we have phenomenal teachers!  Please remember them in your prayers for CSC and I hope that you say an extra prayer for all teachers everywhere.  Their job is a very tough, but oh so important one and they need God's strength in all that they do.



Oct. 2, 2014By: Featured Guest

Art time is commonly one of the favorites of students around here. This is the time the students get to express themselves and release the inner artist. In art, there are open-ended and boundless creative possibilities.

Group 3A kids were eager and excited to have their art class, because they had missed it for three straight weeks due to scheduling conflicts. When I announced to the class what they were going to do, they were thrilled.


I set up the working area outdoors hoping they could connect with nature and get an inspiration while doing primary color painting.  The frenzied students wanted to start right away each using a set of primary color paints with 3 brushes and 1 piece of white paper.

jam2d4d6f6d407At first, some students were capricious and dubious of what they were going to do or make.  Were they going to mix the colors to create new ones or work only with the primary colors?  But after a moment they were overflowing with ideas. 




  It's so neat to see what they can do on their own.  Each a work of art indeed!  


- Jae Ann Labra, Level C Teacher

Morning Meeting: Risk and Consequence and Astronomy

Sep. 30, 2014By: Joel Reasoner

The Level C1 students have been reading about risk and consequence while C2 class has been reading about astronomy.  They came together to lead morning meeting. Each class helped the other to show the other students what they have been learning.

The highlights of the morning included reciting Bible verses which dealt with promises and consequences from God, reenacting the moon landing of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, and preforming the song “Outer Space” live—complete with guitars and puppets.

Check out the “Outer Space” song here.

Future Leaders

Sep. 19, 2014By: Featured Guest

“Train up a child in the way he should go

and when he is old he will not depart from them.”  

Proverbs 22:6

Meet the future leaders and community helpers. Every day they come to school with fully charged energy, unstoppable curiosity, richly given ability, and a hungry desire to be trained.

Because they were blessed to have a chance to come to school and be given attention, with a big smile and with confidence, they say that in due time and with the Lord’s help they will be prepared to face life independently and be equipped to serve the community.

“When I grow up I want to be a teacher.” – Jennifer

“When I grow up I want to be a firefighter.” – Danilo

“When I grow up I want to be a police officer.” – Andrew

“When I grow up I want to be an army.” – Carlo


-Charis Adlawan, Level A Teacher