Life is a continuous journey of transitions and new beginnings. In these moments of change, although they may seem uncomfortable, we gain experience and have the opportunity to grow, adapt, and shape our destinies. It is true and inevitable, especially in the lives of young adults—a whirlwind of change and growth.
The journey of our residents from childhood to becoming young adults is filled with exciting opportunities and daunting challenges. In their case, this also means aging out of legal adoption options and transitioning into an independent living program. Although one door was closed and not warranted for them, God remained faithful and true, as they were not forsaken but only redirected to another path dedicated to exploring the art of navigating life's many shifts with resilience and positivity.
This year, seven (7) residents celebrated a new milestone and will eventually transition to our new home for older residents. It is with mixed emotions as they embark on a journey together, where they will delve into the complexities of transitions—from moving to a new home and sharing bedrooms and closets soon, following a new set of rules and guidelines, practicing autonomy and decision-making, embarking on new relationships, or simply seeking personal growth. This transition to adulthood and self-sufficiency can be demanding and dire for any young adult. Understandably, leaving the comfort and security provided by their previous homes to face uncertainties and independence may not be easily adjusted. However, despite the unknowns, there are still sparks of excitement and hope as they look forward to learning and experiencing more while navigating these transformative moments toward adulthood.
In Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV), the Lord said, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.", we hold that God is in control during these times in our residents' lives. He has already meticulously and thoughtfully mapped out the course of our children's lives. Whilst the residents faithfully wait for His plan to unfold and discover their purpose in life, we aim and pray to be their steadfast companion, offering insights, guidance, and inspiration to help them embrace life's continuous metamorphosis with grace and open arms, harnessing the potential within each new beginning.
Together, let us continually pray for all of these young adults and be with them as they embark on a path toward greater self-discovery and personal transformation with faith and courage and emerge stronger and wiser on the other side. The journey is just the beginning, and may the possibilities be as limitless as their potential.
The journey through life transitions is made easier when we know we are not alone.
Wheelchairs of Hope
Two weeks ago, my family (Joel, Ethan, Shari, Paul) and I had the great opportunity to visit friends and relatives in Japan. Joel, Shari and I spoke at Kurume Christ Church (previously described by Shari in her blog) about CSC and their foster friends. We also had the chance to visit Wheelchairs of Hope.
Wheelchairs of Hope is a non-profit organization in Japan that refurbishes and distributes used wheelchairs donated by companies, individuals and other organizations. Their main beneficiaries are the countries around Asia. As of February 9, 2016, they have given away 2,000+ wheelchairs all over Asia including the Philippines.
In 2009, through the
connections of friends in Japan, Wheelchairs of Hope donated a wheelchair to
CSC. Since then, we have been in their
minds as a wheelchair recipient. Whenever
they ship wheelchairs to the Philippines, Wheelchairs of Hope never fails to
contact us and ask if we need a wheelchair or two. It was a wonderful surprise to see a picture
of John Ray, who received a wheelchair from them, at their warehouse. Even though it was 7 years ago, they kept John
Ray’s picture in a frame, never forgetting the little time they shared with him. One of the people who came to CSC in 2009 still
remembered John Ray and asked how he is doing.
I like visiting and hearing stories about other organizations and foundations that have a heart like Children’s Shelter of Cebu; at the same time, sharing our story with them. God uses different people from different walks of life to serve His people and glorify His name. Having visited Wheelchairs of Hope made me proud of the work we are doing at CSC and humble at the same time.
“In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use. Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.”—2 Timothy 2:20-21 NIV
The Campers are Ready!
There has been an excitement going around CSC for the past few weeks. Every other year in February a work team from Minnesota comes and does a camp with the older kids at CSC. They get to ride a bus and travel to camp. Once at camp it is four days of fun, fun, fun! The kids get to hear from Gods word, swim, sing, play silly games, eat good food, have camp fires, hang out with really cool people, and so much more. It is definitely an experience the kids never forget!
Camp is approaching this week but the kids have had their bags packed for awhile already. Those who have been to camp before have shared with their new friends at CSC all about it. Our work team arrived within the last few days and everyone is ready!
A big thank you to our work team for coming and giving our kids such a special experiences! Please keep our kids and work team in your prayers as they are off at camp this coming week and weekend.
Tale of Two Offices
As you may know, my wife and I have been serving in Cebu on
a short term basis. We were there for about 13 months. We returned to MN at the
end of December because of an urgent health concern in a close family member
and will be ending our time with CSC in March. While the circumstances which brought
us home have been discouraging we’ve been blessed by how flexible CSC has been
with allowing us to continue to serve.
Going to the office in Minnesota has been a slight adjustment. Instead of seeing Mitch each morning, we see Matt. At lunch time, we don’t hear Cebuano, we only hear English. In Cebu I was relieved to get to the office and sit in air conditioning, now I see snow outside and keep inching my chair towards the sunlight.
Strangely though, it’s the similarities that have been more striking. The people who come in and out of both offices are talking about what’s new with the kids. The walls are covered with pictures of the same smiling faces. Even the work is the same; it’s true that many of the tasks are different, but that great momentum God gives us to bring glory to His name while serving these children, it remains unchanged.
What an amazing thing that God has done; bringing so many people with so many different stories together to share in the work He has in store for us.
Annual Physical Check-up for All CSC Workers
Yesterday the CSC workers all had their annual physical checkup. A big truck pulled up into the driveway at CSC and the workers came throughout the day to have blood work, chest x-rays and a physical checkup. The needles were not well liked by the workers but they were grateful to know more about their health.
Aunties waiting for their turn.
Blood pressure check
The least favorite. Blood extraction
A Dip in the pool for reading
As I do research for my book on the history of CSC I find stuff that can't go in a written volume but is part of the story of CSC. I can mention it in the book but I can't put in the video that shows it. Here is one such incident, when the kids ganged up on me because they won the Reading Challenge. This was around 2006. Fun times at Children of Hope School. At my expense!