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This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 (English Standard Version)

Praise the Lord for the first week of school. It is an exciting week for the CCHS family. Teachers and students were waiting for this day to come. We believe God ordained this day to mark a fresh beginning. Here we are opening our new school year while transitioning to our new normal. Upon entering the school we have to wear our face masks, step on our new foot bath, have our temperatures taken then sanitize our hands. Students enter and exit their classroom following the arrows.














We have a new clinic at CCHS! Over the summer we set up our clinic. We are thankful for the efforts done by the team who made this clinic possible. From facilities who built this room initially during lockdown for quarantined employees to our medical staff and the office staff that helped us placed medical equipment and supplies. As mandated by the Department of Education, students, teaching and other personnel are strictly prohibited from eating together while facing one another. Eating shall be done in a manner where all individuals face in one direction and do not talk while their masks are off. CCHS made changes on the setting up the snack room this school year to follow that instruction.


Here are some of the students' comments on being back at CCHS:
Maribel – CCHS is great! I like to borrow books in the library, eat with my classmates in the snack room, and to be with my teachers.
Mias – I am happy to be back at CCHS. I want to learn new things from all the subjects. I like to be with my teacher in the classroom because our classroom is Awesome!
Ryan – I am happy to learn new things and meet teacher Merce. I am excited to be in the library too.
John Mark – I am happy to be at CCHS. I enjoy learning new things. I am excited to be with teacher Alfie, play during Physical Education and play musical instrument.
Ford – I am happy at CCHS because I can write my name, draw a horse, answer in our workbook, eat snack, and drink water. Our classroom has toys and tools and I like it.

As a school, we are looking forward to meaningful and fruitful days ahead. We would like to encourage you to journey with us for school year 2022-2023.

Love is a verb

Mar. 6, 2013By: Lindsay Hoeft

Actions speak louder than words...

I see this adage lived out every day by our workers.  They care for our kids in a way that goes above and beyond what is outlined in their job description.  They do their job---whether it is preparing a meal, overseeing bathtime, homework time, changing diapers, or making sure our vehicles are safe and in good running order---with heart and dedication to the ministry of CSC.  They love these kids and it shows!

 How our Uncles love...

Taking care of our homes


Celebrating a special day


Playing with them


Holding them---even though it means you will get sticky in the process!


Praying over them


Helping them play safely


How our Aunties love...

Helping with homework 


 Meeting a need


Encouraging cooperative play


Laughing with them


Being one of our children's first teachers!


Providing one-on-one attention


And the list goes on....

I believe we learn how to love and how to be kind to others from how we are loved and treated by those around us.
It warms my heart every time I see one of our kids loving another one of our kids, but what else would you expect when they have such good teachers?  :)


How our kids love each other...








 We love because he first loved us." 1 John 4:19


Snack Time

Mar. 5, 2013By: Amy Pacada

Every day after school the kids come home and eat a snack before going out to play. I was in the Eicher home today while snack was being made and thought I would show you some photos of snack time.  Cheese bread is always a hit!

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Happy Birthday!

Mar. 4, 2013By: Sandy Swanson

"Happy Birthday!"  is something that we say a lot at CSC.  We work hard to make each birthday a special occassion for  each of our kids.   Really,  all our kids have of their own is their name and their birthday,  most other things have been taken from them. 

We have the big event on the exact date of their birthday....even if that means we have three different birthday parties in one week.    The kids know exactly what to expect.  They like to wear red on their birthday.   Their birthday will be celebrated in their house,  all the staff are invited and each of the kids get to invite two more people...usually one  kid from each of the other two houses, but sometimes they invite their teachers from school. If we happen to have two birthdays on one day that just means the party doubles,  we usually have it outside because all the kids from two houses are included.   Most often the first thing that happens is the kids are presented with a printed copy of all the greetings that were posted on FaceBook for their Birthday - they especially love looking at each of the tiny FaceBook profile photos!  They do read the notes as well.   We always have a rousing (read LOUD) birthday song and lots of table banging (trust me - it goes with the song).   Following that we all have to tell the birthday child "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" and expect a "Thankyou" in return.    Then is time for a special prayer for the birthday child,  the child gets to chose a staff person to pray for them.  We are always certain  to thank God for bringing this child to CSC and for each of the talents that we know this child has.  Then...time to eat.   The kids love to have chicken and spaghetti!  Sometimes the menu varies (and that makes the staff happy.)  After everyone has eaten all they want (and that usually does not include vegetables when they get to fill their own plates) it is time for Ice Cream and Birthday Cake, but first they have to have their picture taken with their specially ordered birthday cake.   The birthday child is usually the first one done eating.   The last big event of the evening is getting their gift! They are so excited to get their birthday gift...CSC kids are appreciative and happy with what they receive.  It is a blessing to watch their face as each thing is pulled out of their bags...okay,  clothes usually get tossed aside rather quickly,  but they are happy to wear them the next day!   Then it is time to pack everything back in the birthday bag and bring it upstairs to their bedrooms to find special places to keep each thing (usually that will be in their bed with them for a few nights at least).   Yep,  we love birthdays at CSC.  Each and every one of them.





Recent School Activities

Mar. 3, 2013By: Tammy Vosika

There are always lots of activities going on at the school.  Conferences, morning meetings, and programs.  It has been a very busy last few weeks.  Here are some of the programs we've had lately!

Level A2 Morning Meeting:

Two weeks ago Level A2 presented a morning meeting about different types of weather!  They did a cute skit in which a boy took pictures of the kids acting out all of the seasons.  That was followed up with the students explaining several different types of weather.  Then they danced to the song "Beautiful Day" before closing up the morning with a game.  For the game, two kids had to form a house with their arms.  A third child sat inside as the "baby".  Whenever there was a storm, the houses fell apart and everyone had to run around to form a new house with a new baby.  There was a bit of confusion during every "storm", but lots of laughter as well!  


Science & Math Day:

Last Thursday, our school held our annual Science & Math Day.  The program was split into two different parts.  The first part was the math quiz bowl.  The kids were all quite excited about it and many had asked their teachers in advance to PLEASE help them practice.  Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, number comparison, and fractions were just a few of the topics covered.  They all did a great job and it was fun to see the teamwork and encouragement that went on within the teams!  The second part of the program included presentations from each of the science classes.  Group 2 shared about plants and how they grow!  Group 3 explained potential & kinetic energy.  Then they used a roller coaster to demonstrate those types of energy.  Group 4 showed examples of energy transformation!  After all of the science presentations, the kids were clapping and spontaneously yelled out, "Science rules!!"  It's fun to see their love for science!  The day ended with two math dances put on by our older kids!  Here is a short video that we showed about group 4's energy creations. They had to create something that would move a Ping-Pong ball as far as possible!

Level B Morning Meeting:

Last Friday, Level B presented their morning meeting.  It started off with the girls performing a fun dance to the song "Show Jesus" by Jamie Grace.  Then they did a cute skit about camouflage.  The rabbit kept running into things that were hidden in the grass, trees, and flowers!  The program ended by acknowledging the March birthday celebrants!  

DSC01648Check out more pictures from these events!

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Math Girls

Feb. 28, 2013By: Lindsay Ostrom


I never loved math as a student, but every year my love for teaching math grows a little bit more. And this year my love for teaching math is at an all time high because of my hard working and motivated students! I have never had students who are so excited to not only know if they got it right or wrong, but WHY they got it right or wrong. Sometimes they interrogate me - in a good way - "Why, teacher Lindsay? Can you show me number 6 again?" It's like a teacher's dream come true.


Not only do they love to work on their assignments in class, they will gladly accept homework and even get excited about "extra challenge" assignments. They truly hunger for knowledge and academic challenge, and it's such a privilege to be their teacher.

They even sing songs about math!


I'm so proud of these girls. :)