God's grace shows itself to me in many ways. Some are glorious and some are not. By the grace of God, for instance, I have enough to eat, a good place to live, money for my diabetes medications and meaningful work that provides many emotional, material and spiritual blessings. But just 0utside my office are children who go to sleep hungry, who wake up with nobody to say "good morning," and with only bleak prospects for having their basic needs met. This noon I drove to McDonalds for a late lunch and was heading back to the office to eat. At the stoplight a little boy approached my car, tapped on my window and held out a deformed hand to ask for money. He motioned to his stomach to indicate that he was hungry. In his eyes was a hunger that went beyond his need for something to eat to indicate a hopelessness at life in general. But he doesn't have the luxury of looking at his life reflectively. He was hungry, and was looking at the food that I had purchased at the drive through that was on the seat next to me, food that I could easily do without. I gave him a handful of fries and drove off. On other occasions I might have just shook my head and not given him anything. Nutritionists might say that he was better off with nothing than a greasy fry, I don't know. But as I drove away my mind came up with many questions that I have considered often in my 38 years in Cebu, questions that don't really have answers but weigh heavily on my heart on occasions such as this.
- Why does this little guy have nothing and I have everything? Is there a single thing about how I have lived my life that qualifies me for advantage? Has this little guy done anything wrong to deserve a withered arm and a hungry tummy?
- Why didn't I just give him my whole lunch instead of a few paltry fries? By suppertime I would be dining on a good meal and he would be hungry again. Likely, I just wanted him to go away from my car.
- What does he think about me and what I represent?
- If he ever does look to the future, does he have a shred of hope that things will get better for him? With little or no positive family or other adult influence, with no access to health care or decent education, and with daily exposure to the many dangers from living on the street, is there any chance whatsoever that he will? What will be different for him, his eventual children and theirs?
- What is life like without hope? Can I even begin to understand that?
The disparities of life in a country like the Philippines are hard to grasp. Living here provides graphic proof that God's grace has nothing to do with merit. Not a thing. That kid deserves a break much more than I ever do or will. All I can do, perhaps, is to think about why God called me to live much of my life here and not in the country of my birth. Some people think that, in choosing to live here, I forsook the luxuries of life for the difficulties of the third world. But I live in the lap of luxury here, too. I just have to pay an emotional price for doing so as I come face to face with people who struggle just to stay alive.
I've been dealing with these same questions for 38 years! At CSC we have been able to help lots of little guys like the one I saw today. We have taken in the hungry, the lame, the disfigured, the homeless. We have dispensed food, medicine, knowledge, even hope. But we aren't helping this little guy at all. Except for a fistfull of fries. Of course we can't help everyone, I know that. But that knowledge doesn't remove his image from my mind or, on the other hand, make his life one ounce better.
I pray for wisdom, to accept the things that I cannot change, to be an agent of positive change where I can, and to know the difference, even though knowing that difference does not provide emotional relief from the confrontations with hopelessness that are a part of life in a place like this. I guess the best way to accomplish the dictates of the above-cited Serenity Prayer is to focus on the things that I can change, not on what I cannot. On the tree, not the forest. But I'm very sure that there are things that I can change if I open my mind to them, to see people not as an inconvenience but an opportunity. Maybe I can use some of the incomprehensible advantages that have been bestowed on me to offer some measure of relief and, maybe, even hope to people like the little boy who I cannot get out of my head.
On Being Fruitful
How do you know if what you're doing really matters? Does the same effort always produce the same results? How do you quantify the investment you make in someone's life? These are all questions that never seem to have a concrete answer, but nevertheless they consume our thoughts on a daily basis.
In reading a devotional recently, I was reminded that the culture and society we live in today is focused on success. We're constantly being asked what we've accomplished, how many "wins" we have, ... as if the evidence of success is measured by how much we have or have done.
Those of us who have a relationship with Jesus should have a different perspective. From the beginning, God had a plan for us:
God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground." Genesis 1:28 (NIV)
Being fruitful is different from being successful. Jesus said it this way:
Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me." John 15:1-4 (NIV)
At CSC, our investment in the lives of the children in our care cannot always be measured. Physical growth, academic achievement and emotional maturity are all markers of growth, but we won't likely see the fruit until much later. In fact, many of those in our care now may experience many years of struggle and hardship before years of joy and contentment.
We're in the process of building a new home on a familiar site to many in Cebu. The new home and office complex is where CSC has done ministry for the past 30 of our last 45 years. The home will be a combination of apartment- and dorm-style housing and will be geared toward our young and emerging adult residents. The location is ideal and will offer our older residents better access to the city, for schooling and employment. The program we are offering these residents will be custom-tailored to strengthen their life skills and set them up to pursue their personal hopes and dreams and strive to be the people God had designed them to be. We appreciate your prayer and support. We're excited to share more with you in the coming weeks!
Who knows what the future holds for those CSC who make a life for themselves in the Philippines. God does. And we will be there for them every step of the way.
Grace and Peace,
Kirby Stoll
From Head to Toe...
"Sometimes the smallest things can take up the most room in your heart." This quote from Winnie the Pooh is often related to a newborn baby coming into the lives of a family; however, this also holds to what we feel every time we welcome a new kid (newborn or toddler) to CSC. We just love everything about them, from the top of their head to their tiniest toes!
Another Leap
As the academic year of 2022-2023 draws to a close. I can't help but be in awe of how God worked and moved. Time flew by, sometimes gently and other times tumultuously, and just like that, the school year will soon be encapsulated within its boundaries. I find myself reminiscing about the days, weeks, and months - the school year brimming with new, anticipated, and unexpected challenges. Our experiences have encompassed formal and informal conversations, experiencing tears and laughter, navigating the pressures of academics and personal growth, and finding moments of pure joy while held steadfastly by God's unwavering grace, which carried our high school students through.
As I prepare to welcome a new wave of high school students, I peer into this future with this reflection on the past. What kind of ride will it be this time? How will it all turn out? Undoubtedly, obstacles will be present, and indeed the road will be rough, but will we have the courage to face and overcome them?
As I muse on these things, I'm reminded of how far we have come when I look at our high school students. They have graduated despite all they have gone through. It wasn't a smooth ride, but the fact that they have made it here only attests to God's goodness, even in times of doubt and difficulties. Despite the hurdles and challenges, they have managed to push through by God's grace. Now, six junior high school students, two senior high school students, and two ALS students stand on the precipice, ready to take another leap over the fence of doubts and fears as they venture into new realms of growth, challenges, demands, and experiences. Equipped with their learnings, carrying a teachable heart, and holding on to His promises to take care of them, they are ready to take another leap and begin a new chapter, comforted by the knowledge that support will accompany them.
Now that they are ripe for new challenges, I can only be inspired by the students I lead. It's going to be tough ahead, but God is greater, and He is faithful. Through Him, we shall all boldly leap into the next chapter.
As we bid farewell to the school year 2022 - 2023, I can only be proud of my students and be thankful to God for them. Through their hard work, they persevered. They ran the race while glancing at their sides and cheering each other on to keep doing the hard work; offering help and support to each other along the way. As they step into the future known by God, let us remind them that they are loved and have a calling. Together let's brace for what is coming, and by God's strength, I know that we all can embrace another year with anticipation and trust in the God who calls us to leap in faith.
Teaching is not simply a Job, but a Calling
As a teacher, my role goes beyond imparting knowledge to my students. I have the privilege and responsibility to be an instrument of shaping their character, instilling good values, and helping them grow into well-rounded individuals. And one of the most important values I strive to teach them is the love of God.
As a Christian teacher, my calling is to reflect God's love in everything I do, including how I interact with my students. I make sure that every student feels seen, heard, and valued. I take the time to get to know them, their interests, and their struggles. I listen to their stories tries to create a safe and inclusive classroom environment where everyone feels welcome.
I strive to demonstrate compassion, kindness, and forgiveness. I realize my students struggle in dealing with daily challenges as they interact with one another, but I feel that by showing them grace and forgiveness, I can teach them how to extend these traits to others. One of the ways that I express God's love to my students is by including prayer in our daily routine. Before each session, we take a moment to pray together, asking for God's direction and blessing on our day.
Another way that I strive to represent God's love is by using the Bible to teach my students values such as honesty, integrity, and humility. I believe that the lessons of the Bible have timeless wisdom that may help lead us in our daily lives, and I aim to assist my students in recognizing the relevance of these teachings in their own lives.
Overall, I believe teaching is a calling not just a career path. As a Christian teacher, I am honored to share God's love with my learners and help them grow into God's purpose and design. I am thankful to be a part of this teaching ministry. I pray that God will continue to guide me and all the teachers who have chosen the adventure of teaching children.
On Friendships
I was reading recently about friendships and how as adults we often do things--knowingly and unknowingly--that put on our friends an unnecessary responsibility. Maybe we say something in hopes of getting a response. Maybe we do something and then later wonder if it was done with the right motive.
Children demonstrate a refreshingly different perspective than adults on friendships. I see this as I watch my own children relate to their friends. Sure, they experience ups and downs, good feelings and hurt feelings, but they also have this way of demonstrating spontaneous, unfiltered and unconditional love to those they call friends. There is a lot of laughter involved more often than not.
A childlike perspective is likely what we all need as we view life with those in community with us. It reminds me of words that Jesus spoke that says, "anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it" (Luke 18).
Pictures from the last two blog entries -- Sports Fest 2023 and Toddler Playground -- remind me of the friendships our CSC children have with each other and the joy they can experience as a part of the CSC family. They are an inspiration to us all!
Today I plan to think about my friendships--the new and the old--and to consider how I approach them...hopefully with a childlike perspective.
Our Spring 2023 issue of News from Cebu was mailed this week. It's so exciting to see the Mission of CSC -- for nearly 45 years now -- being fulfilled as we provide the loving, Christ-centered home that provides a strong foundation for healthy friendships.
Grace and Peace,