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Posts By: Jehdeiah EnriquezShow All

Another Leap

Jun. 22, 2023By: Jehdeiah Enriquez

As the academic year of 2022-2023 draws to a close. I can't help but be in awe of how God worked and moved. Time flew by, sometimes gently and other times tumultuously, and just like that, the school year will soon be encapsulated within its boundaries. I find myself reminiscing about the days, weeks, and months -  the school year brimming with new, anticipated, and unexpected challenges. Our experiences have encompassed formal and informal conversations, experiencing tears and laughter, navigating the pressures of academics and personal growth,  and finding moments of pure joy while held steadfastly by God's unwavering grace, which carried our high school students through. 

As I prepare to welcome a new wave of high school students, I peer into this future with this reflection on the past. What kind of ride will it be this time? How will it all turn out? Undoubtedly, obstacles will be present, and indeed the road will be rough, but will we have the courage to face and overcome them?

As I muse on these things, I'm reminded of how far we have come when I look at our high school students. They have graduated despite all they have gone through. It wasn't a smooth ride, but the fact that they have made it here only attests to God's goodness, even in times of doubt and difficulties. Despite the hurdles and challenges, they have managed to push through by God's grace. Now, six junior high school students, two senior high school students, and two ALS students stand on the precipice, ready to take another leap over the fence of doubts and fears as they venture into new realms of growth, challenges, demands, and experiences. Equipped with their learnings, carrying a teachable heart, and holding on to His promises to take care of them, they are ready to take another leap and begin a new chapter, comforted by the knowledge that support will accompany them. 

Now that they are ripe for new challenges, I can only be inspired by the students I lead. It's going to be tough ahead, but God is greater, and He is faithful. Through Him, we shall all boldly leap into the next chapter.

As we bid farewell to the school year 2022 - 2023, I can only be proud of my students and be thankful to God for them. Through their hard work, they persevered. They ran the race while glancing at their sides and cheering each other on to keep doing the hard work; offering help and support to each other along the way. As they step into the future known by God, let us remind them that they are loved and have a calling. Together let's brace for what is coming, and by God's strength, I know that we all can embrace another year with anticipation and trust in the God who calls us to leap in faith.
