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Last October we entered the Support Give-Away Contest for Resource Mate, the library automation program we use at Cebu Children of Hope School.  It doesn't sound too glamorous, but we thought it would be worth it to submit the required essay to see if we could win a year of free tech support.  The essay had to describe how Resource Mate helps impact our community.  Well, we just found out we won the contest!!!  Woo Hoo!!!

Here's the essay we submitted:

It’s library day and Eugene wants to check out the next book in the Ranger’s Apprentice series.  He looks at the spine label and heads to the “Fla” part of the Fiction section.  Juliet wants to check out a Clifford book.  She read one in her class and is excited there are more books about Clifford.  I help her look in the Easy section and we hunt for the spine labels that have “Bri.”  Mary Grace is ready to tackle chapter books and wants to know where to look for ones for girls.  I point her in the direction of the Fiction section of books with spine labels that read “Ame” for American Girl books.  Maybe she’d like to try a Junie B. Jones book too.  The Level B reading class is studying about camouflage.  A bunch of the kids ask where to find books about animals that use camouflage.  We brainstorm about how to do that and someone remembers that we should search on the Resource Mate computer using the keyword camouflage.  The Reading Challenge contest is in full swing.  Kids race into the library each day to return their books and check out a new stack to read at home.  Teacher Amanda comes into the library looking for books on the theme of risks and consequences.  She searches and finds a number of books she can check out and keep in the classroom for the kids to read while they are working on this topic.  Teacher Alfie stops in right before leaving for the day to check out some books to read to his girls at home.  Sounds like a pretty normal day in the life of a library. 

But the library at Cebu Children of Hope School is anything but normal or typical in this city of 866,000 people with one public library.  Our library serves the community of children who reside at Children’s Shelter of Cebu, an orphanage in Cebu City, Philippines and the staff who work with the children.  All of the children who come to live at Children’s Shelter of Cebu are from the surrounding communities on the island of Cebu or neighboring islands.  The vast majority of the children have either never attended school or have attended very little.  When the children start attending school at Children of Hope School, they often do not know the letters of the alphabet much less how to read.  Usually it is safe to say no one has ever had a book read to them.  Needless to say, they have never seen a library. 

Library__2The children are thrilled to learn what a library is.  No one has to convince them how cool it is to browse the shelves of books and check out books to take home to the shelter.  Teachers have also often never been inside a proper library.  To have an automated system and thousands of books at their fingertips is pretty unbelievable.  The children and teachers are taught how to look for books in the library.  They learn what spine labels and bar codes are and how the books are organized on the shelves.  They are taught how to search for books by title, author, subject, or keyword.  The children hover around the Resource Mate computer in the library eager to have their books scanned so they can start reading their selections. 

Library__3Most of the children who come through the doors of the shelter and school are adopted either locally or internationally.  Currently the children have been adopted into families in fourteen different countries around the world.  The experience and knowledge gained at our school and in our library goes with them to their new countries, communities, and families. 

On the surface, the little library at Cebu Children of Hope School seems pretty normal, but every day really is a little bit miraculous in our slice of the world on the tiny island of Cebu in the Pacific Ocean. 


Partial Banquet Review

May. 5, 2014By: Paul Healy

We watched the Banquet early on Sunday morning here in Cebu. We had planned to Skype, but that wasn't possible so we went with Face Time. That provided a good visual connection but we had almost no sound. So we tried to read lips and anticipate what people would be saying. It was fun but a little frustrating. Anyway, here is what we saw. We will rely on others who were actually there to provide a full report.

We saw hundreds of friends of CSC, gathered together to celebrate 35 years of ministry in Cebu. And the celebration was grand, with a giant cake, a video featuring the CSC kids and staff dancing and partying, and special gifts for Table 35. We saw a cool looking jazz group that appeared to be playing well.

We saw a brand new emcee (Jared Gustafson) who was entusiastic, and whose love for CSC was evident. And he kept things moving along; the program was over by 8:30!

We saw a huge cake and a fun looking birthday celebration.

We saw our former resident, Erna, standing up so beautiful and confident as she told her story, and helped everyone see CSC through her eyes when she came to live with us.

We saw other speakers delivering what appeared to be heart-felt messages about the ministry.

We saw our people respond, once again, to the offering challenge, giving more than $118,000 for the children in Cebu. (Thanks to the slide that was projected with the offering total!)

We saw people we know and those we don't yet know. We saw and felt God's presense in the room, and we are all grateful to God for bringing all these great people together to celebrate what is happening here in Cebu.

Thanks to all who attended and those who gave so generously.

A Banquet for the Ages

May. 5, 2014By: Matt Buley


"CSC is a place where some of us found our first good memories, for we came from broken homes and poverty. We had our first experience of Christmas, celebrating birthdays and the first memories of feeling acceptance and love. Through my eyes and the eyes of others, CSC was a place filled with love and second chances at life." - Erna Ahlmann, 2014 Banquet Keynote Speaker

Wow, what a testimony Erna shared of CSC. The attendees of our 35th birthday celebration were so blessed by her willingness to share her story.

The first thing we did when planning our banquet this year happened some nine months ago. We called our host, Bethel University, and the church where we hold the Adoptive Family Party the night before, to find out what dates were available. This year, only one weekend was open at both places. Imagine our surprise when we realized we were holding our banquet on the evening of May 3 in Minnesota, which, at 13 hours ahead, means it was the morning of May 4 in Cebu. By some miracle we scheduled our banquet on the very day our ministry started 35 years earlier!

It was a wonderful birthday party. We sang together, laughed together, and an awful lot of us cried together. In the end, the people there provided the best birthday gift of all...weeks of ministry through their financial generosity. Any day now we will admit our 900th child, and our banquet attendees--and all our amazing supporters--made that possible.

The Wheels are in Good Hands

Apr. 26, 2014By: Joel Reasoner

Uncle Edwin and Uncle Ike were washing one of the vehicles and waiting for the next errand in need of a driver. Joemar was hanging out with them.

I asked Joemar, "Is Uncle Edwin a good driver?"

"Yes," he answered.

So I asked, "How about Uncle Ike, is he a good driver?"

Without thinking, Joemar answered, "No." And then a huge smile spread across his face as he started to laugh.

All four of us busted out laughing. Joemar had jumped on the chance to tease Uncle Ike, who is always joking with Joemar.


Uncle Ike, Joemar, and Uncle Edwin

I walked away, still chuckling. Joemar looks up to Uncle Edwin and Uncle Ike. They have driven him all over the city--to work at McDonald's, the doctor and dentist. They have helped him get on the right jeepney. They have been great role models for Joemar.

It is wonderful that Joemar can feel comfortable and at ease with the men he looks up to enough to joke around with. It is wonderful that they welcome him to joke with them. Love surrounds the children of the shelter.

CHS Graduation

Apr. 16, 2014By: Joel Reasoner

The 2013-2014 school year came to a close at Children of Hope School, culminating with the graduation ceremony.  Four students graduated from preschool and are ready to move onto kindergarten and elementary school.  Three students graduated from sixth grade and now high school awaits them. 

Smiles were all around, teachers smiling because of all the hard work of the students, proud house parents smiling at the children, and students smiling because of a job well done.

Mitch Ohlendorf, CSC Executive Director, gave an inspiring speech to the graduates.  The sixth grade graduates performed a dance with four fifth grade students to the song, "Children of the Heavenly Father."  The preschool graduates were super cute as they performed to the song, "Come Young Citizens of the World." One fifth grade student even sang her own original composition, "Savior of All." 

The graduation was a great symbol of the great school year.   Now the students and teachers can take a break of a couple months before starting into the next school overlay

A Fun Time with Visitors from Taiwan

Apr. 10, 2014By: Joel Reasoner

A Saturday full of crafts, games, and new friends is always a great day.  Recently, a group of visitors from Taiwan came to the shelter and turned a normal Saturday into just that—a great day. 

There was face painting, crafts, coloring time, nail painting, reading time, jazz music, and Mandarin lessons.  The children rotated to different activities in the morning.  Then after a Jollibee lunch picnic style, it was a free-for-all in the afternoon.  Some children went back for more face painting or crafts. A touch rugby game started up, then a volleyball game.  Through it all lots of friendships were created.  The day culminated in a drum circle with the visitors and the children—everyone working together to make great music. 

A few nights later, the Taiwan group also invited the recent graduates of elementary and high school to join them for a dinner at a nice hotel.  It was another great time of fellowship.  It is amazing how children from different places and different backgrounds can find common ground in seemingly no time at all.  After dinner the children arranged an impromptu concert next the beach.  Children from each group joined together for songs, showing what they could do. 


CSC is blessed by visitors giving their time to the children at the shelter.