Staff Blog

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Visitors often ask what a typical day is like for those of us working at the shelter.

"Good question!," I usually respond with as I scramble for the words that can best answer that good, but complex question.  And the truth is, there isn't one!

The beauty of CSC is that it is a vibrant place with a pulse.  No day is the same as one you have had before.  We all have job descriptions, but those go out the window when a need arises that has to be addressed.  And sometimes that need was maybe never anticipated.  So, you respond, you address the need.

There are common tasks for all of us: reports we should be working on, pictures we could be organizing, and blogs we should be writing...  ;)  

But there are other tasks that can become part of your day with little notice: spending time with adoptive families or visitors, meetings (in 1 week, I could attend 15 meetings!), taking children for appointments, being on duty (when a house parent is on their day off), sleeping at the shelter when the house parents will be gone overnight, attending birthday parties, taking notes during school conferences, organizing donations, attending school programs, assessing and admitting children, and the list goes on.

Every one of these tasks is just as important as the next.  Attending a child's birthday party and praying over them as they start a new year in life is just as important as updating a report.  


Assessing children for future admittance is just as significant as meeting with the house parents to discuss the health and behavior of the current children in their home.

During assessment:




The tasks before us on any given day are largely unknown!  We can think we know what the day will look like, but God's plan for our day is usually different than ours.  And that is okay.  CSC is His ministry, He has made it what it is today and it is our job to just do what He puts before us.  And truth be told, serving at CSC and being a part of these kids' lives is truly a blessing.

Life also seems to be a bit more exciting when living in a tropical country.  Last week, during a house parent meeting, I happened to see an unusual shadow moving along the outside of our office.  It was a snake!  There were screams and excitement as we ran outside to see where it was going.  The house father we were meeting with just so happens to like snakes (Thank you, Lord!), so he was eager to catch it.  In fact, he decided to take that opportunity to practice a snake-catching technique he had seen before on TV!  Amazingly, it worked.  He was able to stop it and with the help of one of our guards they picked it up and put tape on its mouth---since it was actually poisonous!



There is never a dull moment here at CSC!  Thanks for being a part of it all!


A rainy day...

May. 29, 2013By: Lindsay Hoeft

Yesterday was a glorious day!  It was overcast, breezy and there were intermittent bursts of rain.  It was welcome relief from the unrelenting heat of this summer, but also, I just love a good storm!  Because of the rain though, outside activities were at a minimum.  Normally at 3:35pm, any available space in the yard, on the driveway or on the playground equipment is being utilized.  I decided to document this rather rare occurrence...





It was definitely a riding kind of day...



Even for our Aunties!  :)



And a coloring kind of day....



And a looking at books kind of day...


And a taking silly pictures kind of day...




Pretty much my favorite part of ANY day!  :)


Thank You

May. 23, 2013By: Lindsay Ostrom

In a few days, Bjork and I will head back to Minnesota. There are so many mixed emotions that we have as we get ready to see family and friends as well as saying goodbye to the kids, staff, and CSC family.

I have been so thankful for the opportunity to work with such wonderful people this year. Here is a little glimpse at the American staff and some of the things that we appreciate about them.

Amy: Inviting, Relational, Adaptable


Lindsay: Thoughtful, Trustworthy, Insightful


Tammy: Fun-loving, Reliable, Optimistic


Sandy: Nurturing, Dedicated, Positive


Marlys: Dedicated, Compassionate, Inspiring

Paul: Dedicated, Hard Working, Loving


Thank you to all the American and Filipino staff and workers who have helped us and inspired us this year. Thank you to the kids for being cooler than we could ever put words around.

THANK YOU supporters from all over the world for making it possible for these amazing people to do such life-changing work.

And thank you to our God for working miracles through this place!


May. 22, 2013By: Lindsay Hoeft

A new craze has hit the shelter.  And it is one I cannot understand in the least.  The current trend on the playground involves beetles.


Step 1: Catch the beetle that you fancy most.

Step 2: Attach string to the leg of your choosing.

Step 3: Run!

There is NOTHING about that that is in any way appealing to me.


Okay, okay, if I could get past touching the beetle for the length of time it would take to tie a string around its leg, it MIGHT be kind of cool to have a pet on a leash that would fly alongside me.  Operative word being might.

And yet, it is an activity that currently captivates the attention of many of our children!

Check out the pure joy on the face of one of our newest kids!


The beetles (yes, more than one) are on his finger here...



In flight...



Mind-boggling happiness...

Happy Summer all!  May yours be filled with joy...and bugs, if that is what it takes!


May. 15, 2013By: Lindsay Hoeft

Our kids are incredibly gifted in many forms of expression.  They dance with a fluidity that astounds, and tumble and flip in a way that looks effortless.  They pick up song lyrics crazy fast and belt out those lyrics without abandon.  They smile readily and are prone to giggles.

We have some talented artists among us as well.  Recently the kids were having fun decorating our driveway.  Many were content with just autographing the cement, others were more focused in their artistry.  





 My favorite decoration, however, was the one you see below.  "Marty love Jesus."  That was written, not entirely grammatically correct, but quite neatly, by a 5-year-old.  You can see his proud little feet at the top!  :)  I was taken aback when I spotted this message among the flowers, butterflies and names that surrounded it.



The message was so simple, so perfect.

 As adults we worry about raising the children around us in the right way, being a good witness and teaching them about Jesus.  This message was fulfilling for me---this little boy gets it, if he does not get anything else in the world, he knows the most important thing.

 And to tell you the truth, I was humbled in that moment as well.  I was brought back to the heart of why we do what we do here at CSC.  We do this work because we love Jesus.

 Lindsay love Jesus too!  :)



May. 13, 2013By: Tammy Vosika

Our kids go in waves with their favorite activities.  For quite a while, everyone was into waveboarding.  Sometimes it's playing marbles and sometimes it's rubber bands.  The current craze is a game called "Juggling".  The kids take turns kicking a ball in the air. The first person has to kick the ball once, the second person kicks it twice, and so on.  They have up to 3 tries to get the desired number of kicks in.  Sometimes they also have contests to see who can get the most number of kicks in one try.  I haven't asked everyone, but the highest number I've heard is from Maricris.  She kept the ball in the air for 60 kicks in a row!  Amazing!