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As students engage in putting projects together, creating crafts, and using familiar materials in new ways, they are constructing meaning. These are particular times of learning when students are stimulated to learn as much as possible. In our school, we support the many varied opportunities available to our children.

In one of my respective science classes, we were learning about ears and sounds. I decided to culminate the lesson with making drums out of recycled cans and wooden sticks. As the children worked, I took time to stand in a corner, totally captivated watching the kids paying careful attention to their craft. It was a wonderful sight. My little kids were like a different group of children in an instant. They were working happily with their busy hands and thinking out loud with their creative minds. It was amazing.

This is Group 2A Science Class applying their favorite paint and adding designs to their drums.


Here they were putting on the finishing touches before turning in the project.Zel_3fdd9431d17


Finally, after all the hard work, we had a parade around the backyard of our small school. Of course, we played our drums!Zel_488c62dab0d

On a separate occasion with my SRA Reading class, we were reading the story Roxaboxen by Alice McLerran. It is a story about an imaginary town children created to play in. My students got excited and asked me if they could have their own Roxaboxen. Why! Yes, absolutely! Although I was not sure if it would be fun for the boys in class, it was actually adorable and exciting to watch them all work together. After all was said and done, my doubts disappeared. For one entire day, our classroom became a totally different, special place.


Here in our special place, the children were busy creating their rules and regulations – currency, industry, and a little bit with government. Two children helped manage a fine restaurant.



There were two stalls at the rear end of the town, a bookstore and their own version of Toy Kingdom with all the toys, games, and puzzles one could want.


Since it’s fun to have a lot of people in town, we invited some friends to visit our place. We had so much fun!


Again in the corner where I stood, I thoughtfully watched my kids. I could see the children thinking differently and in creative ways. It was not only fun, but practical and would benefit them in the long run. I positively, absolutely believe my kids are heading toward bright futures.

Our school is a place where the hands, the heart, and the mind are collectively regarded as one. In days that turn into weeks and months that turn into years, in school our children are learning more than paper and pencil. They are learning hands-on as they grow.

Just a glimpse of one of our exciting days at school…

-Zel Templa, Level B Teacher










Visitors and Volunteers

Apr. 5, 2013By: Bjork Ostrom

One thing I've been able to witness this year is how often visitors are able to use their skills and abilities to help give back to CSC. So many times people don't just visit CSC, they also volunteer at CSC.

Here are some photos from the past year of family and friends that have visited and volunteered at CSC.

1. Gordie, one of CSC's board members, recently came to see CSC in action. This is a picture of when he led a Bible study for the older boys and girls at CSC about having a positive self image.


2. My family visited CSC in February. My mom taught the kids origami and led a workshop for the teachers. My dad did a pottery demonstration and then led an art activity where the kids made clay fish (or sharks or piranhas).




IMG_03463. When Lindsay's family came to visit her dad, Allen (or Dr. Mork, in this picture), helped out by seeing some of the kids that were sick.

44. Our friend Angie recently came to visit Lindsay and I. She's an elementary school teacher back in Minnesota. She volunteered to help the preschoolers who had a lesson on clowns. She jumped right in. I love this pictures!


What an honor it is to have such incredible people visit and volunteer at CSC!

A True Calling

Apr. 4, 2013By: Lindsay Ostrom

Last week I had a friend visiting here in Cebu. Marlys Healy, the co-founder of CSC, took us on her standard "city tour" so my friend could experience Cebu a little bit more. It doesn't matter how many times I've been on that city tour with Marlys - I love driving around and seeing this city through the perspective of CSC.

There was one moment that will always stick with me from this particular city tour. Marlys stopped outside of a building to tell us a story of some kids who had come to CSC from that side of town, and she was mid-story when she happened to turn around and see these three kids on the other side of the car. Immediately she stopped telling the story and brought our attention to the kids sleeping on the concrete.


What will always stick with me from this moment seeing her get big tears in her eyes looking at these three through the car window. We all just sat there for a minute taking in this sobering reality. She even had to stop telling her story for a minute, which, if you know Marlys, is pretty significant. :) But what is so astounding about this is that Marlys has lived in Cebu and worked with kids in these very difficult situations for 35 years. And the fact that she still feels so much compassion that it moves her to tears after so many years is simply incredible. 

I praise the Lord for Marlys and her true calling and deeply compassionate heart for ministering to children in need.

Fried chicken & festivities!

Apr. 3, 2013By: Lindsay Hoeft

We had some visitors here recently.  An adoptive family had returned to show their son where he came from so many years ago.  Those visitors are such a blessing!  Our childcare workers are always touched to see the children they once fed and bathed return happy and healthy and grown.  This family went above and beyond, however.  Their son decided that he wanted to celebrate his birthday with all of the kids at CSC.  He and his family arranged to have the Jollibee birthday brigade come with balloons, food (SO much food!), games and prizes!  Check out how much fun was had!


THE FEAST!!!!  There was fried chicken, spaghetti, Yum burgers, peach mango pie and Coke!










 This game was particularly hilarious to watch.  The kids started in a circle and then had to be the quickest to get into groupings of various sizes!  There was plenty of scrambling and frantic behaviors!  Other games involved singing a song, being the first to bring up a requested object (I gave my phone, a hair clip and a 1 peso coin for the cause) or saying "Jollibee," holding out the "bee" for the longest amount of time.  Let's just say some of our kids can hold a lot of air inside their little bodies!  ;) 


Eagerly awaiting the arrival of THE Jollibee!





And he's HERE!!!!!! 





You would never know these two are archrivals---Joemar with his McDonald's hat! :)



Cool dudes!   


Clearly my camera was one of many, but you get the idea!!!  :)


Thanks to all visitors everywhere!  Your presence here is a blessing to the kids, to our workers and to the staff.

Happy Resurrection Day!

Mar. 31, 2013By: Tammy Vosika

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead" -1 Peter 1:3

There have many different activities at CSC over the last few days to remember and celebrate Jesus' resurrection!  He is RISEN!  Praise the Lord!

On Wednesday, we had an Easter program at school!  We sang praise songs to the Lord, watched several performances, and played some games related to Easter and Jesus' resurrection.  It ended with announcing the winner's of the coloring contest!  Here are the winners!


On Sunday, many of our kids performed in the morning church service.  Below is a picture of them up on stage.  It was hard to get a good picture because they were so far away.  Almost all of the kids in white are our kids!


After the church service, each of the houses had their own Easter egg hunt.  The kids had so much fun searching through the bushes and around the yard for the eggs!  Here are a few of my favorite pictures from that event!

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Carts, Carts, Carts

Mar. 30, 2013By: Marlys Healy

Carts are a popular and useful means of transporting cargo in the Philippines. In Cebu City they are used for hauling just about anything, from fruits, vegetables and meat, to hardware, wood and household items. Some families live on their carts. Carts can be seen on streets and sidewalks - everywhere that people need to transport goods at a reasonable price. Of course, the toddler cart at CSC transports the most precious cargo!












