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The recent earthquake in Cebu and the neighboring island of Bohol has resulted in suffering and loss of property. Filipinos have responded with generous efforts to help out. Food, clothing, water and building supplies are being donated and distributed by private citizens, businesses and civic organizations, even as the Philippine government and NGOs direct larger amounts of relief aid to the victims.

A few days after the quake, Ruth Ohlendorf was talking to the Teen Home residents about the relief efforts. They mentioned to her that they would love to help. They asked about the amount of money they each had in their allowance fund, and each decided to give to buy supplies for those who were hurting. One resident gave all of her money to the project. With their pooled allowances, Julieto and Roselyn went shopping at the local supermarket, and the purchased goods were brought to a distribution center.

Without being asked or even encouraged to give, these young adults responded out of love and compassion. Their hearts are good!



Giving generously and with a cheerful heart

Dec. 10, 2015By: Lindsay Hoeft

The Christmas decorations are up and holiday tunes can be heard wherever you go!  It is almost Christmas, only 15 days away!  One of my absolute favorite CSC Christmas events is Junel's box.  Maybe you have already heard the story, but for those of you who haven't...

Junel used to live at CSC.  His generous spirit was his legacy and it inspired a wonderful CSC tradition.  Before coming to CSC, Junel was not treated very well in his previous home.  He was not allowed to eat with the rest of the members of his household and he was only able to eat if there was food left over.  When he came to CSC, he expected it to be much the same.  When it was mealtime, he went and sat in a corner instead of in a chair at the table, where all of the other children were.  He needed reminders that he was just as special and loved just as much as the other CSC children.

Junel's most prized possession seemed to be a small film canister with a few coins in it.  He loved to shake the canister to hear the coins jingle and he did so frequently!  That noise signaled his caregivers of his presence and it became part of the background noise in the home.  It was so much a part of the din that one day when it was not heard, the caregivers became concerned.  "Where is Junel?!  He should be upstairs!  Everyone is home from school!"  The caregivers rushed upstairs and sure enough he was there, and so was his canister, but it no longer made any noise.  It was empty.  

In school that day, Junel's teacher had told the story of children on another island not having any slippers to wear on their feet.  He was so moved and compelled to help them that he gave all of his money, every last coin, each "noise-maker" he had.

Sacrifice.  Giving everything you have.  Giving what you cherish the most.  That is truly what this season is all about.  

"For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.  God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him."   John 3:16-17

Every year at this time, all of CSC's children hear the story of Junel.  For some of them they have heard it before, but for many, it is a story they are hearing for the first time.  For children new to CSC, they are not so far away from the life they lived before.  They can still remember begging on the street, or when their stomach hurt so much because it had been so long since they had eaten.  They have vivid memories of being in need.  The kids hear the story of Junel and then they hear of a family in their community that needs help.  They see pictures of the family and the home.  Maybe they see themselves.  The kids are then told they have the opportunity to give money from their allowance to help that family this Christmas.  The contributions will be used to buy food, and other household items to meet the needs of the family.  The family this year needs a home so if enough funds are raised, building materials could be purchased.

Every year, I am astounded at the generosity of our children.  So many of them, when told how much money is in their bank and asked how much they would like to give say, "Tanan."  Meaning everything.  They will give it all.  And they do so with big smiles on their face.

For they were once in need and now they can help others.  'Tis the season, indeed.  Merry Christmas! 

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Tree of History

Dec. 10, 2015By: Joel Reasoner

The Christmas tree is up at the school.  The kids use their pictures to make star ornaments for the tree.  New and old ornaments hang and twist in the breeze.

The many pictures draw in the kids.  The kids like to see how they have changed and grown from their ornament pictures of past years.

On this one side of the tree there is a kid who has been at CSC 14 years, the next star ornament is a kid who arrived last month, and so many others in between.

tree_of_histore059cacdc9The kids can see a part of their history on this tree. 

Big Hearts

Dec. 7, 2015By: Peter Arneson

CSC loves making new friends, and we made a few yesterday. I received an email about two women who were interested in visiting us in Cebu and learning more about shelter work in the Philippines. They feel called by God to explore this and potentially start a shelter. I got to spend some time talking with them.

It was a very exciting conversation! I was asked a lot of questions about how we do our work. Their hearts were big, but I was especially thrilled to learn about the careful consideration with which they are approaching this idea. According to my limited wisdom, Cebu could certainly use more people who are working to benefit the poor but that doesn’t mean it’s what God has in store for these two ladies. Big hearts can sometimes become so excited to give that they begin to serve because of what they get out of it, or because the need seems so great, instead of because God deserves the glory of our service. It’s okay to feel good serving others and the need is HUGE, but the point behind any ministry should be to bring glory to God. A big heart is an amazing first step. Being patient, listening carefully, and working hard in order to learn and grow are next steps.

It was an honor to be part of the next steps with our two visitors yesterday. I hope they will continue to listen to God and follow the path he has for them. Maybe that’s to Cebu!

Gifts for a King

Dec. 3, 2015By: Amanda Kliora

Christmas is coming! All of the children are becoming more excited as each day passes. During Christmas, we remember the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ. We think about giving and receiving gifts as we remember the most precious Gift to this world.

Each of the students at the Children of Hope School were asked what they want to give Jesus for Christmas. Here are a few of their responses:

A"Dear Jesus, My gift for you Jesus is I will dance."

B"Dear Jesus, My gift for you is a flower."

C "I will give Jesus my heart."

D"Dear Jesus, I will give my love to you."

E"I will give Jesus a house."

F"love my friends"

G"Dear Jesus, I will honor you with my voice."

H"obey the teachers"

I"I will give Jesus my life. I will also give Him my talent to draw."

J"My gift for Jesus is I want to be a missionary and to spread the word of God."

K"I will give Jesus a crown."

Thanksgiving Season All Year Long

Dec. 3, 2015By: Ruth Ohlendorf

      Our Thanksgiving celebration has come and gone, but giving thanks at CSC is not done.  We have so much to be thankful for every day.  We give thanks for the opportunities we have to be a part of each child’s life that comes through our doors.  We give thanks that we can be God’s hands and feet to do the things we do each day for the children.  And most of all, we give thanks for the families who make our children a part of their own family through adoption. 

        A week ago, Mitch and I had the opportunity to host Thanksgiving dinner at our home for the staff and some of the children from the shelter.  Before we ate, Mitch asked everyone to share one or two things we were grateful for.  One child said she was thankful for life.  One can just imagine what her life would be like if her parents had not entrusted her and her siblings to CSC’s care.  Another child, one of the winners in the turkey coloring contest, was shy to say what she was thankful for.  But everybody knew she was thankful for her adoptive family whose pictures she had just received a few days before. 

        Yesterday we said goodbye to a handsome two-year-old boy.  He came to CSC when he was just six days old.  Everyone, especially the aunties and uncle in his home, will surely miss his laughter, screams of joy, and affectionate hugs.  We will miss him calling us, using the last syllables of our names.  But the joy of knowing he is now a part of a family that loves and trusts God beats the sadness of saying and waving goodbye.

        Thank you, Lord, for the miracles of families You are blessing our children with!