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As I was getting ready to leave the office at the end of the day yesterday, the phone rang. I picked it up to greet the caller. The voice on the other end of the line told me that he was calling because he wanted to give half of everything he owned to CSC in his will. It took a minute for that statement to sink in. Half of everything he owned?
We chatted for a while and he explained that many years ago he traveled to Cebu, where he saw indescribable poverty. He hadn't forgotten. He shared that while he wasn't a rich man by any means, he wanted to do what he could to leave a legacy and to impact the lives of kids in need. 

At CSC we speak often about the hearts of our donors. These hearts are amazing, generous and responsive! As gifts come to CSC to support the care of our kids in Cebu, time and time again we are reminded that it is not the amount of each gift, but rather the heart of the giver. These hearts change lives and bring smiles to adorable faces like this one. IMAGE_170e2475548c3  

Tale of Two Offices

Feb. 16, 2016By: Peter Arneson

As you may know, my wife and I have been serving in Cebu on a short term basis. We were there for about 13 months. We returned to MN at the end of December because of an urgent health concern in a close family member and will be ending our time with CSC in March. While the circumstances which brought us home have been discouraging we’ve been blessed by how flexible CSC has been with allowing us to continue to serve. IMG_9744

Going to the office in Minnesota has been a slight adjustment. Instead of seeing Mitch each morning, we see Matt. At lunch time, we don’t hear Cebuano, we only hear English. In Cebu I was relieved to get to the office and sit in air conditioning, now I see snow outside and keep inching my chair towards the sunlight.

Strangely though, it’s the similarities that have been more striking. The people who come in and out of both offices are talking about what’s new with the kids.  The walls are covered with pictures of the same smiling faces. Even the work is the same; it’s true that many of the tasks are different, but that great momentum God gives us to bring glory to His name while serving these children, it remains unchanged.

What an amazing thing that God has done; bringing so many people with so many different stories together to share in the work He has in store for us.

Annual Physical Check-up for All CSC Workers

Feb. 12, 2016By: Marcel Pacada

Yesterday the CSC workers all had their annual physical checkup.  A big truck pulled up into the driveway at CSC and the workers came throughout the day to have blood work, chest x-rays and a physical checkup. The needles were not well liked by the workers but they were grateful to know more about their health.

image0dca62663fAunties waiting for their turn.

image_3c0d5ff99dcBlood pressure check


The least favorite. Blood extraction

A Dip in the pool for reading

Feb. 11, 2016By: Paul Healy

As I do research for my book on the history of CSC I find stuff that can't go in a written volume but is part of the story of CSC. I can mention it in the book but I can't put in the video that shows it. Here is one such incident, when the kids ganged up  on me because they won the Reading Challenge. This was around 2006. Fun times at Children of Hope School. At my expense!


Feb. 9, 2016By: Lindsay Hoeft




  • 1. a curved flat piece of wood that can be thrown so as to return to the thrower, traditionally used by Australian Aborigines as a hunting weapon


  • 1. (of a plan or action) return to the originator

Over the last few years, former CSC children have been returning for visits with increasing frequency.  Some families have brought their children back to the country of their birth, and to see one of their first homes, for a heritage tour.  Other children---actually young adults now---have made the journey on their own, for a more independent experience.

One former child, who was the youngest ever to leave for adoption (at age 9 months) requested to celebrate his 10th birthday with the kids of CSC; it was his birthday wish!  Another young lady, who was adopted as a toddler, was here this past October.  She is now a senior in college, studying Early Childhood Development, and wanted to return to CSC to see firsthand how the children of CSC are cared for and loved on, since she was one of them too!  Last month, CSC was happy to have one of its very first children return for her 3rd visit back to CSC; this time she and her husband were excited to show their little girl where her mom came from.  And most recently, about 2 days ago, CSC welcomed back a young boy who left as a toddler exactly 4 years ago.  His family brought him back to once again play on the playground with some of the same kids he used to play with (though he made plenty of new friends too!) and to spend time with his former houseparents.

For each returning child, their story is of course uniquely theirs.  They all have different circumstances that bring them to CSC and they all have different life experiences once they leave CSC.  However, there is a pull, like that of a boomerang, for many kids to return to CSC.  To see a place that they might only have pictures of but for which they have no vivid memories.  They want to see first-hand former caregivers that put band-aids on their skinned knee, read stories to them or rocked them to sleep at night. 

CSC is happy to welcome back former kids because really, once you are in the CSC family, you are always in the CSC family!


Feb. 5, 2016By: Shari Reasoner

Kurume Christ Church, hence KCC, is a church in the city of Higashi Kurume in the greater Tokyo area in Japan.  KCC is significant for a number of reasons, but one reason is that it is the only church in Asia that supports CSC on an on-going basis.  Kurume Christ Church became aware of CSC many years ago through the friendship of Paul and Shari Reasoner and Taizo and Kimiko Morimoto.  Taizo is the pastor of Kurume Christ Church.  Pastor Morimoto wanted his church members to broaden their experience of helping people in need, so he suggested a team of people go to Cebu to see the shelter.  Since that initial trip, a number of people who attend KCC have visited and volunteered at the shelter.  A nurse came to help the nurses at the shelter,  t-shirts were given to all of the workers and children at the shelter, a high school student volunteered in the medical department to enhance her pursuit of a career in medicine, and the church sponsors CSC children through the Foster Friends program.   So KCC has been creative in its involvment with CSC. 

Next week the Reasoner clan in Cebu (Joel, Jinkee, Ethan, Shari and Paul) is heading up to Japan to visit friends, family, Morimotos, and KCC.  It will be great to update and thank the church people in person for their continued support of the shelter.