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Everywhere you go in Cebu, you see people cooking meat like this on the side of the road. There's this smoky haze around them and the meat is stuck on skeweres and barbecued to perfection.

It's no different at CSC! The uncles have the job of being the barbecue-master and they know how to do it right. They hold a little piece of cardboard and wave the smoke away as the chicken cooks.


Speaking of chicken, I was surprised to see this guy standing so close by...


One thing that's interesting about CSC's barbecued chicken is that they barbecue it twice. The pan on the right side is for the skewers that have been on the grill just once. The pan on the left is for the skewers that have been on the grill TWICE. This gives the chicken an extra yummy crispy exterior and a smoky flavor. Delicious!


Chicken Barbecue
Recipe from the Eicher house

6 cloves garlic, crushed
1 teaspoon black pepper
2 tablespoons lime juice
2 tablespoons oyster sauce
1 tablespoon soy sauce
2 teaspoons salt
1 bouillon cube
2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 lbs. chicken thighs, cut into small pieces*

1. Combine all the ingredients except chicken to make a marinade. Marinate the chicken for 3-4 hours.
2. Start a charcoal grill and let the coals get very hot. You want smoking, flameless coals.  Thread the chicken pieces onto wood skewers and place on a metal grate over the coals. Brush with oil and grill until the chicken is cooked through. Remove from heat and let rest for a few minutes.
3. Repeat the grilling process with the cooked chicken, brushing with oil as necessary and grilling a second time until the outside of the chicken is a deep golden brown with a crispy exterior.

*The CSC aunties and uncles use bone-in chicken thighs with skin, but you could substitute boneless chicken thighs with skin. Keep the skin because it's what makes each piece browned and crispy on the outside.

We're baack!

Feb. 3, 2016By: Paul Healy

We are back in Cebu safe and sound. It has been a joy to see the kids and staff and re-learn how to navigate here. Lots of changes, but the ministry remains the same. Thanks to all who prayed for us and gave encouragement during our extended furlough.

How Does My Hair Look?

Feb. 3, 2016By: Amanda Kliora

“How does my hair look? Does it look cool?” As I turn around, I see hair standing straight up, styled with gel, and filled will many different colors. Underneath it all, there is a young boy’s smile staring up at me.  Many of the boys at the shelter enjoy styling their hair (sometimes even more than the girls do!).  It has been fun to see all the “cool” hairstyles at the shelter.  Even more than the hairstyles, the smiles on each face are priceless.  Enjoy these pictures of some of the coolest hairstyles here at CSC!


Coloring and styling each other's hair


Purple hair!


That hair stands up so tall!


Look at those orange streaks!

The Dream Class

The school days after Sports Fest have been filled with preparation for third quarter tests.  Teachers are busy preparing for the exams and pupils are busy studying their previous lessons.

During one review session, one pupil told me, “Teacher, I am so excited to know who will get the highest score on our exams in all the subjects and, hopefully, it will be me.”


I smiled and told her, “Oh, that’s good. Maybe you will get the highest score or maybe one of your classmates will get the highest score.  All of you have a great chance of getting the highest score if you listen to the teachers during the review and study hard.”

blog_2This conversation happened in Level A-1 (kindergarten). The Level A-1 pupils are very amazing.  We call them “the dream class.”  These eight little girls follow instructions, listen attentively, and they are adorable.  It’s stress-free teaching.  They’ll do a great job on their quarter tests! 





A Special Friend

Jan. 27, 2016By: Jinkee Reasoner

You guys all know Wilmar.  You see him playing basketball, riding a bike, holding a toy lion, crocodile or a dinosaur or you see him just sitting and singing a song or two.  Wilmar receives a lot of support at the school and shelter. 

At school, Wilmar has three different teachers and one physical therapist.  Yup, we make sure these kids get what they need.  So yeah, Wilmar has teachers supporting him, but what about a friend?  Who plays with him at the shelter?  Who helps him line up? Who holds his hand during school programs? 

Well, there is one special friend and classmate who assists Wilmar in all of these.  This girl sang a duet with Wilmar in the last music recital.  She holds Wilmar’s hand when going up and down to the stage; she walks with him to the next class and works on classroom activities with him.  Even her classmates know who Wilmar should sit with.  And she is very happy to do all of this.  No complaints. 










This girl is also close to the rest of the special needs kids/adults in her house.  She sees them as equal.  She has a big heart for them.  Now, that’s one special friend!

Sportsfest 2016

Jan. 24, 2016By: Amy Pacada

Sportsfest 2016 is officially over.  A great day of fun, athleticism, and sportsmanship was had by all!  The day started off with a parade,cheers from each team, reciting of the sportsmanship pledge and the lighting of the torch.  Then the games began! 
 Enjoy some fun photos of the day! IMG_1634The TorchIMG_1638Getting Ready

IMG_1656Hula HoopIMG_1658

Sack RaceIMG_1667HurdlesIMG_8943The Aqua Blue TeamIMG_8944The Green TeamIMG_8945The Royal Blue TeamIMG_8946The Gray Team