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Posts By: Michelle Obiedo (Instructional Assistant)Show All

Precious Water

What do you do when there’s no water?

It was a very fine cold (relatively speaking, of course, because the temperature rarely gets below about 70 degrees) Tuesday morning at Cebu Children of Hope School.  Everyone was ready for their classes.  Later during our first morning class, one of the Level B2 students asked to go to the bathroom.  I said, “Can you wait until 9:25 at snack time?”  The student replied, “Yes teacher.”  So at 9:25 everyone left to use the bathroom and wash their hands before heading to the snack room.  Unfortunately, when they turned on the faucets, there wasn’t any water because one of the float switches wasn’t working.  

michelle_1Instead of getting upset, the kids found other ways to wash their hands so they could eat their snacks. Thankfully we didn’t have to wait very long for the water problem to be fixed. 



  • I will keep my promises.
  • I will not make excuses.
  • I will do all my work to the best of my ability.
  • I will make things right when I do wrong.
  • I will know my duty and do my duty.

(Character First! Education Series 2, booklet 1)

The statements mentioned above are not early New Year resolutions.  They are some helpful tips students have been learning in order to form responsible habits.

The question is: what is responsibility?  Responsibility means knowing and doing what is expected of me. (Character First! Education Series 2, booklet 1)

Wow! Sounds simple and easy, right?  That’s what the Group 4 Bible Class students thought at first, but they soon realized the words “easier said than done” are quite true.  Amazing!  As their teacher, I never expected those words would come from my young students.

Michelles_picture Great realization kids!  Keep it up!

Full Cup of Water

Hi, I’m Michelle.  It’s a blessing for me to be a part of Cebu Children of Hope School.  This is my second year working as an instructional assistant in the school ministry and I’m glad I am working here.

I’m Wilmar’s Math teacher.  Part of our studies in Math have been about spatial concepts like full and empty (just sort of a review), and for him to understand more about it.  For a recent lesson, I prepared one empty cup and one full cup of water.  (We had done this before and Wilmar drank the water!)  I pointed to the cup without water as I said to Wilmar, “This cup is empty.”   Then I pointed to the other cup full of water and said, “This cup is full of water.”  I was expecting Wilmar to drink the water, but to my surprise, he didn’t.  This young man has matured a lot.

