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Cebu Children of Hope School came alive recently with the vibrant colors, sounds, and spirit of Filipino culture. It was culmination and celebration of Buwan ng Wika (language month), and the celebration also marked the school's 26th anniversary. The theme, "Filipino: Wikang Mapagpalaya," resonated deeply with everyone, reminding us of the power of our language to free and unite us as a people.







Festivities began with anticipation as students from all levels—kindergarten to grade 6—prepared to showcase their talents. Each performance reflected a deep love for the Filipino heritage. From energetic folk dance and soulful singing of classic Filipino songs to heartfelt recitations of poetry and creative interpretative dances, the students' efforts shone brightly.

Our beautifully decorated stage, set in a barrio fiesta theme, added a festive backdrop that enhanced every performance. One of the day's highlights was a surprise performance by the teachers of CCHS. With ukuleles and guitars in hand, we serenaded the crowd with beloved Filipino folk songs like "Bahay Kubo," "Si Felimon," and "Paru-Parong Bukid." The music filled the room, and the joyful expressions on the students' faces were priceless. It was a moment of unity and nostalgia, where generations celebrated our shared culture.





Out in the courtyard awaited a feast of traditional Filipino food. The tantalizing aroma of crispy "lechon baboy" paired with puso (hanging rice) filled the air. Students lined up eagerly to savor the flavors of home—refreshing buko juice, taho, and calamansi juice to cool down from the sun, and delectable treats like chicharon, buko pie, ice cream, empanadas, lanzones, watermelon, and the always-tasty customary lumpia and dynamite chili lumpia. The atmosphere was filled with laughter, chatter, and an unmistakable sense of community and, reinforcing the bonds that tie us as a community and reminding us of the beauty and freedom found in our language and culture.

Here's to many more years of celebrating our heritage, language, and shared dreams at Cebu Children of Hope School. To all of our supporters in this ministry, a big thank you for being a part of this incredible journey!





Communication during Lockdown

Apr. 5, 2020By: Paul Healy

Since CSC is on lockdown the leadership team has been meeting regularly, sometimes more than once a day.  The children, some of our child care workers, two nurses, counselors, social workers, maintenance men, guards and other staff are locked in for a two week period. Recently Field Director Roberto Atienza established a Facebook group page for the Leadership team to stay updated on how things are going at the shelter, things that are needed, government directives, prayer concerns and other communication needs. Pictures that are sent out from the shelter are shared on this forum. It is a place to announce meetings, discuss important decisions and even joke a little.  It is an on-line meeting room for expressing support and solidarity during this difficult time at CSC. 

Examples of posts: 

There is a problem with the solar panels. Jerry has called the company and made a video of the meter to give their engineer. Since nobody from the outside can go inside, Jerry (who is also locked out)  has to relay instructions to our maintenance men.

The city government has some new directives limiting movement of people and establishing quarantines and travel bans. What does this mean for our workers and staff?

Kids are enjoying their meals and are being kept busy with school work, recreation and fun activies organized by Jinkee, Eunice and Annie.

There will be an on-line worship service Sunday night for the CSC community featuring music by the "locked-in" aunties and kids, and a message by Roberto

Some of the kids are sick. We need to pray and encourage our nurses and review our scheduling.



Please pray for our leaders, the "locked-in" gang in Banawa, and, most especially, for the kids. Join our leaders in praying for protection for them, that they would be safe and secure and know that they are loved and treasured.

Game Day in Math Class!

Mar. 14, 2020By: Bryan Saraum  ›  Author Bio

Learning math can be fun! My 2nd graders get excited every time we start a new unit. Why? It is because, aside from the interactive story at the beginning (which they love), there is also an interactive game for them to play.

Here are some of their reactions as I handed them the game mats:
Student 1: Yey game nasad! (yeah, we'll play math games again!)
Student 2: I like subtraction and addition! (giggling)
Student 3: Teacher, how to play this game Two-Digit Treasure?

During the game they had a lot of fun subtracting and adding two-digit numbers. Who knew math could be this fun! They were actively engaged in the game and used their own methods for answering the problems. Some of them used mental math while others found the answer by writing the problem down. The classroom was full of excitement!

IMG_20200306_104203One of the foundational beliefs in education is that students learn best when they are actively involved in the learning process. It gives them the opportunity to explore and learn. When you combine exploration with fun, learning happens quickly without the student even noticing.

At CCHS we are able to use some of the best math curriculum around because of generous supporters like you! Thank you for giving our kids the chance to learn, have fun, and grow!


Carnival 2020

Mar. 4, 2020By: Paul Healy

Carnival 2020

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The ministry team from Central Baptist had to postpone their trip to Cebu do to travel uncertainties relating to the Corono virus. But the team was generous to fund a carnival for our kids and the children of our workers. It didn't make up for the Central team not coming, but it was a blast.

Guardians of the Environment

Feb. 26, 2020By: Michelle Obiedo

In Civics class we have been talking about appreciating the different beautiful sceneries in the Philippines and being proud of them. Now my 2nd grade class is focusing on us, humans, as being the "Guardians of the Environment". Here are some of their ideas why humans are called the guardians of the environment.

Student 1: It's because we are capable of taking good care of them.
Student 2: Example teacher - the plants. They can't water themselves when God won't send rain. They'll suffer.
Student 3: And also the other animals. They'll suffer, too, if we will not take care of our environment. They need us to watch over them.

As the discussion went on I noticed that one of the students stayed quiet. He didn't raise his hands to share so I caught his attention and asked him to share his thoughts with us. He didn't answer right away but I knew he had something to share. Here's what he said:

Student 4: Since plants and animals will suffer if we don't take care of them, won't we suffer even more? We need to take care of the environment because God put us in charge of His beautiful creation.

The rest of the students agreed with what he said. I was speechless for a few seconds, asking myself how this very young learner thought as an adult. The lesson ended well and, as an application, we made a plan for how we could take better care of our school and the shelter.


Exploring Connects To Learning

Feb. 9, 2020By: Lyrah Catingub (Teacher)

Having fun while learning feels like playing a game. – N.N. Porchezhiyan

We did many fun activities in class this past month. The highlights of the activities were done during our Math and English Language Arts (ELA) classes. Our Math lesson was about comparing and ordering objects by weight. I instructed my students to look for three objects inside the classroom. To my surprise, one of my students was shaking with excitement and told me that he was waiting for this activity and to use the balance scale. Since one of our goals at CCHS is to have students be more independent I prepared the balance scale, instructed them on what to do and they did the rest. The result was priceless! Smiles were on their faces as they completed their tasks with only minor mistakes.


During our ELA class my students learned about the plant life cycle. To make it more fun and realistic we conducted an investigation about how plants reproduce. They planted two types of plants: a plant that grows from a seed and a plant that grows from a bulb. The weather was not ideal that day and it was raining. My students were worried and thought that we might not continue with our planting. The excitement rose when I announced that we would still do the activity.



Learning can't just be found in the four walls of the classroom. Learning is not just with a paper and a pencil. Learning is about exploring!