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As the academic year of 2022-2023 draws to a close. I can't help but be in awe of how God worked and moved. Time flew by, sometimes gently and other times tumultuously, and just like that, the school year will soon be encapsulated within its boundaries. I find myself reminiscing about the days, weeks, and months -  the school year brimming with new, anticipated, and unexpected challenges. Our experiences have encompassed formal and informal conversations, experiencing tears and laughter, navigating the pressures of academics and personal growth,  and finding moments of pure joy while held steadfastly by God's unwavering grace, which carried our high school students through. 

As I prepare to welcome a new wave of high school students, I peer into this future with this reflection on the past. What kind of ride will it be this time? How will it all turn out? Undoubtedly, obstacles will be present, and indeed the road will be rough, but will we have the courage to face and overcome them?

As I muse on these things, I'm reminded of how far we have come when I look at our high school students. They have graduated despite all they have gone through. It wasn't a smooth ride, but the fact that they have made it here only attests to God's goodness, even in times of doubt and difficulties. Despite the hurdles and challenges, they have managed to push through by God's grace. Now, six junior high school students, two senior high school students, and two ALS students stand on the precipice, ready to take another leap over the fence of doubts and fears as they venture into new realms of growth, challenges, demands, and experiences. Equipped with their learnings, carrying a teachable heart, and holding on to His promises to take care of them, they are ready to take another leap and begin a new chapter, comforted by the knowledge that support will accompany them. 

Now that they are ripe for new challenges, I can only be inspired by the students I lead. It's going to be tough ahead, but God is greater, and He is faithful. Through Him, we shall all boldly leap into the next chapter.

As we bid farewell to the school year 2022 - 2023, I can only be proud of my students and be thankful to God for them. Through their hard work, they persevered. They ran the race while glancing at their sides and cheering each other on to keep doing the hard work; offering help and support to each other along the way. As they step into the future known by God, let us remind them that they are loved and have a calling. Together let's brace for what is coming, and by God's strength, I know that we all can embrace another year with anticipation and trust in the God who calls us to leap in faith.



Writing Things Down

Mar. 23, 2014By: Paul Healy

One of the things that we haven't been very good at CSC over the years is documentation. Actually, we are pretty good at the documentation needed for our children: birth certificates, medical reports, child study and developmental reports, pictures, etc. But we haven't spent much time putting down on paper the history of CSC. Working with kids in the way that we do, we move from one big thing to the next. Children come and they go and new ones come. Events occur but we don't have time to sit and think about them and their significance.

I've been thinking a lot about this lately. We need to get these things in writing. We need to document the ways that God has worked and blessed us in this ministry. We need to put our memories in written form so others can be edified, and even entertained, by them. CSC is an amazing ministry that has enjoyed God's favor for 35 years. People have made huge contributions with their time, talents and treasures. Children have blessed lives here and in the homes and communities where they have settled through adoption. Hurdles have been overcome. Prayers have been answered in miraculous ways.

So, with some fear and trepidation, I am going to begin work soon on this huge project. I will be assembling written materials, pictures and newsletters. I'm going to interview people who have been on our staff or our board, or who have been close to the ministry in different ways. I'm going to pick their minds, looking for stories and accounts that will help tell the story of CSC's first 35 years. It will be a big job, and I worry that I won 't be able to do justice to the people and events that have been used and shaped by God through our history. For Marlys and me it has been a tremendous ride. I want the book to accurately highlight that ride, and the rides of others who have helped make CSC work so well since 1979.

Students Show the Things They Have Learned

Mar. 12, 2014By: Joel Reasoner

The end of the school year is only one month away for the students of Children of Hope School.  They have worked hard and learned a ton of great things. 

Recently, they took some time to share some of the things they have learned.  During the math and science day, each level presented things they had studied.  Some of the Level B students have been learning about systems of the human body.  They explained the workings of the skeletal system and the digestive system to all the other students. They did a great job identifying the bones!


There were many highlights during the reading and writing day.  Many students shared stories and poems they had written.  Check out one of the students reciting the poem by Robert Louis Stevenson, “The Wind.”



In between the presentation by students were games.  The tongue twister challenge was a blast.  See if you can do any better than the Children of Hope students!


Julieto and Classmates Skip Prom

Mar. 6, 2014By: Joel Reasoner

Julieto693dd55b11In the Philippines the school year is winding down.  It is time for exams and celebrations.  Julieto is in his fourth and final year of high school.  It is traditional to have prom near the end of the school year.  All of Julieto’s class has decided to skip prom.  They are giving all the funds set aside by the school for prom to the Haiyan/Yolanda typhoon victims in Tacloban City on Leyte Island.  The funds were used to buy clothes, food, and materials to build shelters.  Julieto heard of a school in Tacloban City which has to meet in a tent, because the school building was destroyed.


The global outreach for the Haiyan/Yolanda typhoon victims has been astonishing.  It includes Julieto and his classmates opening their hearts to help in a tangible way.  They are more than happy to forgo their prom party to help fellow students on another island. 


Mar. 5, 2014By: Paul Healy

I'm not a competitive person. Maybe that's why I have enjoyed only limited success in sports. I just didn't have that fire in my belly, as they say. Maybe, on the negative side, I have missed opportunities to better myself by not being competitive, but on the positive side, I haven't felt a great need to compare myself with other people very much. And I hope that it has allowed me to find enjoyment and excitement in the accomplishments and talents of others. I say "I hope" because I see this as the key to leadership, and one that I want to get better at.

But there are different kinds of competition. Today I experienced a competitive dilemma being played out in the lives of some poor people here in Cebu that takes competition to another level entirely. Together with our two social workers, Carmelita and Chris, I went to the northernmost part of Cebu to distribute some cash assistance to three families whose homes were damaged in the super typhoon. The typhoon hit about four months ago and all of these families still have to live someplace other than their own home. And here's what makes it worse. Two of the families have seen their neighbors receive assistance from the govenment while they were passed over. It is a sad situation when families have to compete for limited assistance funds or building materials. When you see your children or grandchildren suffering while others have a solid roof over their heads, its hard not to feel bitter. Its hard not to feel competitive. Some people I met in Tacloban talked about inequities in the distribution of food and water after the storm surge hit that city, and how hard it was to have to compete with neighbors for basic, life-saving commodities. What a different type of competition this is than a game of basketball or a battle for recognition at work. I'm sure it would get a fire going in my belly!

We were able to make up for some of these inequities by giving money for building materials and labor to these families. Thanks to all who allowed us the privilege of helping these people who suffered huge loss in the typhoon, and then came out on the short end of the relief assistance.

Camp 2014!

Mar. 1, 2014By: Joel Reasoner

Camp was a blast!  The 38 kids had a long list of favorite activities—swimming, good food, beach combing, games, chapel time, and on and on.  They had so much fun they did not want to leave.

The Central Baptist work team, yet again, led a great camp for the kids.  Many new kids have arrived at CSC since the last camp in 2012, so it was a fun new experience for them.

One of the highlights was the baptism on Sunday.  Eleven people, nine kids and two adults, were baptized by Pastor Joel and Pastor Chuck in the ocean on the southern tip of Cebu Island.  It was a wonderful demonstration of faith and a great example for the younger kids.

After the three hour bus ride home, the kids were already sharing their excitement for the next camp—two years from now.

Thank you to the Central team for another wonderful camp to the kids of CSC!

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