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This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 (English Standard Version)

Praise the Lord for the first week of school. It is an exciting week for the CCHS family. Teachers and students were waiting for this day to come. We believe God ordained this day to mark a fresh beginning. Here we are opening our new school year while transitioning to our new normal. Upon entering the school we have to wear our face masks, step on our new foot bath, have our temperatures taken then sanitize our hands. Students enter and exit their classroom following the arrows.














We have a new clinic at CCHS! Over the summer we set up our clinic. We are thankful for the efforts done by the team who made this clinic possible. From facilities who built this room initially during lockdown for quarantined employees to our medical staff and the office staff that helped us placed medical equipment and supplies. As mandated by the Department of Education, students, teaching and other personnel are strictly prohibited from eating together while facing one another. Eating shall be done in a manner where all individuals face in one direction and do not talk while their masks are off. CCHS made changes on the setting up the snack room this school year to follow that instruction.


Here are some of the students' comments on being back at CCHS:
Maribel – CCHS is great! I like to borrow books in the library, eat with my classmates in the snack room, and to be with my teachers.
Mias – I am happy to be back at CCHS. I want to learn new things from all the subjects. I like to be with my teacher in the classroom because our classroom is Awesome!
Ryan – I am happy to learn new things and meet teacher Merce. I am excited to be in the library too.
John Mark – I am happy to be at CCHS. I enjoy learning new things. I am excited to be with teacher Alfie, play during Physical Education and play musical instrument.
Ford – I am happy at CCHS because I can write my name, draw a horse, answer in our workbook, eat snack, and drink water. Our classroom has toys and tools and I like it.

As a school, we are looking forward to meaningful and fruitful days ahead. We would like to encourage you to journey with us for school year 2022-2023.

UFO's and Graduates

Apr. 16, 2013By: Sandy Swanson

It is summer time at CSC.   That means it is hot, really hot,  too hot.  But,  the heat does not seem to deter the boys from making and flying kites,  at any given moment there are numerous kite activities going on; making them, attempting to fly them,  flying them, untangling the ones that get tangled together,  trying to get them out of the trees  and making sure we all see how high their kite is flying! There has to be some genetic code in all red blooded Filipino boys....April and May are for kites.   

Today was GRADUATION day for five of our Preschool kids and three graduating from elementary into High School.  It was a fun day for the Graduates! 

We are now legally on our summer break - pray for a fun and safe time for each of our kids, and for our sanity! Having almost 90 kids on vacation in one place....oh my.

Enjoy the photos...






















Pray along with us for comfort, healing and peace for our friends and loved ones in Boston.  

Molding minds

Apr. 16, 2013By: Lindsay Hoeft

Yesterday at Children of Hope School, we proudly celebrated the graduation of three teenagers, who will go on to high school next year, and five pre-schoolers who will advance to pre-K.  It was a special day for sure.  The three oldest graduates have faced a lot challenges and have accomplished much in their years at our school.  One of the graduates gave a speech.  I thought he might discuss all of the academic challenges he had faced.  While he mentioned those briefly, the larger message he shared was that of gratitude.  He was thankful for his teachers and all of the time they had invested in him.  He was thankful to the staff for their encouragement.  He was thankful to his house parents for their guidance and leadership.  He was appreciative of the support from the Aunties and Uncles in his life.  And he was even thankful for challenges as he was so proud of what he had learned from them.



Waiting in anticipation...



The proud graduates!


I was impressed with his words and touched by his message.  CSC is often described as a place of refuge for the kids that come here.  Many have left violent homes, chaotic living situations or have had no home to speak of.  We are proud to be able to offer our kids the basic things: food, shelter, clothing, a safe place to rest their head.  But we are blessed to be able to give our kids even more.  We have a beautiful school and a talented body of teachers who are willing to meet the individual needs of our kids.  Our teachers go the extra mile every day and our kids benefit greatly from their tireless effort.



Our talented teachers!


Praise the Lord for how he has blessed CSC!  Thanks be to God for how He brought each of these teachers to our school---for we are surely better for it!  :)

Kite Flying Season!

Apr. 14, 2013By: Tammy Vosika

Continuing on with the theme of kites!  Recently, I spent an afternoon hanging out with the kids at the shelter.  Almost immediately, Jhaycob ran up to me with a tangled-up pile of string.  He wanted me to untangle it so he could use it to fly his kite.  I began looking around the yard and it was incredible how many kids were playing with kites.  Some were making them, and others were busy untangling strings.  Some of the kids were the "holders" and others were the "runners".  Toddlers dragged plastic bags across the yard, and the older kids and houseparents had huge, fancy kites flying high in the sky!  Some of the kites even had writing on them: "Fly CSC", "Cherne WOW", and "WOW CSC"!  Enjoy a video of some of the different activities that were going on that day!

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Last Day of Preschool!

Apr. 13, 2013By: Amy Pacada

Everybody gets to join in on the kite fun at CSC.  Friday was the preschooler's last full day of school.  Uncle Marcel came into their class and taught them all how to make kites!  They were so proud to each have on of their own!  Enjoy the pictures of the kids making and attempting to fly their kites!  

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Apr. 11, 2013By: Lindsay Ostrom

Whenever we're on duty, we help with putting the kids to bed. One of the things I love about putting the kids to bed is sharing bedtime prayers with them. The children are so surrounded by strong people of faith here at CSC - their house parents, staff, teachers, aunties, and counselors. Their prayers reflect what they've seen and heard modeled for them. They are thoughtful, sincere, and even eloquent.

Last night when we were on duty, there were prayers for lots of different things. Here are a few of my favorites:

  • giving thanks for CSC
  • giving thanks for the aunties and house parents
  • giving thanks for hot dogs
  • asking for a mommy and daddy
  • asking for strength and wisdom on upcoming on final tests
  • asking for healing for kids in "iso"

And the most touching prayer of all was a heartfelt request from one of the 12-year old girls in the house. She asked God to please comfort a family whose oldest sibling had recently turned 18 and could no longer be adopted. This was particularly moving to me because those siblings that she was praying for don't even live in her house at CSC. In that moment I realized what a supportive place CSC is - that all the kids and house parents and staff are praying across houses, across siblings, across ages, for God's presence in each of their lives.  What a cool thing to be a part of.