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   One day I was kind of overwhelmed from thinking about some of the misbehavior issues I was dealing with in my classroom. When I walked outside I found a glass bottle that was full of dirt. An idea came to my mind. I thought about how the dirt-filled bottle related to the students in my class. I realized that the bottle would not be clean if the dirt stayed inside. The same is true with my students. When they misbehave it's like they're releasing the dirt inside their hearts and minds which came from bad experiences in their childhood. After they release this, they are easier to talk with and are willing to accept help. The students misbehaved because they didn't know how to release their hurt in a more healthy way.

     As a trauma-informed Christian teacher, it is important for me to guide my students in helpful ways to release their "messiness" which can hinder their development as a whole, God-created person. When we clean a filthy glass bottle we let the dirt out of it so we can refill it with clean water. My students need help in processing through and releasing the messy things that have happened to them. Their misbehavior gives me a picture of the hurt they feel inside. I always pray to God for wisdom and strength so I can help my students and I know God has a purpose for me in working with these great kids.


Workers Working Hard

Aug. 11, 2014By: Joel Reasoner

It takes 75 child care workers to give the hands-on daily care to the children. Diapers need to be changed, babies need to be held, meals need to be cooked, the homes need to be cleaned, children need to be read to, loads and loads of laundry need to be washed, and of course the playground is a very busy place after school.

Twenty-two workers have flexible schedules to fill in for other workers who are absent and to give one-on-one care for sick children and new children.

Several children have left for adoption in the past several months.  With vacant space in the homes, CSC has been admitting new children. When they first arrive, the new children need to be kept separate from the other children until cleared by the doctors to join their new home.  These children are not left alone, of course. A child care worker is always with them.

The one-on-one care is a blessing for the children. From the moment new children enter the shelter, love is given directly and specifically to them. In some cases this is a new experience for the children.

These are some of the child care workers who give loving care to new children from the moment the children enter the shelter. 


38 years ago....

Aug. 8, 2014By: Lindsay Hoeft


this guy was born!

I don't know that story, at least not all the details.  But I know it was August 8, 1976.  And that it was a special day. God brought Joemar into this world, knowing full well the kind of blessing he would be to so very many people.  Fast forward several years to July 15, 1985, when Joemar was admitted to CSC.  The details of those in between years are also not all known, but I can guarantee that he saw things or exerienced things we wish he never had.  He was probably scared at times, maybe even hurt and he undoubtedly went without.  That is, of course, why he came to CSC.

It is easy to forget that Joemar has a story that precedes CSC.  He is so at home here.  He belongs here and it just would not be the same without him.  It is also easy to forget that he ever knew pain or heartache because he is just so joyful.  He loves life with a contagious fervor.  I cannot help but smile when he greets me at my vehicle each morning, saying, "Ning, Sy" (Good morning, Lindsay).  He then holds out his arm to take my computer bag for me. He then walks with me to my office, carrying my bag the whole way until he puts it next to my desk.  He immediately begins sweeping the floor and sharing with me whatever news he has.  Some of it I can put together, other bits only he really knows what he is saying.  Either way, I like having him there.

The excitement Joemar had for his birthday was palpable.  His house mother informed me that he had woken up before 4am---too excited to sleep anymore.  In the several weeks preceding his birthday, he had talked to me every day about the cake for his birthday.  He knew I was the one that got the cakes and ice cream for each party.  But the flavor he wanted changed every day!  We finally decided on ube and he stuck to that.  But the day before his birthday, he had mentioned that he was going to have 3 cakes and he held up 3 fingers.  Now, Joemar does not always get his numbers right, but I had to laugh anyways because he was still indicating that he wanted more than 1 cake.  :)

Unbeknownst to him, there would be 2 cakes for his day.  One cake (ube) would be for him and his guests at his birthday, but there as another cake that was brought to him while he was working.  Joemar works at McDonald's every day.  He loves it and they love him.  The employees at McDonald's are so happy to see him and love having him there.  Even if we take Joemar to a McDonald's at a different location, he inevitably has friends there.  This cake was a birthday cake and a "Thank you, McDonald's cake," for all that they do for him.



Auntie Sandy, (or Sausy) as he calls her, and I had surprised him there at the end of his shift.  He was happiest when he had visitors!  But he still felt pressed to do his job, he left for a bit to clear off some tables and he was worried that the second level of the restaurant needed his attention!  After the picture taking, he started to leave with us but the other workers called out that he had forgotten his food.  They sent him home with a chicken and spaghtetti meal, some Coke and a McFlurry.  He was beaming!

It was a day of celebrations culminating into the big party at his house.  He could not wait.  If you talk to Joemar, within 5 minutes or so, Superman will usually enter the conversation.  Joemar LOVES anything Superman ("Perman" usually followed by the flying arm movement)!  There were going to be Superman gifts and he was so excited!  But there were also Superman decorations!



Joemar was also looking forward to having Uncle Sio and Uncle Eldie attend his birthday party.  He often assists Uncle Sio or watches what he is working on as Uncle Sio is always doing interesting projects around the grounds.  


Uncle Eldie is one of our counselors and Joemar makes a point to visit his office during the day also, to share news with him.


Last but not least, was the gift opening!  Superman everything and he couldn't be happier!


What a joy to celebrate Joemar's birthday with him!  And what a privilege to get to know him and be a part of his life.  He is such a precious gift from God and he has blessed CSC in countless ways over the past (almost) 30 years he has lived here.

Thanks for all of your facebook messages for him on his special day and thanks for all of the prayers prayed and the stories shared about Joemar!


Order to Eating

Aug. 6, 2014By: Joel Reasoner

Most kids need encouragement to eat their vegetables. Some kids are always leaving the food they like less on their plate until last. Other kids just eat everything in front of them.

At a school activity I sat next to a boy who eating the last bit of his snack. I asked which one of the four snacks he liked the best. He said the one he was eating. He explained he liked to eat the least tasty thing first and work his way to the best. He ranks the parts of his meals and decides on an order in which to eat each part.

I smiled and nodded. I knew exactly what he was talking about. I do the exact same thing. Call us crazy, but that is how we like to eat.

It is fun to see how kids think. I wonder what I will learn about one of the kids today?


It's More Fun at CCHS!

Aug. 5, 2014By: Featured Guest

When I first came to CCHS, it was for my interview with the principal and the consultant. I was so nervous because it was my first time to be interviewed. I prayed and tried to be optimistic no matter what happened. My prayer was granted.

I am now part of the CCHS faculty. The people at CCHS are so great because they make me feel comfortable. I have learned a lot of new things from them. I am so thankful that I have been able to meet happy people. Everything happens for a reason.


The students are so energetic. Each child has his own unique personality and skills. Every afternoon the kids bring flowers they have picked for the teachers. How sweet these students are! Every time the school has a special event, they are excited for the games, activities and especially the snacks. They participate and enjoy the activity.  It’s More Fun at CCHS!



-Rhasie Gantuangco, Instructional Assistant

Thomas is One!

Aug. 3, 2014By: Joel Reasoner

Thomas is one amazing young boy.  He is one resilient and persevering boy.  He is one happy and upbeat boy.  And now he is one year old!

Thomas has been through more in his life than most people, and he just turned one.  He has had several surgeries and spent lots of time in the hospital in his first year of life.  Through it all he keeps his spirits high.  Even when in the hospital feeling bad, it is rare that he is in a bad mood.

Over the past couple months he has been healing up after a major surgery.  Now that he is healthier, the child care workers can give him more freedom to satisfy his inquisitive mind.  He is loving it!

He really likes books.  He looks at them so intently that some of the child care workers joke that he already knows how to read.  Recently, he has started to learn how to walk.

Many, many, many people have prayed continually for him and his recovery and development.  So celebrate with us as Thomas turns one.  It is great day!