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Everywhere you go in Cebu, you see people cooking meat like this on the side of the road. There's this smoky haze around them and the meat is stuck on skeweres and barbecued to perfection.

It's no different at CSC! The uncles have the job of being the barbecue-master and they know how to do it right. They hold a little piece of cardboard and wave the smoke away as the chicken cooks.


Speaking of chicken, I was surprised to see this guy standing so close by...


One thing that's interesting about CSC's barbecued chicken is that they barbecue it twice. The pan on the right side is for the skewers that have been on the grill just once. The pan on the left is for the skewers that have been on the grill TWICE. This gives the chicken an extra yummy crispy exterior and a smoky flavor. Delicious!


Chicken Barbecue
Recipe from the Eicher house

6 cloves garlic, crushed
1 teaspoon black pepper
2 tablespoons lime juice
2 tablespoons oyster sauce
1 tablespoon soy sauce
2 teaspoons salt
1 bouillon cube
2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 lbs. chicken thighs, cut into small pieces*

1. Combine all the ingredients except chicken to make a marinade. Marinate the chicken for 3-4 hours.
2. Start a charcoal grill and let the coals get very hot. You want smoking, flameless coals.  Thread the chicken pieces onto wood skewers and place on a metal grate over the coals. Brush with oil and grill until the chicken is cooked through. Remove from heat and let rest for a few minutes.
3. Repeat the grilling process with the cooked chicken, brushing with oil as necessary and grilling a second time until the outside of the chicken is a deep golden brown with a crispy exterior.

*The CSC aunties and uncles use bone-in chicken thighs with skin, but you could substitute boneless chicken thighs with skin. Keep the skin because it's what makes each piece browned and crispy on the outside.


Nov. 3, 2013By: Paul Healy

Yesterday three different groups or individuals visited us. It isn't common for that many to be here at the same time, but we do have a lot of visitors come to CSC. It is a bigpart of what we do, and we recognize that doing it right is important. Adoptive families come to get their new family members: we need to help ensure that they have a positive experience,  get information from us as to their children's backgrounds, medical and developmental progress, and counseling and school accomplishments. Donors come to see the ministry: we want them to feel good about their partnership by meeting the kids, staff and workers, and getting a sense for the type of care we offer within our great facilities. Former residents return to see where they used to live and reconnect with the staff and workers: we want this to be a welcoming experience where they feel loved, remembereIMAGE_220d and encouraged.

One of the things we try to do is to put the names of our visitors on our welcome board that is clearly visible when they enter CSC. Our house parents do the lettering, especially Uncle Patrick. Visitors are almost always taken aback with this recognition, and it helps emphasize for them that we are happy to have them and have been anticipating their arrival. Many guest want a picture at the welcome board before they do anything else at CSC.

Our Cebu staff is a very welcoming group! We recognize that visiting CSC can be a life-changing experience for many guests. For some, it gives them a better understanding of the ministry, the types of needs we meet and the issues and problems that face the poor in the Philippines. For others it reinforces their commitment to helping financially, or gives them a first hand look at needs within the ministry. For adoptive parents it provides and opportunity to show them the level of care that their child(ren) received at CSC. And for returning residents, visits are significant reunions, where we laugh and cry and remember.

Throughout our history,  many visitors to CSC have gone home as changed people. Some have resolved to adopt children. Some have returned to join our staff or serve as short term missionaries. Some have become donors. One couple decided to build the Cherne and Eicher houses. Some have taken the ministry home to their churches, families and friends. Some became lifetime friends of staff members. Others had their faith renewed or strengthened, seeing all that God has done and is doing at CSC.

Whatever the reason for the visit, our staff stands ready to greet our visitors with some of the same love and care  offered to the children who come to live with us. We want to be a caring, welcoming home that communicates the love of Jesus Christ to all who enter. 

Shame, and Pride

Oct. 30, 2013By: Matt Buley

I met someone the other day. Sometimes I go where she works and she had helped me once before, but that time it was just a transaction. This time we started talking and it wasn’t long before we were engaged in rich conversation. Somehow it came out that I am a Christian, and she is too.

She told me how hard it had been to find a church lately, and that she had been hurt by her church years ago. At the time, she was married with school-aged children and tragedy turned her world upside down. Her husband took his own life. It had been years, but her voice revealed how much it still hurt.

Even that painful admission couldn’t prepare me for what she said next.

After navigating the early days of the terrible loss, she sent her children back to school, which was run by the church the family attended. On that first day back one of her children’s teachers taught a lesson on why those who commit suicide go to hell.

I couldn’t believe what I’d just heard. I stared at her with my mouth open before finally mustering, “that’s awful.” I had a depth of response that is hard to explain. I felt sad, and angry, and to be honest, ashamed. I felt ashamed that a fellow Christ-follower could do something so outrageous.

I wanted to apologize. In a situation that begged for grace, this teacher had cast judgment and embarrassment on a child who was still reeling from the death of a parent. It’s brutal. I found myself wanting to distance myself from this person who believes in the same cross-bearing, life-giving God that I do. I couldn’t make sense of it (then again, can I make sense of the sins I commit?).

As I drove home and reflected on this long talk I realized something. I was hit by a deep sense of gratitude for CSC that has nothing to do with being its leader or an employee or a donor. I was proud that this is what Christians do. CSC is a group of people who take in children who are hurting and alone and give them a second chance at life and family. There is something about CSC that transmits God’s love in profound, consuming and vivid ways. At the very root of all this is devotion to Christ--to doing what would please him. I love that one response to following Christ is this sacred work at CSC.

What we’re doing here, you and I, and all who care, is something to be proud of…if I dare say so myself.


Oct. 27, 2013By: Paul Healy

The recent earthquake in Cebu and the neighboring island of Bohol has resulted in suffering and loss of property. Filipinos have responded with generous efforts to help out. Food, clothing, water and building supplies are being donated and distributed by private citizens, businesses and civic organizations, even as the Philippine government and NGOs direct larger amounts of relief aid to the victims.

A few days after the quake, Ruth Ohlendorf was talking to the Teen Home residents about the relief efforts. They mentioned to her that they would love to help. They asked about the amount of money they each had in their allowance fund, and each decided to give to buy supplies for those who were hurting. One resident gave all of her money to the project. With their pooled allowances, Julieto and Roselyn went shopping at the local supermarket, and the purchased goods were brought to a distribution center.

Without being asked or even encouraged to give, these young adults responded out of love and compassion. Their hearts are good!



Therapy Toddler Time

Oct. 18, 2013By: Featured Guest

Hi, I’m Marwin, a member of CSC’s therapy team. The therapy team is made up of me and fellow co-therapist, Martin. In a normal work setting, we would work only as physical therapists, treating different types of rehabilitative conditions such as stroke. However, at CSC, it’s different. Martin and I not only use our physical therapy training, but we have also learned speech and occupational therapy skills. It’s nice that we are able to expand on our previous training.


Another unique part of our job is doing the Toddler Activity/Program. Twice a week, Martin and I bring the older toddlers (3 years olds) to school. We use this time to help prepare them for preschool. We work on identifying animals, letters, colors, shapes and body parts. It is so cute how some of the kids say the names of the animals like octokosh (octopus), piguin (penguin) and er- er fly (butterfly). We end each session with a short video. They are quick to laugh, sing and dance to the music!  

Here is some of their work.


And these are the todders.

photo_2 - Marwin Abong






Business as usual......

Oct. 18, 2013By: Sandy Swanson

This has not been a normal week.  I am not at all sure what a "normal" week is,  but I know this is not one.

On Tuesday morning we experienced an earthquake.  I have always wondered what an earthquake would feel like, and now I know.   We have had hundreds of aftershocks in the four days since the initial earthquake.   Praise God the buildings the kids are in stood up well to the shaking.  A few of us staff members  have some rather scary cracks in the walls of our personal homes though. 

The kids were shaken up of course (literally and figuratively), but they did amazingly well.   They are now old pros at meeting in the middle of the playground after each major aftershock...just to make sure all is well before they run back to whatever they were doing.   The first night all the kids slept downstairs with their mattresses on the floor.  They felt safer being on the ground floor and enjoyed being all together.  But everyone has moved back upstairs now.  We know that we will be talking about this for a long time,  as it was a very scary experience for the kids and for all of us.  We praise God for the protection we were given. We do not take that for granted.   There are many that suffered devastation and death because of this earthquake.

But we are not here to worry about cracks in our walls and aftershocks.  We are here to take care of kids that need us.  So that is what we are doing.  Today we admitted a new baby!  This little guy has just  joined the Duterte Home. He has some medical concerns, but we feel like we are back to business as usual. So here is our newest family member!  
