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Change is inevitable in life.  Some changes are good---they are pleasant and easy to go along with.  Others are hard to come to terms with--they are a challenge and they sometimes bring pain.  I want to tell you about some recent changes in my life...

Many of you already know that Teacher Tammy's 8 year run at CSC and Children of Hope School has ended.  She has been gone for 2 weeks--and kids and adults alike are mourning the loss. 

Tammy is missed for many reasons: 

Tammy was a good co-worker.  She was helpful, reliable, and thorough.  She was quick to jump in if something technological was going haywire---an asset on days of school programs.  :)  Tammy was true to her word.  She promised the kids that she would take each of them out for something special before she left and SHE DID!  If she had a job or a task assigned to her, you never had to worry about it getting done in an organized and timely fashion!  She was hard-working and did whatever was in front of her---and did so with a smile.   

But Tammy is also a good friend.  She is someone I OFTEN laughed with, went on adventures with, confided in, celebrated holidays with...and the list goes on.  She is a good listener and a Godly woman.  She has become family to me and you can't help but miss family when they are gone!




Tammy, myself and Amy were quite the terrific trio, however, at this time, Amy and I are down to just a dynamic duo....

The upside of change:

We recently admitted a new child.  She was afraid of the change, of me, of our counselor and our social worker.  She was hesitant, quiet and reserved.  And who wouldn't be?  She knew something big was happening in her life but she had no idea what it meant.

But oh to see her now!  How happy and animated and secure and playful she is!  She is grateful for the life-changing experience she has had and WE are so happy to have her with us where she is safe and provided for.



God is the god of everything in our life and everything happens for His purpose and good.  And that includes changes.  I am happy for Tammy and all that God has in store for her back in MN.  I miss her, but am grateful for her continued friendship---thank goodness for Skype!  :) I am also happy about our new arrival and for her safety and health and the fact that she FINALLY gets to be a kid.

Please join with me in praying for Tammy as she transitions back to living in the US and for our newest one and all of those that will come through our doors in the future. because no matter your age or the type of change you are facing, its always easier with God.




Apr. 9, 2013By: Sandy Swanson

I just finished Frontline for the month of April (Frontline is for all our prayer warriors out there - if you are not getting Frontline and want to get it, sign up here.)   Because of Frontline,  I've been thinking about all the prayers we have seen answered over the years. God has certainly blessed CSC.  We know that God listens to and answers prayers.  We have found that God does not always give us exactly what we ask for, but often what he gives is better than we ask.  Of course there are prayers that are still unanswered and prayers that were denied...but we know that God is there and trust him to know what we REALLY need, not what we think we need.  

Tonight I was on duty at one of our homes.  These kids are real prayer warriors.  They love to pray.   There have been numerous prayer sessions that end up with a few kids falling asleep while some of the kids just keep thinking of more things to pray for.  Tonight we only had about 30 minutes to pray (school night you know) so I limited the kids to only 5 things to pray for.   Their choices were  #1 - The CSC Banquet    #2  That all the people who don't know Jesus will know him  #3 That we will all be safe always      #4 my friend Suzy who is going through a tough time after cancer surgery and Jane Anderson (they had to share a spot)   and #5 Thanking God for the people who pray for them.   I wish you could have heard their prayers.   I know God did.

I did sneak a few you can see a few kids were on to me.  That really is how the little ones always pray...hands together in front of them.


Grace from God

Apr. 8, 2013By: Shari Reasoner

Over Easter weekend my husband and I drove from Minnesota to Louisiana to visit our daughter.  Before starting on the trip, I was unable to contact one of our former Children of Hope School teachers whom I knew lived in the Baton Rouge area.  Instead, Grace got hold of me and said she was more than willing to drive the 170 miles (one way) in order for us to see each other.  Later that night, Grace and her husband, Noel, sat in our hotel room reminiscing about former CSC kids and colleagues and sharing what we are doing now.  I had not seen Grace in about seven years.  It was a great time! 


As Grace and Noel were pulling away to drive home, I was struck by the incredible connections there are all over the world through the common thread of CSC.  Grace's life is forever woven into mine because we worked at CSC together.  We share common interests in the children we taught at Children of Hope and the people we worked with.  It was encouraging to hear how Grace is being used by God in a very different educational setting in the United States.  Seeing Grace again reminded me the CSC family is strong and I am richer for it. 

Banquet Surprise

Apr. 7, 2013By: Paul Healy

Hey, we're working on a cool surprise for the CSC banquet. I won't give you even a hint, except that the kids and staff here in Cebu are really excited about it. Some of you will be able to see it at the banquet. (If you haven't registered yet, you can do so by clicking here.) Some will have to wait for a video here on the web site. That's all you're going to get, for now!

Visitors and Volunteers

Apr. 5, 2013By: Bjork Ostrom

One thing I've been able to witness this year is how often visitors are able to use their skills and abilities to help give back to CSC. So many times people don't just visit CSC, they also volunteer at CSC.

Here are some photos from the past year of family and friends that have visited and volunteered at CSC.

1. Gordie, one of CSC's board members, recently came to see CSC in action. This is a picture of when he led a Bible study for the older boys and girls at CSC about having a positive self image.


2. My family visited CSC in February. My mom taught the kids origami and led a workshop for the teachers. My dad did a pottery demonstration and then led an art activity where the kids made clay fish (or sharks or piranhas).




IMG_03463. When Lindsay's family came to visit her dad, Allen (or Dr. Mork, in this picture), helped out by seeing some of the kids that were sick.

44. Our friend Angie recently came to visit Lindsay and I. She's an elementary school teacher back in Minnesota. She volunteered to help the preschoolers who had a lesson on clowns. She jumped right in. I love this pictures!


What an honor it is to have such incredible people visit and volunteer at CSC!

A True Calling

Apr. 4, 2013By: Lindsay Ostrom

Last week I had a friend visiting here in Cebu. Marlys Healy, the co-founder of CSC, took us on her standard "city tour" so my friend could experience Cebu a little bit more. It doesn't matter how many times I've been on that city tour with Marlys - I love driving around and seeing this city through the perspective of CSC.

There was one moment that will always stick with me from this particular city tour. Marlys stopped outside of a building to tell us a story of some kids who had come to CSC from that side of town, and she was mid-story when she happened to turn around and see these three kids on the other side of the car. Immediately she stopped telling the story and brought our attention to the kids sleeping on the concrete.


What will always stick with me from this moment seeing her get big tears in her eyes looking at these three through the car window. We all just sat there for a minute taking in this sobering reality. She even had to stop telling her story for a minute, which, if you know Marlys, is pretty significant. :) But what is so astounding about this is that Marlys has lived in Cebu and worked with kids in these very difficult situations for 35 years. And the fact that she still feels so much compassion that it moves her to tears after so many years is simply incredible. 

I praise the Lord for Marlys and her true calling and deeply compassionate heart for ministering to children in need.