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Change is inevitable in life.  Some changes are good---they are pleasant and easy to go along with.  Others are hard to come to terms with--they are a challenge and they sometimes bring pain.  I want to tell you about some recent changes in my life...

Many of you already know that Teacher Tammy's 8 year run at CSC and Children of Hope School has ended.  She has been gone for 2 weeks--and kids and adults alike are mourning the loss. 

Tammy is missed for many reasons: 

Tammy was a good co-worker.  She was helpful, reliable, and thorough.  She was quick to jump in if something technological was going haywire---an asset on days of school programs.  :)  Tammy was true to her word.  She promised the kids that she would take each of them out for something special before she left and SHE DID!  If she had a job or a task assigned to her, you never had to worry about it getting done in an organized and timely fashion!  She was hard-working and did whatever was in front of her---and did so with a smile.   

But Tammy is also a good friend.  She is someone I OFTEN laughed with, went on adventures with, confided in, celebrated holidays with...and the list goes on.  She is a good listener and a Godly woman.  She has become family to me and you can't help but miss family when they are gone!




Tammy, myself and Amy were quite the terrific trio, however, at this time, Amy and I are down to just a dynamic duo....

The upside of change:

We recently admitted a new child.  She was afraid of the change, of me, of our counselor and our social worker.  She was hesitant, quiet and reserved.  And who wouldn't be?  She knew something big was happening in her life but she had no idea what it meant.

But oh to see her now!  How happy and animated and secure and playful she is!  She is grateful for the life-changing experience she has had and WE are so happy to have her with us where she is safe and provided for.



God is the god of everything in our life and everything happens for His purpose and good.  And that includes changes.  I am happy for Tammy and all that God has in store for her back in MN.  I miss her, but am grateful for her continued friendship---thank goodness for Skype!  :) I am also happy about our new arrival and for her safety and health and the fact that she FINALLY gets to be a kid.

Please join with me in praying for Tammy as she transitions back to living in the US and for our newest one and all of those that will come through our doors in the future. because no matter your age or the type of change you are facing, its always easier with God.



Sibling love...

Jun. 5, 2013By: Lindsay Hoeft

Isn't there a saying...siblings who play together...

No, there probably isn't, but there should be.  I love watching how our sibling groups interact with each other, love on each other and even keep after each other!  :)

I happened to catch some beautiful sibling footage earlier this week.  Check out the video below!


This older sister is letting her youngest brother push her on the swing.  I love that she is letting him feel "big" and she is caring for him at the same time.  You will hear her laughter throughout the video, but you will also hear her kind of shout every time she thinks she is about to run into him!  She keeps a watchful eye and you can see her trying to slow herself down often!  I love that this little boy wants to play with his sister---I'm sure he would have kept pushing her except he was called to take a bath.  Duty calls, you know! 

No surprise that I would get a kick out of such family dynamics, being a marriage and family therapist after all; however, who wouldn't consider that moment in time precious?! 


Jun. 2, 2013By: Marlys Healy

Plastic basins are used for all kinds of things in Cebu City. They are used for flowers, food, fish and bread, or for washing. They are everywhere in the city.IMG_4540









IMG_4521IMG_4522IMG_4533IMG_4539IMG_4580Of course, we have some pretty cool uses for basins at CSC, too. Basins make great bath tubs and swimming pools for our precious children!


Old Blue and me

Jun. 1, 2013By: Paul Healy

Old Blue was sold today. Jerry Salgo, our Transportation Director, showed it to a guy this morning and he agreed to buy it, with all its flaws and limitations. It is the end of an era. Amy Luck, who has driven Old Blue a lot in the past several years, called me up this afternoon, delighted that the guy bought it primarily to bring his dad to kidney dialysis. It seemed fitting that this old clunker still had some good work to do in its final days. IMG_000114f8613549d

The guy's going to pay for it on Monday morning. So right now Old Blue is in our car park at the Teen Home, waiting for its new home. Considering all the repairs she has needed in recent years and the times that she failed us along the way, I was expecting to be happy to see her go. But when I pulled into the Teen Home today and saw her there, I reacted in a different way. I won't say I got weepy, or even misty-eyed, but I did reflect on the many kilometers that Old Blue gave us over the years, since we purchased it from missionary friends Howard and Marilynn Plucar. I thought about the number of staff members, kids, short termers, visitors and friends who have piled into that car over the past years. The car failed us many times, but it came through more times than that. It gave all it had for CSC, and we need to remember her for that, not for her failings in old age.

Maybe one of the reasons that I got a little bit melancholy is that one of our child care workers is planning to retire. She has worked for us for something like 27 years and she is tired out. She has held, fed, bathed and cuddled hundreds of our kids. She provided one on one care to Luke for years in his upstairs room. Now she's ready to move on, kind of like Old Blue.

IMG_00021Old blue has dents, engine flaws and makes some very strange noises. The turns and hill climbs that used to be simple now require a strain. I guess the truth of the matter is that I feel like Old Blue sometimes these days. Old, faded, cranky. I don't want to be that way, but after 34 years on the job I sometimes feel like I need an overhaul. I'm a lot more tired at the end of the day. Sometimes I forget things that people tell me. Running after kids is something that the old joints just don't allow. The day will come when it will be time to retire. I am a grandparental figure for the kids now instead of a parental figure. One of kids, known for her rather brutal honesty said to me the other day, "Uncle Paul, your hair is white and your teeth are yellow." Yikes. I'm Old Blue.

I hope that, like Old Blue, when my days of service to CSC are done, I can know that, in spite of some failings along the way and limitations of age at the end, I gave all I had for the ministry. That's all any of us can aspire to. It was great that, in the last month of Old Blue's service, she was used a lot, to bring kids and staff to and from summer activities. She performed well. She finished strong. Hope I can do the same!

Farewell, Old Blue. Bring that old man to his dialysis safely, like you've done for our kids and staff over the years!

A rainy day...

May. 29, 2013By: Lindsay Hoeft

Yesterday was a glorious day!  It was overcast, breezy and there were intermittent bursts of rain.  It was welcome relief from the unrelenting heat of this summer, but also, I just love a good storm!  Because of the rain though, outside activities were at a minimum.  Normally at 3:35pm, any available space in the yard, on the driveway or on the playground equipment is being utilized.  I decided to document this rather rare occurrence...





It was definitely a riding kind of day...



Even for our Aunties!  :)



And a coloring kind of day....



And a looking at books kind of day...


And a taking silly pictures kind of day...




Pretty much my favorite part of ANY day!  :)


Thank You

May. 23, 2013By: Lindsay Ostrom

In a few days, Bjork and I will head back to Minnesota. There are so many mixed emotions that we have as we get ready to see family and friends as well as saying goodbye to the kids, staff, and CSC family.

I have been so thankful for the opportunity to work with such wonderful people this year. Here is a little glimpse at the American staff and some of the things that we appreciate about them.

Amy: Inviting, Relational, Adaptable


Lindsay: Thoughtful, Trustworthy, Insightful


Tammy: Fun-loving, Reliable, Optimistic


Sandy: Nurturing, Dedicated, Positive


Marlys: Dedicated, Compassionate, Inspiring

Paul: Dedicated, Hard Working, Loving


Thank you to all the American and Filipino staff and workers who have helped us and inspired us this year. Thank you to the kids for being cooler than we could ever put words around.

THANK YOU supporters from all over the world for making it possible for these amazing people to do such life-changing work.

And thank you to our God for working miracles through this place!