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Posts By: Sandy SwansonShow All


Apr. 9, 2013By: Sandy Swanson

I just finished Frontline for the month of April (Frontline is for all our prayer warriors out there - if you are not getting Frontline and want to get it, sign up here.)   Because of Frontline,  I've been thinking about all the prayers we have seen answered over the years. God has certainly blessed CSC.  We know that God listens to and answers prayers.  We have found that God does not always give us exactly what we ask for, but often what he gives is better than we ask.  Of course there are prayers that are still unanswered and prayers that were denied...but we know that God is there and trust him to know what we REALLY need, not what we think we need.  

Tonight I was on duty at one of our homes.  These kids are real prayer warriors.  They love to pray.   There have been numerous prayer sessions that end up with a few kids falling asleep while some of the kids just keep thinking of more things to pray for.  Tonight we only had about 30 minutes to pray (school night you know) so I limited the kids to only 5 things to pray for.   Their choices were  #1 - The CSC Banquet    #2  That all the people who don't know Jesus will know him  #3 That we will all be safe always      #4 my friend Suzy who is going through a tough time after cancer surgery and Jane Anderson (they had to share a spot)   and #5 Thanking God for the people who pray for them.   I wish you could have heard their prayers.   I know God did.

I did sneak a few you can see a few kids were on to me.  That really is how the little ones always pray...hands together in front of them.


Happy Birthday!

Mar. 4, 2013By: Sandy Swanson

"Happy Birthday!"  is something that we say a lot at CSC.  We work hard to make each birthday a special occassion for  each of our kids.   Really,  all our kids have of their own is their name and their birthday,  most other things have been taken from them. 

We have the big event on the exact date of their birthday....even if that means we have three different birthday parties in one week.    The kids know exactly what to expect.  They like to wear red on their birthday.   Their birthday will be celebrated in their house,  all the staff are invited and each of the kids get to invite two more people...usually one  kid from each of the other two houses, but sometimes they invite their teachers from school. If we happen to have two birthdays on one day that just means the party doubles,  we usually have it outside because all the kids from two houses are included.   Most often the first thing that happens is the kids are presented with a printed copy of all the greetings that were posted on FaceBook for their Birthday - they especially love looking at each of the tiny FaceBook profile photos!  They do read the notes as well.   We always have a rousing (read LOUD) birthday song and lots of table banging (trust me - it goes with the song).   Following that we all have to tell the birthday child "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" and expect a "Thankyou" in return.    Then is time for a special prayer for the birthday child,  the child gets to chose a staff person to pray for them.  We are always certain  to thank God for bringing this child to CSC and for each of the talents that we know this child has.  Then...time to eat.   The kids love to have chicken and spaghetti!  Sometimes the menu varies (and that makes the staff happy.)  After everyone has eaten all they want (and that usually does not include vegetables when they get to fill their own plates) it is time for Ice Cream and Birthday Cake, but first they have to have their picture taken with their specially ordered birthday cake.   The birthday child is usually the first one done eating.   The last big event of the evening is getting their gift! They are so excited to get their birthday gift...CSC kids are appreciative and happy with what they receive.  It is a blessing to watch their face as each thing is pulled out of their bags...okay,  clothes usually get tossed aside rather quickly,  but they are happy to wear them the next day!   Then it is time to pack everything back in the birthday bag and bring it upstairs to their bedrooms to find special places to keep each thing (usually that will be in their bed with them for a few nights at least).   Yep,  we love birthdays at CSC.  Each and every one of them.





Silent Night, Holy Night

Feb. 25, 2013By: Sandy Swanson

Last night I worked late in my office. When I came down the outside stairs I was struck by the silence. Even the moon was hiding behind clouds. I didn’t hear dogs barking, roosters crowing or goats bleating. I didn’t hear music drifting across the neighborhood. Most of all I didn’t hear any sounds that are normal for having 80 plus kids on one compound. It was a Silent night. I decided to go into the homes to see just how far this silence could be pushed. I expected to see and hear at least a few babies awake to be fed or changed. But, in each of our three nurseries it was silent, all the babies and toddlers were asleep! The Aunties were busy preparing bottles that would soon be demanded and arranging clothes that would soon be needed. It struck me that it was not only a silent night, but it was a Holy night. Seeing these precious babies that have come to CSC for life and for a future, seeing them sleeping in a safe place and being confident that their needs will be met; it struck me that I was in a Holy place. A place where God was working, Silent and Holy.

Here is a bit of what I saw...




















Feb. 18, 2013By: Sandy Swanson

I wish you could all meet Joemar.  Joemar will be  37 years old this year,  and has lived at CSC since he was almost 9 years old.  There has been a lot of life lived between those two numbers! Joemar interacts with the world at a cognitive age of  5-6 years old.  He loves Superman,  puzzles,  flashlights,  his cherished sea shells,  his keys and Mr. Bean DVD's.   Joemar is proud of his "balay" meaning his room in the Duterte home that he shares with his best buddy Jacob. 

Joemar works at two local McDonalds restaurants.   He clears tables,  mops up spills,  carries trays for customers, pours gravy (for the fried chicken that McDonalds is known for here) and overall cheers up McDonalds customers as well as staff.   He loves going to work every day!   Here at CSC Joemar keeps busy helping the cleaners up at school and visiting the Childcare and Nurses offices.   He always bursts in our door with a smile, a loud greeting and usually some things to keep him busy for awhile (puzzles, books,  paper...he always has a plan.) We can't help but smile when Joe comes to visit.  Joemar simply loves life,  and he lives life simply.  Joemar's talks a lot, he can be hard to understand,  but we have a few people here at CSC who are proficient in "Joemarese."  What a joy to have a conversation with this guy. 

Joemar has friends all over the world,  and he never forgets a friend.   But,  he has no concept of time.  Once he knows that someone is coming back to it this afternoon or two months from now...he reminds us numerous times a day that we should be going to the airport - NOW.   He does not want to leave anyone standing at the airport I guess!   So,  we spend lots of time telling Joemar,  "not today"  and trying to explain that we will not forget to go and get his friend.  The conversation will start all over again in a few hours though!

On Valentines day Joemar brought in supplies for an art project.  He worked for over an hour drawing hearts, coloring them and writing his name at least 10 times on the paper.  The whole time he was talking about  "hats" -hearts  and   "baltins" - valentines.   When he finally finished it he brought it to me.  I asked him who it was for, he always is bringing me things that he makes for me to give to others.  I was certain that this creation was for either his Housemother, Auntie Lourdes or the friend that he is thinking will be here any day (even though it is well over a month away) Auntie Lynn.  But his answer to my question was a big smile,  a finger pointing at me and a loud and clear  "YOU!"   He was so proud.   I know that it came from his heart, and what an amazing heart that is.  

I have known Joemar for almost 27 years and I literally could count on one hand how many days Joemar has not been happy.   He finds joy in everything.   We have all learned much from Joemar.  The day God brought him to CSC is the day that CSC was brought just a little closer to understanding God's heart.   We are blessed....I wish you could all meet Joemar.


CSC Smiles

Feb. 11, 2013By: Sandy Swanson

Many people comment on two things when they arrive at CSC. The first thing lots of people say when they come through our gate is that CSC seems to be an “Oasis” of green grass, cleanliness and hope in a neighbourhood that is lacking all three of those things. The second thing that people say is that our kids seem happy and that they have beautiful smiles. I agree. It is hard to give you the opportunity to really see that CSC is an “Oasis” in photos….but I can show you some beautiful CSC smiles. Enjoy. 













