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Hello there, book lovers! I had an awesome experience with my students, who had the most amazing library visit ever in the new school year, 2023-2024. It was a day filled with laughter, learning, and curiosity.

The first-grade students gathered in the library, and they couldn't stop wondering what they witnessed. Shelves were piled high with books of all types, and they felt like they had entered a whole new world of possibilities. They also sat in those comfortable beanbags, eager for the adventure to begin.


Teacher Merce, our librarian, accompanies them on this incredible journey; she began reading a fantastic story about a whale and a fish. Her voice was magical, bringing the story to life and taking the students on an underwater adventure.


The students didn't just sit there quietly, they were completely captivated! They raised their hands, expressed their opinions, and even predicted what would happen next. It was a worthwhile discussion of the story, and everyone had a great time.

And guess what? One of the enthusiastic students said that he was excited to visit the library to borrow books and everyone nodded in agreement. That's incredible! It's as though he couldn't wait to dive into new stories and discover new things.

When the story wrapped up, the excitement wasn't over. Teacher Merce showed them around the library and introduced them to all the wonderful books they could explore. The students ran their fingers along the book spines, imagining all the cool adventures they could have by picking up a book.

You could see the light in their eyes as they exited the library. This was more than just a typical library visit. It was the beginning of a whole new journey. The students were excited to read, learn, and use their imaginations. Who would have thought that a simple visit to the library could be so exciting and full of possibilities?

The inspiring story of my students' first library visit this school year serves as a reminder that books are like keys that can unlock endless doors to imagination and knowledge. So, remember the adventure that awaits you the next time you visit a library!


Individualized Instruction

Mar. 21, 2013By: Lindsay Ostrom

Individualized Instruction (aka I.I.) is a really cool thing that happens at CCHS. Kids who are identified by their teachers as needing extra support will get subject-specific instruction in a one-on-one setting during the afternoon. I am currently the I.I. reading teacher for a handful of kids, and here's what a typical day looks like with the students that I work with.






And being awesome!


Thanks for checking in on what's happening here!

On-site at CSC

Mar. 21, 2013By: Jill Grasley

My recent trip to Cebu was wonderful, aside from a little sickness and a run-in with some "stink fruit".  If you have not tried "stink fruit" before, don't.  It really does taste like it smells- awful. 

I have known about CSC and worked with the organization for years, but I feel truly blessed to be a part of it as a new staff member. As I walked on the CSC grounds, I kept thinking about how excited I was to connect with what is happening in this little section of Cebu. 

One thing I'm already proud of is how seriously we take the spiritual development of our children. One evening during my trip, I was welcomed into the Eicher home to join in on evening devotions. House father DonDon had already started, so I tried to sneak in the back and blend in. It didn't work very well, as I temporarily disrupted the discussion when the kids started waving and saying "hi Auntie Jill!" DonDon, however, quickly got the devotion time back on track. He was leading the children through a lesson about temptation and doubt. He shared that God has a plan for all of their lives and he talked about the need to trust God with the future. All of the children were really engaged and responded by answering the questions with confidence and by reciting scripture. As I sat there and listened, it struck me how much the staff at CSC care for these kids. They strive to meet all of their physical, emotional, educational and spiritual needs. Perhaps that is why you see so many smiling faces. 







Mar. 20, 2013By: Lindsay Hoeft

Truthfully, our kids are pretty special.  Yes, you may consider me a biased informant, but I dare you to come here and spend the afternoon playing with any number of them and not draw the same conclusion! 

We have some of the sweetest kids I have ever met.  They are helpful, considerate, creative, athletic and energetic. 

We also have some of the silliest kids I have ever met!!!  I decided to highlight that side of our kids for you this week...  Enjoy!



That face...



They are off to save the world!  Watch out.... ;)



Such an impish smile!   



His name is pretty much Mischief----with a capital M! 





FYI, He was winding up for an overhand throw---I found that out after the picture was taken!  ;)



Yes, he really is wearing the face of a pig!!!



Silly sisters!


And this one needs no caption...


Thanks for reading and caring about our silly, but precious children!

God Bless!






An early morning hike with Uncle Marv and Auntie Marlys

Mar. 19, 2013By: Paul Healy

7:00 am is early for some folks on a Saturday morning, but for the CSC kids its a great time for a morning hike. Recently Auntie Marlys invited a visitor, Marv Hadenfeldt, to join her and 20 of the kids for a hike up the mountain to see the sights and enjoy the beauty of nature. Marv is a regular visitor to CSC and loves to hang out with the gang. And the feeling is mutual.




Science Fun!

Mar. 17, 2013By: Tammy Vosika

Friction, motion, and static electricity are just a few of the topics we've been learning about lately in science!  It is EXTREMELY difficult to teach about static electricity in Cebu's very humid climate.  There are no flannel sheets to show off sparks, rubbing your feet on the carpet doesn't do anything, and even rubbing balloons in your hair doesn't always produce the desired effect.  But along with the help of the air conditioned library, we have been attempting to see or feel a little bit of static electricity.  The kids were extremely excited on Friday when the balloons finally "worked".  

DSC02223Friction and motion are easier topics to tackle!  After discussing them for a week, we had some fun with the "tablecloth" pull.  We started simple with just a small piece of paper and a marker.  Soon we moved up to using a large piece of paper and several dishes, bowls of water, pencil boxes, and other things.  The kids loved it, but I had to make sure to tell them NOT to try it at home!!