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Last October we entered the Support Give-Away Contest for Resource Mate, the library automation program we use at Cebu Children of Hope School.  It doesn't sound too glamorous, but we thought it would be worth it to submit the required essay to see if we could win a year of free tech support.  The essay had to describe how Resource Mate helps impact our community.  Well, we just found out we won the contest!!!  Woo Hoo!!!

Here's the essay we submitted:

It’s library day and Eugene wants to check out the next book in the Ranger’s Apprentice series.  He looks at the spine label and heads to the “Fla” part of the Fiction section.  Juliet wants to check out a Clifford book.  She read one in her class and is excited there are more books about Clifford.  I help her look in the Easy section and we hunt for the spine labels that have “Bri.”  Mary Grace is ready to tackle chapter books and wants to know where to look for ones for girls.  I point her in the direction of the Fiction section of books with spine labels that read “Ame” for American Girl books.  Maybe she’d like to try a Junie B. Jones book too.  The Level B reading class is studying about camouflage.  A bunch of the kids ask where to find books about animals that use camouflage.  We brainstorm about how to do that and someone remembers that we should search on the Resource Mate computer using the keyword camouflage.  The Reading Challenge contest is in full swing.  Kids race into the library each day to return their books and check out a new stack to read at home.  Teacher Amanda comes into the library looking for books on the theme of risks and consequences.  She searches and finds a number of books she can check out and keep in the classroom for the kids to read while they are working on this topic.  Teacher Alfie stops in right before leaving for the day to check out some books to read to his girls at home.  Sounds like a pretty normal day in the life of a library. 

But the library at Cebu Children of Hope School is anything but normal or typical in this city of 866,000 people with one public library.  Our library serves the community of children who reside at Children’s Shelter of Cebu, an orphanage in Cebu City, Philippines and the staff who work with the children.  All of the children who come to live at Children’s Shelter of Cebu are from the surrounding communities on the island of Cebu or neighboring islands.  The vast majority of the children have either never attended school or have attended very little.  When the children start attending school at Children of Hope School, they often do not know the letters of the alphabet much less how to read.  Usually it is safe to say no one has ever had a book read to them.  Needless to say, they have never seen a library. 

Library__2The children are thrilled to learn what a library is.  No one has to convince them how cool it is to browse the shelves of books and check out books to take home to the shelter.  Teachers have also often never been inside a proper library.  To have an automated system and thousands of books at their fingertips is pretty unbelievable.  The children and teachers are taught how to look for books in the library.  They learn what spine labels and bar codes are and how the books are organized on the shelves.  They are taught how to search for books by title, author, subject, or keyword.  The children hover around the Resource Mate computer in the library eager to have their books scanned so they can start reading their selections. 

Library__3Most of the children who come through the doors of the shelter and school are adopted either locally or internationally.  Currently the children have been adopted into families in fourteen different countries around the world.  The experience and knowledge gained at our school and in our library goes with them to their new countries, communities, and families. 

On the surface, the little library at Cebu Children of Hope School seems pretty normal, but every day really is a little bit miraculous in our slice of the world on the tiny island of Cebu in the Pacific Ocean. 


Typhoon Hagiput (Ruby) Update

Dec. 8, 2014By: Joel Reasoner

Typhoon Hagiput (Ruby) is heading out of the Philippines.  It closely followed the path Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) took last year, passing north of Cebu City.  Children’s Shelter of Cebu braced for the worst over the weekend.  Fortunately, Typhoon Hagupit continued to weaken as it traveled across the Philippines. The wind and rain were minimal in Cebu City.

Thank you for all your prayers of safety for CSC and Cebu City.  Continue to pray for all the people affected by the storm. 

Recital 2014

Nov. 30, 2014By: Featured Guest


People enjoy music because it can be a way of expressing themselves, showing what they feel. Last week the CCHS kids expressed their God- given talents at a recital praise night. It was a very exciting and surprising night for everyone. The kids couldn’t wait to perform and were so excited for the program, even the smaller ones. As one student, Jhaycob, approached me he said, “Dugay pako teacher”? (How long will I wait?)

CSC staff, teachers, and other invited guests were also excited and wanted to hear what the kids had been learning in music class and lessons. Many of the children are relatively new to the shelter, so it was their first time playing an instrument. I can truly say that it was really something out of nothing. Earlier in the school year, the kids had no idea what music is all about or how to play an instrument. The kids were amazing as they performed their pieces in front of an audience. It was also an opportunity to really appreciate the effort of the music teacher teaching the students in order for them to play the different instruments. With proper guidance and training, the kids were able to show what they have learned with style. Everyone was entertained and excited, especially with the drummers.

What happened at the recital was not just entertainment. There is something that we need to ponder out of that event. It's really a good thing seeing our kids glorifying God with their talents. An example of this was Pretchy who composed a song about our Saviour, Jesus Christ and sang it for us. We're also glad to see them standing in front of many people with courage.

It is important for each person at the school and shelter to help build the kids’ courage because it is a positive attitude for them to have. The kids learned so much from the entire experience and we can learn from them as well. Music is pleasant to one's ear and it influences many people. We can be music also by touching others’ lives for God. As we inspire them, we're building up their courage. We can make a change in others’ lives if there is proper guidance. At the beginning, one takes a risk on how to teach the kids, but they will really excel if there’s guidance. And it was proven with our praise night.

God is working in our midst. He heals the broken hearted and blesses each one of us. Let us be music that touches others’ hearts.

-Abigail Oblianda, Instructional Assistant


Nov. 29, 2014By: Paul Healy


Life is full of trade-offs.We enjoy some things at the expense of others. That is really true for our CSC staff. And Marlys and I are feeling it in a big way. This  is a great time of year, and we are enjoying spending lots of time with our family. But Christmas is an especially fun time of year at CSC in Cebu. We have lots of fun activities for the children and it is so great to spend Christmas with the CSC family. We will miss that greatly this year. Its a trade-off.  Another is the weather. We miss the tropical warmth of Cebu but like the changes of seasons and the snow that Minnesota offers. We like being involved in the promotion of the ministry and fund raising efforts that support the ministry, but miss the daily work on the Cebu side.

Although the past 35 years of ministry have had a good share of difficulties, and we have missed out on a lot with our families, we wouldn't trade them for anything.  We have had exciting lives directing CSC, and we have been blessed greatly seeing God's hand in the ministry. We have met so many terrific people, and had a chance to invest in the lives of hundreds of kids.  We thank him regularly for giving us the opportunity to serve Him in Cebu!


Men's Fellowship

Nov. 14, 2014By: Joel Reasoner

CSC is full of great people caring for the children.  Child care workers, house parents, counselors, teachers, social workers, office workers, therapists, management, nurses, and guards come together each day for the children.  I am one of these workers, and, as a man, I realize that the men are outnumbered.  For every man working at the shelter, there are five women.

Over the years, the men have started a Bible study just for the men.  It usually takes some creativity to find a good time to meet since each person’s schedule varies.  At times it has been a weekly meeting.  Holidays that land on a weekday are also good days to do something a little different than a Bible study.  When we are lucky to get this, the men usually join together for basketball and food.  These mornings are a lot of fun.  It is always good to spend time with co-workers outside of work hours.

When Matt Buley was in Cebu a while ago, the men were able to organize a morning of playing basketball.  It was fun to see a part-time guard on the same basketball team as the president.  No one in this group is a PBA (Philippines Basketball Association) star.  We just enjoyed ourselves.  Good plays were acknowledged by both teams.  Mistakes were laughed off by both sides.


After several hours of grown men with mediocre basketball skills playing all out, it was time for food.  The morning feast was spread out on banana leaves.  This is a called a boodle fight.  No utensils or plates.  Hands were all you needed to get the food from the banana leaf to your mouth.  It was a fitting way for a group of men to culminate a morning of fellowship.


Read. Eat. Play, Sleep.

Nov. 13, 2014By: Jinkee Reasoner

When I was a kid, my family did not have the luxury of buying me books.  I only received a book for my birthday or as a Christmas present—and even that was not every year.

The kids at the shelter are very blessed to have books within reach. From toddlers to teenagers, these kids are exposed to the beauty of what books have to offer. It is amazing to see how engrossed they are when they start looking at and reading books.

One of the kids I work with in therapy enjoys books.  A lot.  It is easy to tell how much he enjoys books just by looking at his facial expressions. Some of the physical therapy stuff I introduce when working with him is not received well.  He thinks it is hard, uncomfortable or boring.  But when we get to floor time and I incorporate books into the therapy, he does not care what he is asked to do.  He will go on all fours, kneel, or sit cross-legged as long as he gets to touch, look at the books, and flip the pages.














Yes, this toddler’s day looks like this—Read. Eat. Play. Sleep.