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The final activity related to CCHS's Reading Challenge was a trip to the Cebu City Public Library, so the kids headed out to visit the library one day last week.  The trip was meant to be the kids' reward for doing such a great job during the Challenge, but another underlying purpose was to expose them to the idea of a public library.  Unlike most communities in the United States, the existence of public libraries in the Philippines is rare, so most people have little or no opportunity to avail themselves of the multitude of services public libraries provide.  The Cebu City Public Library is the only public library in the city of 870,000 people! 


When we got to the library, the head librarian welcomed us and explained what a public library is.  Then the kids were allowed to browse through the books in the children's section for about thirty minutes.  Great fun!  Most of our children have not had the opportunity to read books when they arrive at the shelter.  The idea of being able to look at and read books whenever they want is a foreign experience, so they thoroughly enjoy our school library and the mini-libraries in the classrooms and houses.  This was another chance to be exposed to books in a different environment. 

While we were at the library, we learned about a program to bring books into the communities in the city.  Books bags are distributed by the library to kindergarten and first grade students and their families for them to keep at their homes for one week.  The book bags are returned after a week and the family is given another bag for the next week.  It's sort of a creative revolving check-out system.  Coupled with the book bag distribution are sessions teaching the parents how to read with their children.  It was encouraging to hear the public library is reaching out into the communities in this way.

The kids are still pumped about reading and continue to challenge themselves by reading a lot.  Right now they are into book series and books related to what they are studying in science class.  Maybe that will shift to books about countries and people around the world since United Nations Day is coming up.  We'll see...

The first question

Jun. 21, 2014By: Paul Healy

Marlys, Jenny and I are in MN for one year. When I see people for the first time (on this stay) they will invariably ask,
"When do you go back?" Sometimes before saying "hi" or asking how I'm doing, they will inquire as to our return date. I think the reason is that we have been living in Cebu for so long that people just imagine us being there. And for some, we are their link to the Philippines and CSC. Seeing us in Minnestoa seems out of place.

Sometimes I do feel out of place in the U.S. In getting situated here we have so much learning to do about technology: phones, internet, new forms of information and communication. It hit us the other night when some of our former CSC residents came over for a visit. They had to show us how our new phones worked. It was a little embarassing, but when we reflected on it we thought it was pretty  cool. Kids we helped to rescue from poverty and homelessness several years ago are now our  mentors for life in the States!

A song for Jacob

Jun. 18, 2014By: Matt Buley

“I’m overdoing this song.” That was my inner voice the other day. I had fallen for a song and ran the risk of ruining it if I didn’t stop pressing repeat. I ended up restricting myself to one listen per day. Ever had to do that?

The song is by Digital Age, and it’s called “Break Every Chain.”

The truth is, I wasn’t sure how I felt about it at first. The chorus repeats a simple refrain: “There is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain.” That sounds wonderful to me. It rings of freedom, joy and hands raised high, and I believe it to be true.

But something about the words kept bugging me. I kept thinking about my friend, Jacob, who lives at CSC. How would Jacob feel listening to this song?


Jacob is quite a guy. There is life dancing in his eyes. It can make your heart soar to get him laughing. He brings joy into a room with him and you can see how much he cares for people.

Jacob also deals with limits. If he wanted, he could focus on what he can’t do all day. Jacob can’t walk. He can’t feed or bathe himself. He can’t speak clearly. Every day is full of reminders to Jacob of the things others can do that he can’t.

Would a song about Jesus breaking every chain bother Jacob? Maybe it would for a time. Perhaps it would cause him to remind Jesus about all the chains he feels, and how much he wishes to be free of them. Maybe he would list the other kids in his home and wonder why he can’t be free like them.

We all feel like that some days, and, let’s be honest, it usually happens when we are comparing ourselves to others. We have those moments of wondering why we can’t be more than we are.

Thanks be to God, one day Jacob will be free of his chains. So will we. What is to come will be a freedom we can’t yet fathom. There will be no more hurt, despair or need to compare ourselves to others. Those broken chains will feel incredible. Maybe even a little extra incredible to my friend Jacob.

When I play that song today I won’t feel guilty about what Jacob would feel listening to it. Instead I think I’ll blast it for him.

Philippine Independence Day

Jun. 13, 2014By: Joel Reasoner

The Filipino flags were flying from each house.  The jello and maha was in the shape of the same flag.  CSC celebrated Filipino Independence Day on Thursday.

It was a fun evening full of food and laughter.  The kids kept going back for more hot dogs, jello and maha, and chips.  Even though the stuffed themselves, they still found room for ice cream.

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Each home gave a patriotic presentation.   Eicher home presented a speech.  Cherne sang a patriotic song.  Duterte reenacted the history of Filipino Independence Day.

In God's Hands

Jun. 2, 2014By: Joel Reasoner

When I got up in the morning, out the window was an interesting site.  A rainbow was hanging low over Banawa, Cebu City.  The arch that usually spans the sky was down among the people.  I walked toward the next room, again looking out the window.  Now I noticed something amazing.  The end of the rainbow was resting over the shelter.  Well, there are many buildings, homes, and business in that line of sight, but naturally I noticed the shelter situated just beyond the orange and yellow cranes.

God has the shelter in His hand.  He holds so much in his hand.  New children arrived at the shelter just last week, finding a safe place.  Children who were sick have regained their strength.  Children who were burdened not so long ago with responsibility beyond their years are laughing and playing on the shelter’s playground.

The shelter is a special place because God is holding it in the palm of His hand.


Arleen sings her heart out

Jun. 1, 2014By: Paul Healy

Arleen_205b8d09fbfYou gave me time when no one gave me the time of day,
You looked deep inside while the rest of the world looked away,
You smiled at me when there were just frowns everywhere,
You gave me love when nobody gave me a prayer.

That's why I call You Saviour ..... that's why I call You Friend,
You touched my heart ..... You touched my soul,
And helped me start all over again,
That's why I love You, Jesus ..... that's why I'll always care,
You gave me love when nobody gave me a prayer.

You gave me laughter after I cried all my tears,
You heard my dreams while the rest of the world closed it's ears,
I looked in Your eyes, and I found the tenderness there,
You gave me love when nobody gave me a prayer.

That's why I call You Saviour ..... that's why I call You Friend,
You touched my heart ..... You touched my soul,
And helped me start all over again.
That's why I love You, Jesus ..... that's why I'll always care,
You gave me love when nobody gave me a prayer.

Arlene stood up in church today and sang this song. She sang beautifully. The song, You Gave Me Love, is especially meaningful for Arleen's life. She came to CSC as a five year-old orphan whose mom had just died. She is blind, and had nobody to take care of her. But as the song says, God, through CSC,touched her heart and her soul, and gave her love when society simply wasn't able to provide her with anything. In many ways, she didn't have a prayer.

As she stood up there singing I thought of the blessing that she has been to so many people over the years, using her musical talents to inspire, convict and bless.

Please pray for Arleen as she is waiting for a job as a music teacher. She has recently graduated from college and is very much hoping to get a job soon. Thanks for all who have supported her over the years through gifts and prayers.