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I am pretty much amazed on a daily basis about the creative works made by our kids here.  They have a knack for drawing, creating, writing, coloring and cutting---even folding letters into intricate patterns.  I, myself, do not have such a creative gene so I admire them even more I suppose.

But, truth be told, not all of the kids are able to make such effortless works.  Some struggle with the basics of writing and cutting longer than they should.  These kids often receive therapy from our resident PTs to improve their fine motor skills.  In class, they often work one-on-one with a teacher on projects and they also have Individualized Instruction, which is more one-on-one time with a teacher in addition to their regular classes to improve on the skills they are having difficulty mastering.  It is a HUGE blessing that our school and shelter can offer all of these specialized services because these kids, our kids, would be lost in a public or even private school where class sizes are 30 or 35 to 1 teacher.

Below is a picture I took of a very special gift given to me.  It was a class project, given to me on the day it was completed.  It is, as the teacher described, "a labor of love."  The child who gave this to me will be 7 in August, but he cannot yet write his name without hand-over-hand assistance from his teacher.  He is a child who received therapy to learn how to put on his socks and shoes for several months before he had mastered it.  He is a child who is still receiving therapy for cutting skills and other fine motor activities.  He worked really hard on this for a long time.  Cutting on the lines is a difficult task for him, following a curve or cutting irregular shapes, nearly impossible.  But he did it.  

He had ran up to me and excitedly given it before his class was about to start.  The kids love to give letters, flowers and things like that so I accepted it with a smile.  Later I realized it must have been a class project and I figured he needed it still.  I approached his teacher to ask if he would need it to complete assignments.  She said no, but she shared that it was a very hard work for him to complete.  What a treasure it is to me!  

I consider my work here to be a significant blessing to ME.  Visitors often come here and thank me for what I do, but really, no thanks is needed.  Every day I receive so many gifts that it is almost not right to call this work.  God’s hand is on this place and I am blessed to be here, in His palm. 

Thank you for supporting this ministry, for praying for all of us.  When I look at this child’s work, I am humbled by his gift.  I can see how hard he worked to make it, the painstaking care he took as he cut.  But I also see his progress, how far he’s come and it is because of CSC.  And it is because of all of you, who care, who get on your knees to pray, for these kids, for this work, so we can give them what they need.





Celebrating Buwan ng Wika and 26 Years of Cebu Children of Hope School

Sep. 4, 2024By: Bryan Saraum  ›  Author Bio

Cebu Children of Hope School came alive recently with the vibrant colors, sounds, and spirit of Filipino culture. It was culmination and celebration of Buwan ng Wika (language month), and the celebration also marked the school's 26th anniversary. The theme, "Filipino: Wikang Mapagpalaya," resonated deeply with everyone, reminding us of the power of our language to free and unite us as a people.







Festivities began with anticipation as students from all levels—kindergarten to grade 6—prepared to showcase their talents. Each performance reflected a deep love for the Filipino heritage. From energetic folk dance and soulful singing of classic Filipino songs to heartfelt recitations of poetry and creative interpretative dances, the students' efforts shone brightly.

Our beautifully decorated stage, set in a barrio fiesta theme, added a festive backdrop that enhanced every performance. One of the day's highlights was a surprise performance by the teachers of CCHS. With ukuleles and guitars in hand, we serenaded the crowd with beloved Filipino folk songs like "Bahay Kubo," "Si Felimon," and "Paru-Parong Bukid." The music filled the room, and the joyful expressions on the students' faces were priceless. It was a moment of unity and nostalgia, where generations celebrated our shared culture.





Out in the courtyard awaited a feast of traditional Filipino food. The tantalizing aroma of crispy "lechon baboy" paired with puso (hanging rice) filled the air. Students lined up eagerly to savor the flavors of home—refreshing buko juice, taho, and calamansi juice to cool down from the sun, and delectable treats like chicharon, buko pie, ice cream, empanadas, lanzones, watermelon, and the always-tasty customary lumpia and dynamite chili lumpia. The atmosphere was filled with laughter, chatter, and an unmistakable sense of community and, reinforcing the bonds that tie us as a community and reminding us of the beauty and freedom found in our language and culture.

Here's to many more years of celebrating our heritage, language, and shared dreams at Cebu Children of Hope School. To all of our supporters in this ministry, a big thank you for being a part of this incredible journey!




Beyond Clinics

On behalf of our Medical Department....

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." — Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Everything begins with God and flows from Him. Each of us is a vital part of His divine plan, placed in this moment in history for a purpose.

From the beginning, it was a challenge to find a doctor willing to step out of their clinics or hospitals to visit our children and dedicate the time needed to check on each of them. But God, in His perfect timing, gave us an extraordinary physician whose heart was indeed with the kids. For the first time in CSC's history, the medical department successfully conducted an Annual Physical Examination of all the residents. In collaboration with the CSC medical team, the physician conducted thorough check-ups on all the residents, addressing major and minor concerns. This was a great gift from our Almighty God! We also thank God for the joyful dedication of our medical staff, who, with their unwavering commitment, assisted the doctor in this vital mission.

One of our beloved long-term residents, who joyfully received care from the doctor, stands as a powerful testament to the impact of our work. Their joy and health clearly reflect the importance of our mission and the need for continued support.

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These playful kids patiently waited and cooperated well as the doctor checked on them during their turn, a testament to their understanding of the importance of their health and well-being.







This momentous achievement reminds us that God's plans for us are always good, even when the journey seems complicated. Just as Jeremiah 29:11 assures us, God has a purpose and a plan that brings hope and a future. Through His provision of a compassionate physician and a dedicated medical team, He has shown His care for every child in our shelter. He answers and provides for every need, even our seemingly impossible prayers. As we reflect on this milestone, we are reminded that when we trust in His timing and purpose, God faithfully provides for every need, big or small, in ways beyond our expectations.




Health Does Matter

Aug. 12, 2024By: Michelle Obiedo

The Cebu Children of Hope School (CCHS) recently observed Nutrition Month. In her opening greeting, Mrs. Criselda Tabra, our school principal, encouraged everyone to take good care of our bodies by eating a balanced diet and staying healthy. One of the CSC nurses then led a discussion and offered advice on leading a healthy lifestyle.










Next up was Zumba! Moving our bodies is another approach to maintaining our health. Both the teachers and the students had a great time dancing. Then, our ever-enthusiastic coordinators guided the students and staff through a series of engaging games. Every student enjoyed the opportunity to take part, and those who correctly identified the answer received prizes. Then came one of the most anticipated parts of the program: the announcement of the Nutrition Month coloring contest winners. Way to go, guys, and enjoy your prizes!








The last part of the program included eating nutritious foods beside the courtyard. Most students enjoyed it, while others were trying to finish their share. What a fun way to commemorate Nutrition Month.









The program and activities were only an hour-long program, yet somehow they made an impact on everyone present at that moment. The experience was also one way of letting our students know that the people around them value their health and well-being. A huge "thank you" to everyone at CCHS and CSC who works hand in hand to ensure our children's good health. And as adults serving these children, we also must stay healthy in all aspects.








So, what is the ideal thing to do to be able to achieve a healthy lifestyle? This is one of the most common questions that most of us ask when we aim to live longer and happier. Well, the answer depends on how determined someone is to stay healthy. First, stay positive, then feed yourself in healthy ways. And the list goes on and on. What about you? What is your definition of being healthy? Are you doing things that promote good health physically, socially, financially, emotionally, mentally, and most importantly, spiritually? What a great reminder it is to start evaluating how we are doing as stewards of our bodies and our whole lives. The good thing is that it is not too late to start living healthy lives. So, what are you waiting for?

Start now!

As Bonnie Pfiester says, "Today is your day to start fresh, to eat right, to train hard, to live healthy, and to be proud." Bethany Johnson also says, "Our body is an incredible gift that only we can steward. Care for your body can be fun—not a burden or a 'should'—but a daily and empowering project of love for yourself and an expression of gratitude for God's wonderful work. That's you!"