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Posts By: Eunice Grace Saavedra GuinanoyShow All

Beyond Clinics

On behalf of our Medical Department....

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." — Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Everything begins with God and flows from Him. Each of us is a vital part of His divine plan, placed in this moment in history for a purpose.

From the beginning, it was a challenge to find a doctor willing to step out of their clinics or hospitals to visit our children and dedicate the time needed to check on each of them. But God, in His perfect timing, gave us an extraordinary physician whose heart was indeed with the kids. For the first time in CSC's history, the medical department successfully conducted an Annual Physical Examination of all the residents. In collaboration with the CSC medical team, the physician conducted thorough check-ups on all the residents, addressing major and minor concerns. This was a great gift from our Almighty God! We also thank God for the joyful dedication of our medical staff, who, with their unwavering commitment, assisted the doctor in this vital mission.

One of our beloved long-term residents, who joyfully received care from the doctor, stands as a powerful testament to the impact of our work. Their joy and health clearly reflect the importance of our mission and the need for continued support.

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These playful kids patiently waited and cooperated well as the doctor checked on them during their turn, a testament to their understanding of the importance of their health and well-being.







This momentous achievement reminds us that God's plans for us are always good, even when the journey seems complicated. Just as Jeremiah 29:11 assures us, God has a purpose and a plan that brings hope and a future. Through His provision of a compassionate physician and a dedicated medical team, He has shown His care for every child in our shelter. He answers and provides for every need, even our seemingly impossible prayers. As we reflect on this milestone, we are reminded that when we trust in His timing and purpose, God faithfully provides for every need, big or small, in ways beyond our expectations.





"A smile is worth a thousand words."

Julie A. Walker


Most, if not all, of the children who come to CSC find it challenging to convey their feelings. While very few can use words, most of them are not able to. Sadness or fear are usually expressed in silence, tears, tantrums, or stomach aches. Joy or happiness is expressed in hugs, drawings, flowers, or petals picked along the driveway, and mostly in SMILES.

A child's smile keeps us going. When days are long and overwhelming, the genuine smiles on our children's faces give us the strength to carry on.

A child's smile reminds us to count our blessings, especially during the days when we lack cheerfulness and forget all the good things.

A child's smile speaks gratitude to our hearts. Even when words are absent, we still hear their "thank you's."

A child's smile is contagious. Even when our hearts are heavy, we smile because they do.

A child's smile matters because not all children can or will smile at CSC. But when they do, we know our language of love speaks to their hearts.

A CSC child's ...
S – smile gives warmth
M - making our day bright,
I - inspiring us to not give up,
L – leaving a mark in our hearts, and
E – encouraging us to look forward to brighter days ahead.

Dear child,
Thank you for your smile. You don't know how many hearts you have touched when you smile.
May God continue to put a smile on your face and make us instruments for such. May your smile
reflect God's sweet embrace and loving touch in your life today and always.


Under God's Wings

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Deuteronomy 31:6

Handling the medical department during a pandemic is a huge responsibility. It was terrifying to hear Covid-19 reaching Cebu and the plan for eventual lockdown. Even with plans in our hands, we are still caught with so many surprises. The promise in Deuteronomy 31:6 has been our constant comfort, strength, and encouragement in the medical department as we face the many challenges during this pandemic. Looking back, when we were confronted about the virus people had little knowledge of, we were anxious and confused. We asked ourselves if we will be able to take care of all the children and employees entrusted to our care. The lockdown period, which we anticipated to last for a month, has been ongoing for almost a year now. We prayed that every flu-like symptom, especially in the first month, is just a simple flu, and the children and workers will just respond to medication. We made sure employees who are locked in had their maintenance meds and would be able to cope with the 12-hour shift each day. We constantly reminded our lock-out personnel to practice standard health protocol to protect themselves and their families. When we are terrified, God has reminded us to be strong and courageous. He constantly brought us back to His Word and reminded us that we are under His wings. He assured us that...

Under His wings, we are PROTECTED.

Even when we had emergency runs for lacerations for our two little kids and an admission, God restored their health and protected them from possible infection because of outside exposure. We have less sick kids during the year compared to our recorded illnesses in the past years. Our sick children also responded well to medications given by the doctors.

Under His Wings, we are PROVIDED.

We couldn’t thank God enough for using people and agencies to give and provide every need we have in the department. We were able to secure free tests for all our employees who came to serve during the lockdown. We had the means to quarantine our workers for 14 days prior to working through the CCHS facility. We were able to procure PPEs even during the scarcity of supply in the city. We were provided with doctors who were willing to answer our queries even at 2:00 AM, and we were able to avail of the home services for laboratory tests and eye check ups. We are grateful that we have workers who are committed to serve and be with the kids for 3 months and even longer. Lastly, God has given us wisdom to respond to every child’s medical or health needs and to come up with the health and safety protocol for the shelter. 


Under His Wings, we are PROMISED. 

Despite the uncertainties the pandemic brought, we are continually assured that His grace is more than sufficient to meet the needs of our children and workers. His promise to never leave us nor forsake us holds true in every situation we have faced. We thank God because in all of these, we are assured of His presence.

Indeed, under His wings, He covered us.