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The recent earthquake in Cebu and the neighboring island of Bohol has resulted in suffering and loss of property. Filipinos have responded with generous efforts to help out. Food, clothing, water and building supplies are being donated and distributed by private citizens, businesses and civic organizations, even as the Philippine government and NGOs direct larger amounts of relief aid to the victims.

A few days after the quake, Ruth Ohlendorf was talking to the Teen Home residents about the relief efforts. They mentioned to her that they would love to help. They asked about the amount of money they each had in their allowance fund, and each decided to give to buy supplies for those who were hurting. One resident gave all of her money to the project. With their pooled allowances, Julieto and Roselyn went shopping at the local supermarket, and the purchased goods were brought to a distribution center.

Without being asked or even encouraged to give, these young adults responded out of love and compassion. Their hearts are good!




Sep. 4, 2016By: Paul Healy

Change is a part of life here at CSC. The ministry has undergone tremendous change since our initial band of pioneers started the ministry in 1979. We have grown tremendously, have added facilities and services and have expanded our work force from an inital six to about 130. We have professionals working in child development, social work, education, accounting, nursing and physical and occupational therapy. And thing change from month to month with new staff coming on board, others moving on and some going on furlough. 

Change is a necessary part of doing a ministry like ours. We need to constantly be improving our programs and services. We recently hired a Social Work Director here in Cebu, Klaris Cabansal, to head up the Social Work department, supervise our three other social workers,  write and edit social case study reports, and work with the Department of Social Welfare and Development and the Inter-Country Adoption Board on behalf of CSC. We are also hiring people in Child Development and Human Resources. We are currently trying to hire two therapists, as well. We want to upgrade all of our departments and improve all our services to the children. So change is important.

In spite of this, when asked about the secret to our success over the years, I always say that we have been successful because we have not changed. We are still doing the same basic thing that we set out to do back in 1979. We are taking care of children who do not have families. When people think about CSC they know exactly what it is we do. (That's one reason we don't have to produce new brochures every few years!) And next month and next year it will still be the same. In a changing world, with shifting values and constantly evolving technologies, economic and political landscapes and donor expectations, we still take care of children who do not have families. We have more kids, and we do a better job of caring for them, but our basic program is the same.   

Birthday blessings

Aug. 16, 2016By: Paul Healy

Filipinos love birthdays. One of the fun things about being on the CSC staff is the opportunity to help our children celebrate their birthdays. We attend lots of parties! But another fringe benefit is that we get lots of love on our birthdays. The kids enjoy making colorful and creative cards to give to us on our special days. The are written and colored with love and appreciation. As we get older, some of us would imagine our birthday to be kind of low key, no big deal. But our birthdays are a big deal to the CSC kids. And so, the cards are made and presented. And greatly appreciated. Giving and receiving love is the greatest part of working at CSC here in Cebu. Here is a small sampling of the cards I received on my birthday recently:

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Jake's Friday gig

Aug. 13, 2016By: Paul Healy

WIN_20160812_101a7beec88Friday is Jake's day in the office, stamping names on note paper for the office staff. There is a lot of kidding and laughing while he is in the office, because Jake brings his great sense of humor wherever he goes. It doesn't seem possible that Jake has been with us for just over 30 years! He is a blessing to all of us at CSC and a testimony to how God has worked in his life. Things haven't always been rosy for Jake, but he hangs in there and meets the challenges of life with determination. And humor.


Precious Water

What do you do when there’s no water?

It was a very fine cold (relatively speaking, of course, because the temperature rarely gets below about 70 degrees) Tuesday morning at Cebu Children of Hope School.  Everyone was ready for their classes.  Later during our first morning class, one of the Level B2 students asked to go to the bathroom.  I said, “Can you wait until 9:25 at snack time?”  The student replied, “Yes teacher.”  So at 9:25 everyone left to use the bathroom and wash their hands before heading to the snack room.  Unfortunately, when they turned on the faucets, there wasn’t any water because one of the float switches wasn’t working.  

michelle_1Instead of getting upset, the kids found other ways to wash their hands so they could eat their snacks. Thankfully we didn’t have to wait very long for the water problem to be fixed. 


Let's Eat!

Food is made up of nutrients that are very essential for our bodies. It is good to teach kids the importance of eating nutritious foods. 

Every July is Nutrition Month for all schools in the Philippines. On July 28 we had our culminating program for Nutrition Month. Lots of activities were prepared and the kids were very excited. There were coloring activities, preparing and cooking food and classifying pictures of different foods. The kids enjoyed the coloring activities. They also liked being involved in preparing and cooking food. The kids were divided into groups and each group was assigned a food to prepare and cook.  The different groups made garlic bread, chicken nuggets, fruit cocktail and calamansi juice.

Nutrition_Month_2016_6  Nutrition_Month_2016_3

During the classifying foods activity, the groups cut out pictures of different foods and classified them into three categories:  Go, Grow and Glow foods. Then they glued the pictures on a poster explained their work.










One of the students who was reporting for his group kept practicing his lines and asked, “Teacher, sakto ba ko? (Teacher, am I right?) Go foods give us energy, Grow foods give us protein and Glow foods give us vitamins and minerals.”  I answered him with a nod of my head and a thumbs up.

At the end of the program, the kids enjoyed eating the food they had prepared and cooked.  Yum!