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Everywhere you go in Cebu, you see people cooking meat like this on the side of the road. There's this smoky haze around them and the meat is stuck on skeweres and barbecued to perfection.

It's no different at CSC! The uncles have the job of being the barbecue-master and they know how to do it right. They hold a little piece of cardboard and wave the smoke away as the chicken cooks.


Speaking of chicken, I was surprised to see this guy standing so close by...


One thing that's interesting about CSC's barbecued chicken is that they barbecue it twice. The pan on the right side is for the skewers that have been on the grill just once. The pan on the left is for the skewers that have been on the grill TWICE. This gives the chicken an extra yummy crispy exterior and a smoky flavor. Delicious!


Chicken Barbecue
Recipe from the Eicher house

6 cloves garlic, crushed
1 teaspoon black pepper
2 tablespoons lime juice
2 tablespoons oyster sauce
1 tablespoon soy sauce
2 teaspoons salt
1 bouillon cube
2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 lbs. chicken thighs, cut into small pieces*

1. Combine all the ingredients except chicken to make a marinade. Marinate the chicken for 3-4 hours.
2. Start a charcoal grill and let the coals get very hot. You want smoking, flameless coals.  Thread the chicken pieces onto wood skewers and place on a metal grate over the coals. Brush with oil and grill until the chicken is cooked through. Remove from heat and let rest for a few minutes.
3. Repeat the grilling process with the cooked chicken, brushing with oil as necessary and grilling a second time until the outside of the chicken is a deep golden brown with a crispy exterior.

*The CSC aunties and uncles use bone-in chicken thighs with skin, but you could substitute boneless chicken thighs with skin. Keep the skin because it's what makes each piece browned and crispy on the outside.

United Nations Day 2014

Oct. 24, 2014By: Joel Reasoner

The students started the morning of UN Day with a passport and a sense of anticipation.  There were lots of places to go and only one day to fit it all in.

In the morning, the students traveled to five countries—Angola, Puerto Rico, Mexico, France, and United Arab Emirates.  In each country, the students learned interesting facts, made a craft or two, and tried some of the local food.  Some of the countries had very strict rules, only letting in the students who were sitting quietly while waiting in line.  Once inside each country's room, the fun began.  There were interesting facts to be learned, fun crafts to make, and new foods to taste.  By the end of the morning, each student’s hands were full of souvenirs from the places they had visited.

media overlay

In the afternoon, different classes presented a cultural dance from each of the countries.  Angola won Mister and Miss UN Day and they were thrilled.  The day ended with a quiz game about the countries.  It was a fun day from beginning to end.

If Music Be the Food of Love, Play On

Oct. 15, 2014By: Grace Anderson

Two weeks ago I started teaching private music lessons. Right now I have 9 students, 3 piano and 6 voice. I am teaching lessons every day after school (about two students per day). This is something that I was thinking about doing before I moved to Cebu, and now have finally started! I am mostly teaching teenagers, though I have two younger students. 

So far is has been a complete joy to teach lessons! Music has always been a big part of my life, and I love to share that with others. I started taking piano lessons when I was in second grade, and continued lessons until I was a sophomore in High school. I started taking voice lessons when I was a sophomore in high school, and participated in many choral activities, including all-state choir and college choir. 

It is very encouraging to teach the kids at CSC. All of my students have a genuine desire to learn. Each week they come to lessons prepared, and full of enthusiasm. In the states, I noticed that practicing is something students often fail to do, but not my students! I was surprised to see my students asking me for copies of their music, and coming up to me throughout the week telling me  how they are practicing. Their attitudes are completely amazing! They are also very talented!

Right now the voice students are working on a vocal compositon from a broadway musical. Some of their pieces include: I could have danced all night, Climb every mountain, My favorite things, and  Consider yourself. The kids all enjoy their songs, and have been learning a lot about pronunciation in singing (how it differs from our normal speaking voice), pitch matching, breath support and musical style. Piano students have been learning through the book series Piano Adventures. One of my stuends is in the primer level, and two are in level 1. The three piano students are very quick learners, and listen well to instruction. Though there are not pianos or keyboards in each of the homes, the piano students take time out of their own free time to go up to the school and practice. 

Dedicated is the best word I can use to describe my musically gifted students. Though we are only in our third week of lessons, every moment has been enjoyable and full of ah-ha moments. I feel so blessed to be able to teach these wonderful children!

Science Works!

Oct. 13, 2014By: Featured Guest

On October 7, 2014 Science Groups 2B, 3, and 4 went to a Science Exhibit at Park Mall.  The exhibit had all kinds of cool science phenomenon the kids could explore.  Everyone was excited to discover new things. They tried all the different exhibits and were amazed at how science works.


SAM_4Lots of Learning going on!

Exploring the Van de Graff generator. She looks cool with that hair.

Attending the Science Exhibit encouraged intellectual curiousity, sharpened the kids' critical thinking, and helped them draw conclusions about the world around them.  

-Rhasie Gantuangco, Instructional Assistant

Conferences: Sharing about the Students

Oct. 11, 2014By: Joel Reasoner

Twice every school year, the teachers meet with the house parents, child care team, and other staff members to share how each student is doing in school. The small class sizes and many hours spent together make the teachers experts about the children. The teachers know how to inspire the students. They know how to explain the lessons. They know how to meet the children where they are at.

Recently, the first teacher conferences of the year were held. It was great to hear about the strides the students are making. The teachers shared some anecdotes about the children, giving insight into the mind of each child.

  • One teenage boy loves drawing and is good at it. However, sometimes he spends too much time on the drawings for an assignment and does not leave enough time for the writing part.
  • A preschooler was described by his teacher as having "a lot of potential to learn a lot this year."
  • One first grade student recommended a comic book to his teacher. "If you read this teacher, it is funny," he said.
  • After a day of vacation, a student confessed to his teacher, "I don't like no class. It is boring to have no learning."

The teachers also shared some of the school work the children of have been doing. The drawings by the kindergarteners and first graders showed how much they have improved in just the first few months of the year. The more difficult books the upper elementary students have been reading show how much they comprehend. It is encouraging from preschool on up!

Here is one student's work "The Lion and the Worm" read by the author, Lerma.

Morning Meeting: Animals

Oct. 9, 2014By: Joel Reasoner

Animals fascinate people of all ages.  Kids four, five, and six years old are no exception.  Many times the third or fourth thing you learn about a kid that age is their favorite animal.  Name, age and possibly favorite color come before their favorite animal.

Preschool and Level A were excited to lead morning meeting because it was all about animals.  They had fun singing and performing a few songs about animals.  They did well and stayed focused throughout.  The Animal Game Show finished off the morning meeting.  Several kids were asked about their favorite animals and gave cute answers.

Check out the highlights of the morning meeting here: