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This week has barely begun, but already I have had a moment.  What I mean by moment is an experience that hits me wherein I understand why I have been called to serve at CSC and I feel immeasurably blessed to be serving at CSC.

In reality, these moments can be found wherever you look at CSC.  I don't say this to downgrade the significance or value of these moments, rather I say that because I feel like this place is special for that very reason.  Sometimes I think that CSC is in the palm of His hand.

The boy in the picture below is a special little guy.  He and his siblings have been at CSC for a bit over 2 years now.  They were admitted to CSC by police escort because their parents had so severely abused them.  The police were protecting them until other intervention was found.

This little guy is the youngest of the group and as he ages we get to know him a little bit more.  He is delayed in many ways.  He was over 1 year old when he came to CSC but he was not yet walking and didn't for quite some time after.  Socially he is also not on the same level as his peers.  He was not able to self-soothe when he arrived; whenever he was upset he would grab his own hair and pull it so hard.  Similarly, his response to others comforting him has been atypical.

However, recently, this little guy has changed so much.  He is AFFECTIONATE now!  I shout that because he greets me every morning I arrive to the shelter.  He runs over, puts his arms up and lets me hold him.  He really and truly wants it!  I did not believe I would see the day that he sought such attention.  And in the picture below you can see him reaching up to hold my hand. 

That is a BIG moment....


I paused when that happened and I pause again as I look at this picture and I am reminded once again of the good that is done here.

This little boy has so many people fighting for him to succeed---to overcome the pain and suffering he should never have had to experience.  And he is succeeding! 

And there are so many people that love him.  And he knows love now too!


Making Banana Que!

Mar. 28, 2013By: Lindsay Ostrom

One of the things the kids love to do is cook! Here are a few pictures (taken by the kids!) from our recent cooking adventure with the Group 3 EPP class. Thank you Auntie Puriza and Auntie Jenalyn for all your help making this yummy snack! :)




A Few Favorite Pictures from the Week

Mar. 24, 2013By: Tammy Vosika

This preschooler came to school sporting a hair style just like his older brother's!  


I'm not sure what was happening with this next photo, but I found him lining up to go home for lunch wearing a swimming cap and goggles.  I still have no idea why, but it was a fun photo!


This little boy is our newest addition to CSC.  It took a while for me to get a smile out of him, but he's starting to warm up to me now!!  I love this picture!


Just a few of the darlings you can find on our playground!!



And just a really cute moment, I caught on video!  God is so good!!

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Individualized Instruction

Mar. 21, 2013By: Lindsay Ostrom

Individualized Instruction (aka I.I.) is a really cool thing that happens at CCHS. Kids who are identified by their teachers as needing extra support will get subject-specific instruction in a one-on-one setting during the afternoon. I am currently the I.I. reading teacher for a handful of kids, and here's what a typical day looks like with the students that I work with.






And being awesome!


Thanks for checking in on what's happening here!

On-site at CSC

Mar. 21, 2013By: Jill Grasley

My recent trip to Cebu was wonderful, aside from a little sickness and a run-in with some "stink fruit".  If you have not tried "stink fruit" before, don't.  It really does taste like it smells- awful. 

I have known about CSC and worked with the organization for years, but I feel truly blessed to be a part of it as a new staff member. As I walked on the CSC grounds, I kept thinking about how excited I was to connect with what is happening in this little section of Cebu. 

One thing I'm already proud of is how seriously we take the spiritual development of our children. One evening during my trip, I was welcomed into the Eicher home to join in on evening devotions. House father DonDon had already started, so I tried to sneak in the back and blend in. It didn't work very well, as I temporarily disrupted the discussion when the kids started waving and saying "hi Auntie Jill!" DonDon, however, quickly got the devotion time back on track. He was leading the children through a lesson about temptation and doubt. He shared that God has a plan for all of their lives and he talked about the need to trust God with the future. All of the children were really engaged and responded by answering the questions with confidence and by reciting scripture. As I sat there and listened, it struck me how much the staff at CSC care for these kids. They strive to meet all of their physical, emotional, educational and spiritual needs. Perhaps that is why you see so many smiling faces. 







Mar. 20, 2013By: Lindsay Hoeft

Truthfully, our kids are pretty special.  Yes, you may consider me a biased informant, but I dare you to come here and spend the afternoon playing with any number of them and not draw the same conclusion! 

We have some of the sweetest kids I have ever met.  They are helpful, considerate, creative, athletic and energetic. 

We also have some of the silliest kids I have ever met!!!  I decided to highlight that side of our kids for you this week...  Enjoy!



That face...



They are off to save the world!  Watch out.... ;)



Such an impish smile!   



His name is pretty much Mischief----with a capital M! 





FYI, He was winding up for an overhand throw---I found that out after the picture was taken!  ;)



Yes, he really is wearing the face of a pig!!!



Silly sisters!


And this one needs no caption...


Thanks for reading and caring about our silly, but precious children!

God Bless!