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Change is inevitable in life.  Some changes are good---they are pleasant and easy to go along with.  Others are hard to come to terms with--they are a challenge and they sometimes bring pain.  I want to tell you about some recent changes in my life...

Many of you already know that Teacher Tammy's 8 year run at CSC and Children of Hope School has ended.  She has been gone for 2 weeks--and kids and adults alike are mourning the loss. 

Tammy is missed for many reasons: 

Tammy was a good co-worker.  She was helpful, reliable, and thorough.  She was quick to jump in if something technological was going haywire---an asset on days of school programs.  :)  Tammy was true to her word.  She promised the kids that she would take each of them out for something special before she left and SHE DID!  If she had a job or a task assigned to her, you never had to worry about it getting done in an organized and timely fashion!  She was hard-working and did whatever was in front of her---and did so with a smile.   

But Tammy is also a good friend.  She is someone I OFTEN laughed with, went on adventures with, confided in, celebrated holidays with...and the list goes on.  She is a good listener and a Godly woman.  She has become family to me and you can't help but miss family when they are gone!




Tammy, myself and Amy were quite the terrific trio, however, at this time, Amy and I are down to just a dynamic duo....

The upside of change:

We recently admitted a new child.  She was afraid of the change, of me, of our counselor and our social worker.  She was hesitant, quiet and reserved.  And who wouldn't be?  She knew something big was happening in her life but she had no idea what it meant.

But oh to see her now!  How happy and animated and secure and playful she is!  She is grateful for the life-changing experience she has had and WE are so happy to have her with us where she is safe and provided for.



God is the god of everything in our life and everything happens for His purpose and good.  And that includes changes.  I am happy for Tammy and all that God has in store for her back in MN.  I miss her, but am grateful for her continued friendship---thank goodness for Skype!  :) I am also happy about our new arrival and for her safety and health and the fact that she FINALLY gets to be a kid.

Please join with me in praying for Tammy as she transitions back to living in the US and for our newest one and all of those that will come through our doors in the future. because no matter your age or the type of change you are facing, its always easier with God.



An Every Day Conversation

Feb. 12, 2013By: Shari Reasoner

Teacher Junelyn and I planned an activity for library that involved each of the kids sharing about a favorite book using a prop related to their chosen book.  Junelyn and I had our own book and prop picked, but we kept it a bit of a secret from the kids.  A student whose class was not participating approached me and whispered, "Tell me what your book is.  I won't tell." 

I replied, "No, I think I'll keep it a secret!"

The student raised her hand as if to make a pledge and said back to me, "I promise."

Raising my right hand also, I said, "You promise?"

Without missing a beat, she said, "I plead the 5th."

This student is in American Studies and she was applying what she had learned in class to our conversation.  I must admit I laughed pretty hard. 

Later that day, the kids had a great time sharing about their favorite books.  One student dressed as Gandalf from J. R. R. Tolkien's The Hobbit.  Another student wore a quiver and horn to represent Robin Hood.  Oh, yes, Junelyn and I had the kids try Turkish Delight from C. S. Lewis' The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

Introducing Jill Grasley

Feb. 11, 2013By: Matt Buley


Meet Jill Grasley (pronounced "grays-lee"). She has joined Children's Shelter of Cebu as Development Officer. We are thrilled to have her on the team. I have been praying for this position for over a year, and Jill is going to be a great fit. She is an answer to prayer!

Jill will work in our US Office in a much-needed role. For the last nine years, CSC's US office has consisted of two full-time employees and one part-time. In those years, our budget has more than doubled--growing from $915,000 to $1,890,000. Now that my job scope has expanded, we need someone who can focus full-time on the fund development that provides our beautiful children with a home.

Jill has been employed at Crossroads Adoption Services in MN for over 12 years.  She assisted many families through the adoption process--including several CSC families.  Jill has focused the last several years working in the area of fundraising through event management, grant writing, donor cultivation and social media.

Jill received her bachelor's degree in Social Work from Cedarville University in Ohio and her master's degree in Social Work from the University of Minnesota.

Jill and her husband Michael are very involved in Grace Church of Roseville (Minnesota).  Jill is a youth volunteer and their family is active in a small group.  Mike and Jill have three girls- Calli (12), Miranda (10) and Brooklyn (1).

Welcome to CSC, Jill!

CSC Smiles

Feb. 11, 2013By: Sandy Swanson

Many people comment on two things when they arrive at CSC. The first thing lots of people say when they come through our gate is that CSC seems to be an “Oasis” of green grass, cleanliness and hope in a neighbourhood that is lacking all three of those things. The second thing that people say is that our kids seem happy and that they have beautiful smiles. I agree. It is hard to give you the opportunity to really see that CSC is an “Oasis” in photos….but I can show you some beautiful CSC smiles. Enjoy. 
















Feb. 10, 2013By: Tammy Vosika

These girls have been helping each other with their waveboarding skills for weeks.  They are all getting pretty good on their own, but they still like to do it together! So cute! 


We'll Never Be The Same

Feb. 9, 2013By: Paul Healy

Throughout our history we have faced changes that have made us think about the future of the ministry. Some have been planned, like new buildings and programs. Some have involved losses of staff or board members that make us realize just how significant these people are to this ministry. Sometimes children will leave and we will think or say, "Wow, things will never be the same around here again!"

In these days we are experiencing all of these losses and Hemelga925264f81cemotions. In the next few weeks, six of our children, from two different sibling groups, will be leaving for adoption. A group of four, Jonjon, Jocelyn, Jovan and Jeralyn, will be the first to go, after more than five years with us. The youngest two came to us as babies, and have been with us for important health and developmental milestones. We have great memories of all of them in school,  Christmas programs and musical presentations, as well as their exploits in the nursery, playroom and playground.

AnabiaAnother group of two, Sheena Mae and Angelica will also be departing soon for adoption. The have been at CSC for five and a half years. We have seen them grow into beautiful young ladies, and we think of all the joy that they have brought to our lives. It is hard to imagine life at CSC without them. The same has been true for so many children that have left. A couple years ago we had a sibling group of nine leave, followed by another of six within a few months.

We also have a beloved staff member who will be leaving within a few DSC00759months. Tammy Vosika, who has taught for eight years in our Children of Hope School, will be moving on. She has been such an important part of our school, and has had a great impact on many students and other teachers, that we wonder how we'll ever replace her and what things will be like after she is gone. The same is true for short-term staff like Bjork and Lindsay Ostrom.

Of course, we've gone though all of this before. We know that God will fill the empty places and bring the people we need into CSC. And we know that God has a great plan for the lives of these children and staff. In the future, children will be leaving who have not even come into CSC yet, who we will wonder how we will replace. And staff members will retire or move on to something else, and we'll feel just like we do about Tammy.

The fact is, nobody is totally replaceable. Everyone, staff, children, workers, supporters and volunteers, has a special place that nobody else can fill. Our history has been one of God providing these people at the right times and for the right period of time, to help accomplish the work of CSC.

It will be exciting to see who the new children, staff and volunteers will be, and how God will bless and redirect those who are leaving CSC.