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Posts By: Grace AndersonShow All

If Music Be the Food of Love, Play On

Oct. 15, 2014By: Grace Anderson

Two weeks ago I started teaching private music lessons. Right now I have 9 students, 3 piano and 6 voice. I am teaching lessons every day after school (about two students per day). This is something that I was thinking about doing before I moved to Cebu, and now have finally started! I am mostly teaching teenagers, though I have two younger students. 

So far is has been a complete joy to teach lessons! Music has always been a big part of my life, and I love to share that with others. I started taking piano lessons when I was in second grade, and continued lessons until I was a sophomore in High school. I started taking voice lessons when I was a sophomore in high school, and participated in many choral activities, including all-state choir and college choir. 

It is very encouraging to teach the kids at CSC. All of my students have a genuine desire to learn. Each week they come to lessons prepared, and full of enthusiasm. In the states, I noticed that practicing is something students often fail to do, but not my students! I was surprised to see my students asking me for copies of their music, and coming up to me throughout the week telling me  how they are practicing. Their attitudes are completely amazing! They are also very talented!

Right now the voice students are working on a vocal compositon from a broadway musical. Some of their pieces include: I could have danced all night, Climb every mountain, My favorite things, and  Consider yourself. The kids all enjoy their songs, and have been learning a lot about pronunciation in singing (how it differs from our normal speaking voice), pitch matching, breath support and musical style. Piano students have been learning through the book series Piano Adventures. One of my stuends is in the primer level, and two are in level 1. The three piano students are very quick learners, and listen well to instruction. Though there are not pianos or keyboards in each of the homes, the piano students take time out of their own free time to go up to the school and practice. 

Dedicated is the best word I can use to describe my musically gifted students. Though we are only in our third week of lessons, every moment has been enjoyable and full of ah-ha moments. I feel so blessed to be able to teach these wonderful children!

Toddler Day Program Kick-Off

Sep. 7, 2014By: Grace Anderson

September brings new excitement for the youngest in the CSC family. Since arriving in Cebu a month ago I (Grace) have been hard at work creating a new toddler curriculum. The toddler program occurs each weekday and lasts for about an hour. This past week we officially had our kick-off and boy, did the kids have fun! 

The new toddler program is structured in a way that will be developmentally appropriate for the toddlers at CSC and will also help prepare them for preschool. Each week of the program is structured around a theme that will not only provide learning experiences, but fun as well! This week the toddlers had a blast learning about circles through activities and songs about bubbles and balls. 

Right now we have a group of about 11 toddlers who are full of energy, laughter and curiosity. Each morning we gather together in one of the three homes and start with a morning meeting. The toddlers are learning recognition and routine through their personalized seat mats (mats with pictures of their faces on them). The first day the kids were so excited about the pictures that they could hardly sit on them. By the end of the first week the children were starting to understand the routine and would either sit on their mats or hold them in their laps. During the meeting we do things like working on name recognition, reading books and singing songs. So far, the favorite part of morning meeting is the singing. Thanks to our wonderful aunties the children of CSC start to appreciate and love music at an early age. 

Other activities we have been doing this week are bubble blowing, bubble snakes, a ball pit and soccer. It has been such a joy to see the toddlers already making discoveries and having fun exploring the materials provided for them. To get a better idea of what the toddler program is like, take a look at these photos I took as well as a video created by Joel Reasoner!



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Video: Toddler Time with Auntie Grace

August is Buwan ng Wika

Sep. 3, 2014By: Grace Anderson

August is Buwan ng Wika (Language Month) in schools throughout the Philippines and each school puts on activities at the end of the month.  The theme this year was Filipino: Wika ng Pagkakaisa or Filipino: Unity in Language.  We had our activities at school on August 22 and the day was filled with fun, games, language riddles and Filipino food.

Since I am new this year, Buwan ng Wika was my first all day school activity. In the morning, we had indoor activities like bugtongan (riddles in Filipino) and groups presented cheers in Filipino. We had a lot of fun thinking of cheers using the Filipino dialect.  It was hard because our first language is Cebuano, not Filipino.  After the activities inside the school, we went down to the shelter to have a snack and continue playing Filipino games. Some of the games were jack em' poy (rock, scissors, paper), takyan (a kind of home-made hacky sack), rubber band throwing, and a cat and dog tag game. After a lunch of Filipino food, we returned to school for student and teacher presentations. Some groups performed dances with costumes and props while others did a skit.

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The students' faces showed their enjoyment throughout the day.  I also enjoyed the activities not only because of the fun games, but because of the bonding and fellowship we shared with the kids and teachers. I'm looking forward for more fun and exciting activities!