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A toddler proudly rushes to show her Sunday school artwork to her big sister. A school-aged child scans the audience to see his parents watch him perform. A teen gets emotional over the applause she receives after delivering a heartfelt speech. You and I, whether we admit it or not, also long to be lauded, validated, or acknowledged for some of our accomplishments or for simply doing a good job. Be it on birthdays, special events, and occasions—like being on stage to get a diploma—we all want to be recognized or appreciated.

When it comes to students—kindergarten, elementary, or high school—it's not any different. Being in a phase where there's not only much learning but also change and growth, they, too, need to be recognized for their milestones and successes. This is where the Baccalaureate comes in. The Baccalaureate is a celebration of our students' hard work and achievements. It is where graduates are recognized and praised for finally crossing the finish line. It's a joyous celebration, but only so because the people grace the occasion and express love to the celebrants. That's what makes it special—you and me and the love that we share with them.

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Warmly welcomed by our Program Director, Eunice Guinanoy, and Field Director, Roberto Atienza Jr., the tone of the celebration was set. In a moment, the graduates began to be recognized, and first up were two kindergarteners who beamed with pride upon hearing their names called for their first graduation. After the recognition, three elementary graduates and a graduate's sister sang and danced with smiles that showed how much they cherished each other. Six junior high school graduates also carried out a skit that spoke some snippets of their high school journey, hearts' worries and desires, and a message affirming that the Lord's purpose will prevail in their lives. One senior high school graduate also shared a thank-you speech expressing gratitude to CSC and two other graduates' reflections and gratitude to the Lord and everyone who supported them to make their way to the end of a chapter. Their journey was not just about academic achievements but also about emotional growth and resilience, which we all can relate to.

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Heartfelt prayers echo in the room where heads are bowed. One of the celebration's highlights is when houseparents prayed for their respective graduates. We surrendered the graduates' new chapter to our unchanging Heavenly Father. To continue the lovely atmosphere, everyone enjoyed various snacks and refreshments. The attendees were delighted to see the appealing colors and flavors of the food and enjoyed the bites while conversations flowed easily, punctuated by laughter and shared memories.

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Our presence, applause, prayers, and efforts to celebrate are the ways we validate their achievements. We were there, too; we graduated, too. And we had our share of victories and celebrations. Some people were with us, too—many or few. There may have been times when no one was there to watch us succeed. It doesn't make the milestone any less significant. What's important is that we finished something. What is better though is that we celebrate with people. That's what a Baccalaureate is—a celebration of shared achievements and the community that makes it possible.

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Lena keeps on washing

Apr. 18, 2018By: Paul Healy

Next year we will be celebrating the 40th year of CSC's ministry in Cebu. The actual anniversary date would be May 4 as that was the day in 1979 that three of us stepped off that plane at the Cebu airport. But in March of next year there will be another important anniversary at CSC. March 1 will mark 30 years of faithful service for one of our most stalwart employees, Elena (Lena) Gomera. Lena has been washing clothes at CSC for all of those 30 years.

Screen_Shot_2018-08--0b916Through good times and bad, in good and bad weather, during times of political unrest and financial difficulty, Elena has washed clothes. No matter what else our kids need, they need clean clothes to wear. The babies need clean diapers. School kids need clean uniforms. Beds need clean sheets and pillow cases. Lena has provided that. It's by no means a glamorous job. She might be the most "taken for granted" worker at CSC. Most of her time she is in the washroom, unseen by the kids, staff and visitors. But she is washing, load after load, eight hours a day, six days a week. We are fortunate to have an employee like Lena who is faithful, dependable and solid. Thanks Lena for a job well done for almost 30 years!



Calling All Mathematicians and Scientists!

Mar. 9, 2018By: Ben Bonnett


     There was A LOT of excitement at Cebu Children of Hope School this past Friday as the children participated in math and science culminating activities. In the morning were the math activities. The children were divided up into four teams (Levels A1 through C3) and they did a "math relay." The first station was the puzzle station where the children had to work together as a team to put together a puzzle showing a famous mathematician (Euclid, Descartes, Newton, and Pascal). After they completed the puzzle each person on the team had to answer an "easy" math question in order to then proceed to station two. At this station the students had to grab different random objects that, combined, would measure exactly one meter. A math question concluded this station as well but this time it was a "medium" math question. At the third station the team leader had to guide each team member as he/she walked on a line blindfolded. This was followed by every child having to answer a "difficult" math question in order to proceed to the last station called Across the River.

IMG_2093-60906IMG_2089-50446     The afternoon was equally exciting as the children competed in science activities. My favorite one was the Ping Pong Hop. Each student had to blow a ping pong ball from one cup to the next, with the successive cups being further away from each other. The other science-themed activities were building a paper tower that could withstand the weight of 5 heavy books, making water rise using a cup and a candle, and a version of cup stacking that tested the children's quickness. 

IMG_2097-ba84d     I am surrounded by a great team of teachers who work together to make CCHS a remarkable school, giving kids the skills they need so God can use them in great ways. If you are reading this and you have never visited CSC, please contact our Minnesota office. It is a trip you will never regret!


Carnival fun with CBC

Mar. 4, 2018By: Paul Healy

Carnival Fun

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Although the Central Baptist team that was here recently came primarily to do a camp for our kids, they also helped us put on a spectacular carnival. Our kids were joined by the younger children of our workers, and were treated to booths prepared by our Child Development team, led by CD Director Eunice. There was face painting, a lollipop tree, bowling, a toilet paper toss, a fun bouncing space ship, a clothespin drop and build-a-crafts. Food booths included cotton candy, popcorn and ice cream. There was even a horse drawn carriage ride for the younger kids. It was a great day with amazing weather, and lots of energy from the Central team.

Stick To It


"We can do anything we want to do if we stick to it long enough."         -Helen Keller

The level A1 class has just finished the theme STICK TO IT. As a part of our wrap-up activity, the kids tried their best to build houses out of cards.

They enjoyed the activity and they all wanted to build houses, even if it wasn't easy. There were times when the cards tumbled down and sometimes it was hard to make them stand but these kids were eager to achieve their goals. They always told themselves to keep on trying and to never give up.

After several attempts and construction success, a huge smile on their faces showed that the "stick to it" attitude was worth it!


Nang Exyon

Jan. 1, 2018By: Paul Healy

eksyonNang Exyon Martinez produced nine children. Six of them have worked for CSC over the years. Five are currently our employees: Lit-Lit, Perry, Dodong, E-boy and Edwin.  Her husband, Teo, who died several years ago, was also an employee at one time. He and Exyon were among the earliest friends of the CSC staff in Cebu back in 1979 when the ministry began. She was a regular attender of the Bible study we held in our home in Bulacao, and would host prayer meetings in their home. Her son, Jessie, who became very sick during those days, was the first child in the community that we were able to help by purchasing medicine. Our intervention helped save his life and cemented a friendship between CSC and the Martinez family that continues to this day.  Nang Exyon died suddenly on Christmas Day. She was 79.

Exyon was a delightful person. She loved CSC deeply and was a loyal friend. She was so proud of her children and thankful that they could work at CSC. She worked hard throughout her life and, in spite of poverty, was a generous person who was always looking for ways that she could help others. At her funeral many people spoke of her heart and what an impact she had made in their lives. Just a week before she died Exyon attended a dedication for the new church building in Bulacao. She was so happy that day and we talked about the old days and how God had led CSC to Bulacao 39 years ago. She will be greatly missed by her family, the church and by CSC. God bless the memory 0f Nang Exyon!

DSCF0677Some of the Martinez clan at the cemetery for Nang Exyon's burial.