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Hello there, book lovers! I had an awesome experience with my students, who had the most amazing library visit ever in the new school year, 2023-2024. It was a day filled with laughter, learning, and curiosity.

The first-grade students gathered in the library, and they couldn't stop wondering what they witnessed. Shelves were piled high with books of all types, and they felt like they had entered a whole new world of possibilities. They also sat in those comfortable beanbags, eager for the adventure to begin.


Teacher Merce, our librarian, accompanies them on this incredible journey; she began reading a fantastic story about a whale and a fish. Her voice was magical, bringing the story to life and taking the students on an underwater adventure.


The students didn't just sit there quietly, they were completely captivated! They raised their hands, expressed their opinions, and even predicted what would happen next. It was a worthwhile discussion of the story, and everyone had a great time.

And guess what? One of the enthusiastic students said that he was excited to visit the library to borrow books and everyone nodded in agreement. That's incredible! It's as though he couldn't wait to dive into new stories and discover new things.

When the story wrapped up, the excitement wasn't over. Teacher Merce showed them around the library and introduced them to all the wonderful books they could explore. The students ran their fingers along the book spines, imagining all the cool adventures they could have by picking up a book.

You could see the light in their eyes as they exited the library. This was more than just a typical library visit. It was the beginning of a whole new journey. The students were excited to read, learn, and use their imaginations. Who would have thought that a simple visit to the library could be so exciting and full of possibilities?

The inspiring story of my students' first library visit this school year serves as a reminder that books are like keys that can unlock endless doors to imagination and knowledge. So, remember the adventure that awaits you the next time you visit a library!


CSC 2012 Highlights

Jan. 15, 2013By: Joel Reasoner

Children's Shelter of Cebu has come through another amazing year with the Lord's guidance.  Fifteen children joined their adoptive families while twenty-nine new children came to CSC in 2012!

Continue to pray for the adopted children, newly admitted children, and all those at the shelter as we enter this new year.  Please pray for the Lord's continued protection and love for all in our care.


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Morning Presentation Features Students' Creativity

Jan. 14, 2013By: Paul Healy

At a recent school presentation, Level B students presented art, drama, and dance numbers that showcased their creativity. The dance number was choreographed by Sarah and featured moves and formations that celebrated Jesus' death and resurrection. Eugene narrated an original script for a stick puppet show. "The Monkey and the Squirrel" was the name of Eugene's masterpiece, which talked about respect and cooperation. Epifanio drew a picture of people around the world, all accomplished during the playing of the song, "Imagine." It was a great presentation all around, and showed what our kids can accomplish when their creativity and imagination are encouraged.

Click Here to see photos from the event.

Science Group Looks at Emotional Health

Jan. 14, 2013By: Paul Healy

tammy_venusTammy Vosika's science group has been learning about what it means to be an emotionally healthy person and how that includes having a positive view of oneself and others. She gave the kids an assignment to come up with at least one positive thing about each person in the class. Click here to see what they came up with!

Tammy Vosika Winds Down

Jan. 12, 2013By: Paul Healy

It is with a mixture of sadness and appreciation that we announce that, after eight years of teaching at Children of Hope School and being a member of our Cebu staff, Tammy Vosika will be ending her service with CSC.  Tammy has been such an important part of our school and will be very much missed by the students at CHS, as well as the teachers, CSC workers and staff members. tammy_and_kids

Tammy has taught in Level C at CHS and has handled American Studies for the students who are going to the U.S. for adoption. She has worked with the Foster Friends program and headed up the Day of Hope program for CSC in Cebu.

We are so thankful to God for Tammy, and the way that she has used her talents though our ministry for the past eight years. Many children have been impacted by her.

We look forward to seeing what God has in store for Tammy in the next chapter of her life.

Habitat for Humanity Partnership

Dec. 7, 2012By: Matt Buley

We are proud to announce a new partnership between CSC and Habitat for Humanity (HFH). It means new homes for 20 CSC employees!

The partnership is due to the hard work of our own Joel Reasoner, and especially his dad, Dr. Paul Reasoner of Bethel University. Paul has been raising money, and he and Joel have made excellent connections with the leaders of HFH in the Philippines. We are thankful for the eager support of Habitat's leadership. They have joined Paul and Joel to provide a great blessing to the people who care for CSC's precious children.

You might wonder why any CSC employees would need HFH homes. The number one factor is the cost of land in the Philippines. For many Filipinos, that land cost eliminates the ability to own their own home.

Habitat for Humanity has jumped in and provided land and expertise. Paul is hard at work raising funds to build. These great partners are hoping this is just the beginning, and so are we!

Thank you Paul, Joel and Habitat for Humanity. We are proud to be associated with you.

Check out Paul's website