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This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 (English Standard Version)

Praise the Lord for the first week of school. It is an exciting week for the CCHS family. Teachers and students were waiting for this day to come. We believe God ordained this day to mark a fresh beginning. Here we are opening our new school year while transitioning to our new normal. Upon entering the school we have to wear our face masks, step on our new foot bath, have our temperatures taken then sanitize our hands. Students enter and exit their classroom following the arrows.














We have a new clinic at CCHS! Over the summer we set up our clinic. We are thankful for the efforts done by the team who made this clinic possible. From facilities who built this room initially during lockdown for quarantined employees to our medical staff and the office staff that helped us placed medical equipment and supplies. As mandated by the Department of Education, students, teaching and other personnel are strictly prohibited from eating together while facing one another. Eating shall be done in a manner where all individuals face in one direction and do not talk while their masks are off. CCHS made changes on the setting up the snack room this school year to follow that instruction.


Here are some of the students' comments on being back at CCHS:
Maribel – CCHS is great! I like to borrow books in the library, eat with my classmates in the snack room, and to be with my teachers.
Mias – I am happy to be back at CCHS. I want to learn new things from all the subjects. I like to be with my teacher in the classroom because our classroom is Awesome!
Ryan – I am happy to learn new things and meet teacher Merce. I am excited to be in the library too.
John Mark – I am happy to be at CCHS. I enjoy learning new things. I am excited to be with teacher Alfie, play during Physical Education and play musical instrument.
Ford – I am happy at CCHS because I can write my name, draw a horse, answer in our workbook, eat snack, and drink water. Our classroom has toys and tools and I like it.

As a school, we are looking forward to meaningful and fruitful days ahead. We would like to encourage you to journey with us for school year 2022-2023.

The Day After Christmas At CSC

Dec. 27, 2015By: Amy Pacada

Enjoy some smiles as the kids use their new Christmas gifts!DSC00003DSC00001DSC00006DSC00008DSC09981DSC09991DSC09983DSC09989DSC09995DSC09998

4 Stars! (We do it right.)

Dec. 23, 2015By: Matt Buley

We just got a letter in the mail from Charity Navigator, and we are celebrating. Charity Navigator's assessment of our integrity in finances, transparency and governance has led to a 4-star rating for the fourth year in a row! Just 9% of nonprofits can say the same.

We only do this work because people support us, and we are proud to use your money in a way that both honors God, and meets with the approval of places like Charity Navigator. Here's to four stars four times!



Wrapping Gifts

Dec. 22, 2015By: Jinkee Reasoner

Have you guys wrapped your Christmas presents yet?  Already stocked those stockings?  If you haven’t, it is still two days before Christmas so you still have time.

Right now, there are 84 kids at CSC which includes our Teen Home residents.  That means, we wrapped 84 gifts and stocked 84 stockings.  Whew!  Honestly, it is a lot of work!  And I have not even mentioned shopping for these gifts yet.  But when you see the beaming faces of the kids when opening their presents, it is worth all the work.

I know you are all eager to see new pictures of cute little faces at CSC—whether at Facebook or in the website.  But, for this blog, let me show you cute ADULT faces.  Here is a glimpse of the behind the scene of the Christmas wrapping party—we call it a party just because!

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Thank you all for your generosity this past year and continued generosity even for the next year.  You may not be here with us during Christmas, but know that you are one of the reasons why we see cute little beaming faces at CSC everyday!  Merry Christmas!


Dec. 21, 2015By: Megan Arneson

Homework can be such a drag....even for the kids at CSC.  And can I please get a refresher on genotypes?  I mean really, who needs that in social work?  I recently was asked, "Auntie Megan, do you know how to do this one?"  A worksheet gets shoved in my face and I'm staring at a grid of four boxes with a few capitalized "A's" and a few lowercase "a's."  I barely made it with a passing grade when I had to learn that years ago!

20151209_183856[1]One night recently, when I was on duty, multiplication was a prominent feature in the homework department.  I was helping one girl who was struggling with 2-digit multiplication.  I actually don't think she was having that difficult of a time, but was more annoyed that she had makeup work due to missing class the day before.  So 2x the homework (see what I did there?) in one evening.  But together we worked through it...even after about 30 minutes of her splayed out on the floor, crying, pushing herself and her chair outside, or hiding under the table.  Perseverance friends.  When it was bedtime, I had to convince her to stop, put the assignment away, and that she would need to finish in the morning since she wasted time whining about her homework.  I think this was just a ploy to try staying up later.

The next time I was in that house as bantay?  Division here we are!  This was much easier and definitely faster.  Other kids occasionally have it easy and don't have homework.  They tend to spend their evening hanging out, reading, or playing games.  Most of the kids are pretty good about focusing, but there are still bouts of distraction and avoidance.  Gotta take the good with the bad and just try to make the most of it!  So here's to brushing up on my math skills and renewing my ability to find patience and negotiate! 20151209_191608[1]

Christmas Fun at CSC.

Dec. 19, 2015By: Paul Healy

Nothing in the world is as much fun as Christmas at CSC. Thanks to all who help make this possible. Your gifts put smiles on many faces.