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Happy New Year, and welcome to 2021!

I hope you had a meaningful Christmas filled with opportunities to pause and reflect on the many blessings in your life. It already seems that Christmas and the weeks of Advent are a distant memory. Don't get me wrong, I was there, present for all of it, and had amazing times with our family of eight that included giving and receiving gifts, eating lots of delicious food, playing games, watching some of our favorite holiday classics and taking part in a very special tradition: attending the candlelit Christmas Eve service at our church, this year live-streamed on YouTube.

It is good for us to take a break and reflect on the past, especially at a time like this, the beginning of a new year. It is good for our health and an essential component for anyone who wants to make the most of their lives. I would argue that many of us do not spend nearly enough time reflecting on the past. The importance of doing so will help us immensely. I think we have all heard the quote that says, "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." History repeating itself has long been seen as a negative, though I'm certain we could all find elements of history that are worth repeating.

Let this be an encouragement to you to set aside some time right at the start of this year to give thanks for the many blessings God has brought our way and also take time to reflect on the trials we faced as well and remember that even in those times, God was still faithful.


Be careful, though, that your looking back does not become a distraction or pitfall for what lies ahead. We all know that looking in the rearview mirror will take our eyes off the road and distract us from what lied ahead. Rather than looking back and getting stuck in the past, remember that God has a better plan for us. Philippians 3:13-14 says, "...But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." God is calling us forward—He has much for us to do!

God's Goodness to CSC in 2020

I joined the CSC staff this past August. More than half the year was already complete. The global pandemic was making a resurgence. In the Philippines, our children and staff had been on lockdown for five months already. There was hope that by the end of September things would "open up" and people would be able to resume some normalcy in their lives. That didn't happen and the lockdown continued. The most amazing news to share in and through all of this was that not one of our residents or staff contracted the virus. And, as an added blessing, regular illnesses were nearly nonexistent as well, and for that we are thankful to God.

As we passed Thanksgiving and were heading for the Christmas holiday season, we knew so much about this year's celebration would need to change. Plans were being made for how Christmas celebrations would take place in the context of all the new rules and regulations. Of course, here I was in the U.S. as a long-distance observer. Technology has become such as blessing for us this year, and I was able to attend nearly all the Christmas celebrations and staff meetings by Zoom. With the time difference, though, that meant me staying up until 1AM or waking at 3AM and 4AM to participate.


There's not much that could match my excitement for my first CSC Christmas as an employee of this amazing ministry. Suffice it to say, however, the children at the shelter were quite a bit more excited to see Santa arrive by cart to distribute all the wrapped gifts to each and every child. Beyond the gifts, there was singing, sharing the Christmas story or Jesus' birth and a feast that left my mouth watering.


Here stateside, we also had an amazing Christmas celebration as we were so honored to receive all the gifts from our faithful supporters who care so much to see this ministry for homeless Filipino children continue. We were literally shaking our heads at the generous and heartfelt response of all those who identify with the Mission and Ministry of CSC and cheerfully support.

Looking Forward: Opportunities in 2021

Reflecting on the past year has me thinking about CSC's mission statement. I asked our CSC board members last September which parts of the mission statement they identified with or appreciated most. As you might imagine, there were a variety of answers. Several of the board members have been on the board for a long time, while others are relatively new to the board, one member joining in June or 2020. I understand and resonate with their perspective. It makes sense to me that they would have different answers or perspectives. God has made us all unique, after all, and He draws us to different things based on how He made us.


What keeps me focused in my role as president of this ministry is the beginning part of our mission statement that says, "We exist to glorify God...." For 42 years this is ultimately what CSC has been about. Everything we do is dependent on that beginning part of our mission statement. Our glorifying God is the lens by which all other things aspects of this statement and the work of the ministry are viewed. And as we continue to glorify Him, He continues to show us just how much He cares for us all—children and staff—and provides for our every need.

One of the things our Field Director, Roberto, and I discuss on our weekly Zoom calls is the progress being made to admit new children to the shelter. CSC is set apart from other shelters or orphanages by our aspect on placement services and adoption. There are other places right there in Cebu City that provide care for homeless children, but their focus is primarily on long-term residential care. As children are placed through adoption, opportunities for new children to be a part of the CSC family present themselves. Our staff in Cebu are working diligently on both placements and new admissions, but the pandemic and government restrictions have made this effort challenging in 2020. It is our hope that 2021 will see more children being welcomed into the loving arms of CSC and that more children will be place for adoption. Please pray with us to that end.


Dear Lord, as we begin a new year, let us not become overwhelmed and anxious about the unknown and what the new year will bring our way. Help us to remember that you will never leave us or forsake us and that you want nothing more than to give your children the best gifts possible. Help us to remember—to reflect on the past—in a way that honors you and gives thanks for all you've done for us. Let us consider first and most what you would want us to do in the months ahead, to see where you are already at work, and then join you in what you have already planned for us to do. In the name of Jesus, the Christ, Amen.

It is my honor to be able to write periodically for our CSC blog. It is my hope that these words and the words from all those who share from time to time will draw you in to a deeper walk with the Lord and help you see things from different points of view. While we hope to tell you more about Children's Shelter of Cebu, we also want to share a bit about those who do the work. Learn more about CSC at


The Holy Bible. English Standard Version. Retrieved from:

The Human Memory. (2020, November 25). Long-Term Memory. Retrieved from:

Yocco, Victor S. (2018, January 5). Dwelling On The Past: The Importance Of Self Reflection (Part 2). Retrieved from:


Jul. 11, 2024By: Cris Secuya

It's a common aspiration for everyone to desire wealth, especially after enduring significant economic hardship. That was my mindset as I grew up: longing to achieve fame and fortune, reaching the goals that seemed perpetually out of reach. The agony of destitution is profound, especially when everything you need is beyond your reach and the uncertainty of when fortune might finally smile upon you.

During my college education, where I pursued a Bachelor of Science in Social Work, my resolve faced early skepticism. In my first semester, a professor cautioned us against expecting financial prosperity from this field, suggesting it would deplete our resources rather than enrich us. Despite this discouragement and the added challenge of being a working student, I remained steadfast in my conviction. I was convinced that social work was my destined career path.

Upon completing my bachelor's degree, I found myself immersed in various childcare institutions, encountering clients from diverse social backgrounds. Many were street kids or young individuals entangled in criminal activities such as theft, pickpocketing, robbery, and gang violence. Presently, I am dedicated to assisting children who have suffered various forms of abuse.

As a case manager, my daily routine involves employing casework tools such as active listening, observation, interviews, building relationships, and conducting home visits. As a people-oriented individual, I derive immense satisfaction from engaging with others, discussing their social challenges, and offering solutions based on assessments and recommendations. Advocating for the oppressed and witnessing transformative change brings me indescribable joy.

Doing case management work at the Children's Shelter of Cebu for nineteen years already would not have been possible without God's strength. Usually, fear haunts me because of life's uncertainties. I am still experiencing enormous challenges as I continue to deal with clients with diverse social problems. Still, the assurance of God's promises that he will be with me in my journey with each client has enabled me to overcome them.

Reaching out to families and empowering them to become cohesive units is another invaluable aspect of my work. We all define "wealth" differently. For me, the richness of my experiences in social work transcends monetary value; they are enduring treasures that will outlast my existence. They cannot be traded for any material wealth in this world. Would you dare to pursue such blessings?

My work ethics in the workplace are anchored in the scripture in the book of Isaiah 41:10.
'So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

All glory to God.
Crisologo B. Secuya
CSC Social Worker

Celebrating Community and Generosity: Our Annual Fundraising Event for CSC

Jul. 1, 2024By: Jill Grasley

A few weeks ago, we held a heartwarming and successful fundraising event for the Children's Shelter of Cebu (CSC) in Minnesota. The event saw nearly 300 attendees come together, with about half being former residents or adoptive families and the other half being supporters of our work. This gathering was not just a fundraiser; it was a celebration of 45 years of ministry in the Philippines.

The weekend began on Friday evening with a special gathering exclusively for adoptive families and former residents with current and former staff. We also had a video call with the houseparents, staff, and kids at the shelter in Cebu so former residents could connect with them. This intimate start set a warm and personal tone for the rest of the event, allowing old friends to reunite and new connections to form.









The highlight of the event on Saturday was hearing from former residents of the shelter, Angillo and Rhoella, and our Program Director, Eunice Guinanoy. The powerful testimonies from Angillo and Rhoella illustrated the profound impact that CSC has had on their lives. Eunice shared about specifics from the program team that cares for the children, including the residents who will benefit from our new program for young adults and how we admit children and assess their needs. Their stories and experiences brought to life the mission of CSC and underscored the importance of our work.

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We are excited to announce that we raised just over $100,000 during the event, bringing us close to our goal of $115,000. The funds raised will go directly to benefit the children at CSC, providing essential food, clothing, medicine, and other necessities. The generosity of our supporters ensures that we can continue to offer a safe and nurturing environment for the children who need it most. Donations are still being accepted, and anyone who wishes to contribute can do so at

Seeing so many supporters gathered in one place was a testament to the strength and unity of our community. After the isolation and challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, this event was a poignant reminder of the power of coming together. It was not just about raising funds; it was about reaffirming our collective commitment to the children of Cebu and celebrating the progress we've made together.

Whether you gathered with us in person in Minnesota, watched online, or are reading this from around the world, your gifts make an impact. We are deeply grateful to everyone who attended and contributed to the event. Your support makes a tangible difference in the lives of the children at CSC, and we look forward to continuing this journey with all of you.

We thank God for His guidance and blessings over these 45 years and for bringing together such a dedicated and compassionate community. Together, with God's help, we will continue to make a difference in the lives of the children we serve. Thank you for being a part of our community and for helping us create a brighter future for the children we serve.
































Embracing Hope

Jun. 10, 2024By: Teacher Lyrah Ann


The Cebu Children of Hope School recently marked a significant milestone with its annual Moving Up Ceremony and Recognition Rites. This celebration symbolized the incredible resilience of its students in overcoming extraordinary challenges. The event commenced with a processional and an uplifting opening prayer, setting a tone of gratitude and hope that resonated throughout the ceremony.

The Field Director's welcoming address underscored the importance of this milestone in the students' educational journey, prompting a moment of reflection on how far these young minds had come. Emotions rose as the Principal recognized the candidates for completion, celebrating their hard work and dedication. It was a moment of joy for the students and everyone who had supported them along the way. The ceremony also recognized non-completers, honoring their efforts and progress. This segment highlighted the school's commitment to helping every student on their path.


One of the ceremony's highlights was the guest speech by the Executive Director of Phase Two Cebu Group. In it, he emphasized the transformative power of education and the value of perseverance. Another standout moment was the gratitude speech by a Grade Six student. Her words were a touching reminder of the impact of community and support:

"When I arrived, everyone was a stranger to me, and making new friends was challenging. I questioned whether I'd ever find someone to help me until a group of people stepped in to offer their support and encouragement, bringing joy, peace, and kindness into my life. Without these people, I would never have realized my dreams.
You've all been like guiding stars, leading me toward my goals with your teachings, encouragement, and big hearts. Your presence here has made perseverance and consistency possible. Above all, I thank God for placing me in this special place. I surrender all my doubts to Him and am grateful for His forgiveness through His
son, Jesus Christ."


Her heartfelt words touched everyone present, emphasizing the significant impact of the community's support. The celebration continued with awards for the completers, celebrating their exceptional achievements. The Kindergarten and Grade Six Completers performed their completion songs, adding a joyful and celebratory atmosphere to the event.







As the ceremony concluded, it marked both an end and a new beginning for these resilient students. It was a day filled with laughter, tears, and deep camaraderie. It was a day to celebrate their journey and eagerly anticipate the bright futures that lie ahead.


Edible Happiness

May. 24, 2024By: Home Life Team

Ever wonder how we prepare meals for 20 children in one house daily? Our long-time cook, Auntie Helen, prepares a delicious and healthy lunch for our children in Cherne Home. Our cooks enjoy seeing our children join the empty plate club, which means the food is delicious, and the children are satisfied! Here is a snippet of lunch preparation in Cherne Home.

"The Bow and the Arrow"

May. 9, 2024By: Counseling Department

Children are explorers. Curiosity often leads them to peek Screenshot_2024-05-09_at_5.21.37PMinside the doorknob's key hole; enthralls them to touch a squealing kettle; and ferry their feet into places where they are not allowed to be. Often, boundaries are broken.

Children are expressive. Emotions often steer their ship as they navigate their social world. They jump, giggle, grin, and laugh when happy. A frown, a downturned face, and a shoulder-drop paint their sadness. Talking back, kicking the wall, shutting down, spitting, throwing things, and crying are the easiest cards to pull out when they are angry. Often, adults' patience is challenged.

Children, most of the time, do not listen, nor take heed of instructions and reminders; they have a loose grip of morality that even memory verses fall short of reminding them to be good. But this does not mean we stop teaching them to be kind. This is to remind us that children are fallible and that they do not have the skill sets to fully self-manage; even adults have difficulty regulating themselves, too. And children who misbehave a lot are often painted with a different color palette, viewed as a problematic child.

Screenshot_2024-05-09_at_5.21.51PMAt CSC, children do not only go through these developmental obstacles. They are also bringing with them their adverse experiences. For some children, this baggage magnifies their difficulty to self-regulate. Without a proper lens, dealing with these children might be quite challenging. As adults, the common response is to control these behaviors but with the aid of Trauma Informed Care, houseparents, caregivers, and other staff have a better understanding of the underlying factors of such behaviors. Rather than seeking control, comfort is offered. Rather than spending time preaching the rules and whatnots, cultivating a relationship is the focus. Rather than seeing the child as problematic, the child is seen as a work in progress, still growing to reach his/her full potential, and to give the child a chance to lead a more meaningful life. Through Trauma Informed Care, we are always reminded with how Khalil Gibran viewed how children should be guided. In his poem, he said:

"...You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
 For they have their own thoughts.
 You may house their bodies but not their souls,
 For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
 You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.
 For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
 You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.
 The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.
 Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;
 For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable."
Khalil Gibran, excerpt from On Children