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Here are a couple of tributes from Auntie Sandy's retirement party in Minnesota on September 11.

Paul’s Speech

Why are we here tonight? That is my assigned topic as we get the program going tonight.

I want to paint two pictures for you tonight. Both represent endearing images for me for the ministry of CSC.

Healy_speeches_9.20_2One is a cross stitch with a group of owls on a tree branch with these words stitched above them: “There’s always room for one more.” We have made that kind of a motto at CSC over the years. Although we have limits of space, manpower and budget, we always try to be open to making room for another child who needs us badly. This might be a malnourished child found in the street who might not survive another day without the lifegiving care of CSC, or an abused child badly needing the protection of a shelter. There is room for one more. Sandy’s heart is like that. It has an almost unlimited capacity to love more children. And when she loves you, that means that she remembers you, your personal information, your eventual adoptive parents, your accomplishments, everything. We are here tonight because of Sandy’s amazing heart, which has always inspired us at CSC to scoot over a little and let another child in.

Healy_speeches_9.20_3Another image that I have in my mind is a staircase.  It is the staircase that leads up to Sandy’s office above the garage near the Cherne Home in Banawa. The stairs go up the side of the building and constitute a pretty good climb, especially for little ones. Hundreds and hundreds of children have made that fairly steep climb up to see Auntie Sandy. For some it was to have regularly scheduled counseling, or just to say hi and see if there might be a treat.  It was worth the climb. But for many, climbing those stairs meant that the climber was in big trouble. If the house parents sent a child or children to see Sandy in her office, it was usually because of something fairly major that needed her attention. None of these kids hurried up the stairs. They knew that Auntie Sandy would be disappointed in them, that there would be repercussions for their behavior. Being in “big trouble” was never fun, and the stair leading up to her office certainly seemed long and steep.

The person waiting at the top of the stairs was always loving and fair, and, when necessary, firm. She was and is a symbol for what CSC is about. We not only have room on our branch for many kids, but we strive to do our best to provide loving, compassionate care for all of them. That involves meeting their emotional and spiritual needs, but also, it means having rules and expectations. It means that we love them enough to discipline them, even when that is far from being fun. It means that, sometimes, they need to walk up that seemingly long flight of steps to see Auntie Sandy. Away from the other kids. Away from any other distractions. Just one on one with Sandy, and her loving heart. We are here tonight because for the past  years Auntie Sandy was at the top of those stairs, doing her very best to encourage, instruct, love, correct, inspire, befriend and, yes, discipline and introduce them to the One who would enter their hearts and change their lives for eternity.

Cebu City is very much a Roman Catholic city.

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart and the Sacred Heart of Jesus are two of the most popular parishes in our city.  In Banawa there is a parish that sort of combines these two, and is known as the The Alliance of Two Hearts Parish. If you have ever visited Cebu and CSC you have almost certainly driven by that church on your way between the CSC office and the Shelter in Banawa. With no disrespect to that parish, and without ascribing divinity where it is not merited, I would respectfully submit that CSC has, for the past 35 years, been the Alliance of Two Hearts: The heart of our Lord Jesus, whose perfect love is at the center of everything we do at CSC, and that finite, fallible but unfailing heart of Auntie Sandy that beats in such an inspiring way for the kids of CSC.

Healy_speeches_9.20_4Bless you Auntie Sandy.


Marlys’s Speech

In 1962 Sandy and her family moved to this community, and started attending this church.  My father was the pastor at the time so that is how we met and became close friends immediately.  At that time Constance Evangelical Free was a small country church, located on the corner across the street. 

Sandy and I were extremely active and often whispered and giggled during the service.  My dad would stop right in the middle of the sermon to tell us to be quiet or move to the front pew. Our naughty behavior helped us to understand some of the rambunctious children that we would eventually care for at CSC. 

We went to everything at church; Sunday school, Vacation Bible school, the youth group, and Camp Shamineau for retreats and summer camp.  We went to some of the same schools and graduated from Anoka High school in the early 70’s.  Sandy and I took several trips around the US and to the Canary Islands.  We never dreamed in those days that we would be called by the Lord to be missionaries on the other side of the world. 

When we were children playing together in Constance years ago who would have thought that we would spend 36 years side by side taking care of precious children in the Philippines?


Working with Sandy has been a tremendous blessing, even in difficult times.  We have had the privilege of working with many wonderful Filipinos that the Lord has called to be partners with us. Sandy was the Child Care Director and worked closely with all of our house parents and counselors, and trained our child care workers. Hundreds of children have been touched by her efforts and her dedication, and will never forget her unconditional love for them, including our daughters.

Sandy has always gone the extra mile to do what needed to be done, even if she worked 12 to 18 hour days, or more.  It was a joy to travel around the island of Cebu with Sandy to visit children who were referred to CSC, and we spent countless hours taking care of sick children in the hospital or in our infirmary. In addition to being Auntie Sandy to all of the kids at CSC she also fulfills that role to adopted children here in the United States.

What a blessing that the Swanson family moved to Constance more than 50 years ago, and I’m so thankful that our friendship has lasted all these years. I can’t believe that the time has come  for Sandy to retire, and I simply cannot imagine being in Cebu without her. One thing that will never change is our love and respect for her, and all of the wonderful memories will be in our hearts and minds for the rest of our lives.  We give God all the praise and glory for using Sandy for the many years that she served at CSC.

Healy_speeches_9.20_7We love you, dear friend.

Sparks of Joy

Jan. 8, 2024By: Arlyn Verdeflor

Aristotle once remarked, "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts," yet holistic well-being often falters when individual elements are neglected. Thus, the Tibuok ug Kabahin (whole and part) initiative for mental health awareness came into being. This endeavor spotlights the complete spectrum of emotional, psychological, and social well-being, collectively defining our mental health. It underscores how these facets influence our responses to stress, interactions with others, and the choices we make.


Having had the opportunity to care for children with a range of adverse experiences, we encounter indirect trauma and carry our own stories of adversity. Our joy is often stolen from us due to these experiences, emphasizing the need to prioritize mental health to maintain a healing atmosphere.


Through the initiative, we were able to foster fellowship and create a space where vulnerability was encouraged. It provided us with a sense of being seen and heard. It was a moment to take a long sigh after years of working hard, indulging in good food and massages, and sharing laughter. Not only did it raise awareness about the importance of mental health and well-being, but it also gave us an opportunity to embrace our stories, no matter how complicated, painful, or heavy they were. And that brought healing to each one of us.


Overall, the Tibuok ug Kabahin (whole and part) initiative serves as a testament to the transformative power of acknowledging and prioritizing mental health, fostering an environment where healing becomes a shared endeavor. May we continue to cultivate spaces that encourage vulnerability, celebrate the human experience, and inspire the pursuit of joy, both in our personal lives and within the workplaces that shape our daily existence.


Looking Forward!

Jan. 3, 2024By: Kirby Stoll  ›  Author Bio

Blessed to be a Blessing

Another year is upon us. Already! Someone once said, "The days are long, but the years are short." I'm not so sure any more. It seems that time is moving faster and faster, at lease for me it is. So, what do we do?! We LOOK FORWARD with anticipation for all that God will do with the time He gives us and consider ourselves BLESSED—and blessed to be a blessing.


Henri Nouwen writes, "It is remarkable how easy it is to bless others, to speak good things to and about them, to call forth their beauty and truth, when you yourself are in touch with your own blessedness. The blessed one always blesses. And people want to be blessed! The voice that calls us the Beloved will give us words to bless others and reveal to them that they are no less blessed than we."

For CSC, the new year holds countless opportunities. There will be birthdays to celebrate. There will be comings and goings of children who enter our homes and those who are placed with families. There will be many milestones to celebrate, both for the children in our care AND for the employees who care for them. Not to mention there is a massive construction project going on currently that, Lord willing, will be ready for move-in at the end of the year—but such much to do before then for that to happen!


We at CSC commit the year to upholding our Mission as a way of being blessed to be a blessing. We know first and foremost that we exist to glorify God and demonstrate His love to those around us—being a blessing. We look forward to all that comes our way and we hope that, just maybe, you will cross our path at some point in the year, too.


CCHS Christmas Play: “The Great Christmas Giveaway!”

Dec. 24, 2023By: Cris Tabra (principal)

Praise the Lord! After three years CCHS is back on having our Annual Christmas Play. 


The pandemic has allowed us to slow down on a lot of events that require big gatherings at school. Our students have very minimal exposure to the stage in terms of acting and singing. We have been looking forward to this day when we can have big events like this.

One of our third grade students did an excellent job as one of the major casts in the play. She is generally known to be selective about the people she talks to or even refuses to say anything to anyone she meets but during the play, she stands out and does an amazing job in portraying her character. On top of that, she was asked to sing a solo part on the day of the play because one of our soloists could not make it to the big event.


Our rapper rocked the Union Church Hall that night when he started singing his part. He sounds like an impressive singer but he is usually quiet during regular days.

All of our students performed at their best during the event. Each of them played a significant role in making the event a big success. The preschoolers and the kindergartens were all awake and enjoying their evening.

It was an honor to work with all the teachers who patiently encourage our students to do their part well when they sing, when say their lines, and when they are on stage. For the entire production crew I salute you for all your hard work and creativity.


Our audience, our CSC family and friends, for those who came and celebrated with "The Great Christmas Giveaway: The Gift Goes On!" Christmas Play you are always a source of inspiration.

We give God the glory and honor for the success of the said event.

I am appreciative of what CCHS has accomplished during our Christmas Play!

What about you what are you most proud or appreciative of this year?

Transitioning with Grace: Embracing New Beginnings in Life

Life is a continuous journey of transitions and new beginnings. In these moments of change, although they may seem uncomfortable, we gain experience and have the opportunity to grow, adapt, and shape our destinies. It is true and inevitable, especially in the lives of young adults—a whirlwind of change and growth.

The journey of our residents from childhood to becoming young adults is filled with exciting opportunities and daunting challenges. In their case, this also means aging out of legal adoption options and transitioning into an independent living program. Although one door was closed and not warranted for them, God remained faithful and true, as they were not forsaken but only redirected to another path dedicated to exploring the art of navigating life's many shifts with resilience and positivity.

This year, seven (7) residents celebrated a new milestone and will eventually transition to our new home for older residents. It is with mixed emotions as they embark on a journey together, where they will delve into the complexities of transitions—from moving to a new home and sharing bedrooms and closets soon, following a new set of rules and guidelines, practicing autonomy and decision-making, embarking on new relationships, or simply seeking personal growth. This transition to adulthood and self-sufficiency can be demanding and dire for any young adult. Understandably, leaving the comfort and security provided by their previous homes to face uncertainties and independence may not be easily adjusted. However, despite the unknowns, there are still sparks of excitement and hope as they look forward to learning and experiencing more while navigating these transformative moments toward adulthood.

In Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV), the Lord said, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.", we hold that God is in control during these times in our residents' lives. He has already meticulously and thoughtfully mapped out the course of our children's lives. Whilst the residents faithfully wait for His plan to unfold and discover their purpose in life, we aim and pray to be their steadfast companion, offering insights, guidance, and inspiration to help them embrace life's continuous metamorphosis with grace and open arms, harnessing the potential within each new beginning.



Together, let us continually pray for all of these young adults and be with them as they embark on a path toward greater self-discovery and personal transformation with faith and courage and emerge stronger and wiser on the other side. The journey is just the beginning, and may the possibilities be as limitless as their potential.


The journey through life transitions is made easier when we know we are not alone.


Nov. 22, 2023By: Eric Abellana  ›  Author Bio

“Your story may not have such a happy beginning, but that doesn’t make you who you are. It is the rest of your story. Who you choose to be.” --Soothsayer, Kung Fu Panda 2

“I didn’t see my mother nor my father. I haven’t met them. No picture. No memories. I’ve been raised by strangers.” 

“If only my father was gentle to my mother. They could have stayed together and we might not be here.” 

“My mother left me. She even never said goodbye. I don’t know the reason.”

“The couple who fostered me and gave me home have shattered the very idea of home.”

Beginning. Once upon a time. 

These are the stories of the beginnings of some of the older residents in CSC. Flipping the pages of their lives into the past would take a lot of courage and relationship. Some chose to seal those pages; while others are open about their once-upon-a-times. In counseling, children often share about their days, their dreams, as well as their past. For a child to paint these stories allows us to help them craft their life story. 

“Life story is essential in developing one’s personality, values, and meaning. It’s the integration of reconstructed past and imagined future to provide life with some degree of unity and purpose.” --McAdams & McLean, Narrative Identity, 2013

Although this process may resurface the phantoms of the past, it helps the older resident embrace his/her whole story. By embracing his/her painful once-upon-a-time, it paves the way to acceptance and forgiveness. For some older residents, it was a privilege to hear them express how they acknowledge that no matter how painful their past was, it happened, it happened, it happened. It happened and they saw the collateral beauty of that pain. They are here. They are here with people who love them; who cares for them; who believes in them; who brought back the cape of their childhood; who gives them wings to soar the new horizon.

As our older residents navigate the new waters of independent living, they are more open to building bridges to their past. For some, they have birth families that they can return to; while others are starting to put together the pieces of their beginning. Their new journey is a navigation of mirth and melancholy; hopes and despair; and success and failures. They are now in the process of writing the new chapter, or perhaps, the sequel of their stories. Seeing the collateral beauty, they now have the power to restructure their future and have the power to direct their own narrative— narrative of an iridescent hope.