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The recent earthquake in Cebu and the neighboring island of Bohol has resulted in suffering and loss of property. Filipinos have responded with generous efforts to help out. Food, clothing, water and building supplies are being donated and distributed by private citizens, businesses and civic organizations, even as the Philippine government and NGOs direct larger amounts of relief aid to the victims.

A few days after the quake, Ruth Ohlendorf was talking to the Teen Home residents about the relief efforts. They mentioned to her that they would love to help. They asked about the amount of money they each had in their allowance fund, and each decided to give to buy supplies for those who were hurting. One resident gave all of her money to the project. With their pooled allowances, Julieto and Roselyn went shopping at the local supermarket, and the purchased goods were brought to a distribution center.

Without being asked or even encouraged to give, these young adults responded out of love and compassion. Their hearts are good!




Jun. 28, 2014By: Joel Reasoner

The kids like games, sports, activities and visitors.  Right before school started, a visitor shared his love of basketball with the kids.

Every morning for a week, the driveway was full of bouncing balls and kids learning new skills in basketball.  Dribbling, passing, shooting, and rebounding were the focus, of course.

Basketball is not a new game at all in the Philippines, but all kids need to start learning at some point.  This past week was the time for some of the CSC kids to learn a bit.

Some terms that are used in basketball vary from one side of the Pacific Ocean to the other.  In the US, a made shot which hits only the net, not touching the rim or backboard, is called a “swish.”  In the Philippines, that shot is called “ringless.”

Different cultures’ coming together always opens doors to learning new things, from new terms to different approaches to a game.

Check out the video of the basketball fun.

Twin Babies Arrive

Jun. 27, 2014By: Joel Reasoner

Today was fun at the shelter.  Twin babies arrived!

The little boy and girl were born at Glory Reborn maternity clinic.  So many loving hands and hearts have already cradled these precious children in their few short days.  CSC is excited to continue the loving care which Glory Reborn started.

As the twins came in the gates of CSC, aunties from all the houses were buzzing, “Are those the new twin babies?”  Hundreds of babies have received loving care at CSC and still the arrival of two more babies is an exciting event.

The little twins are settling into the Eicher nursery.  The other toddlers are peeking into their crib.  In the evening, the older children in Cherne home crowded around a camera to see a picture of the two new children.

The love and care for the new twins will come from everyone—toddlers to adults.

When is snack time?

Jun. 26, 2014By: Cris Tabra (principal)

School opening is one of the most exciting events of the school year after weeks of summer vacation. Teachers and students have been waiting for this day to come.

For the teachers, this day marks the new adventure they will have with their students. On day one the teachers try to present the new school year with enthusiasm and anticipation that the students will learn their lessons in school.

For the students this day will be the confirmation of who they think their teachers are and their classmates in the morning and afternoon sessions. For the younger students it’s time to remember where they are going and figure out what comes next.

Here is an experience of one of our students:

At 9:30 the bell rang when it was snack time. All of the students were in the snack room to eat their snack. A new student asked for more snacks, but the teacher explained to him that one helping of snack was enough.  So the student went to math class.  The next time the bell rang for the start of math class,  the new student asked, “Are we eating snack again?”  He'll get the hang of it and figure out there is only one snack time in the morning. 

The Five Dollar Bill

Jun. 25, 2014By: Shari Reasoner

A cool thing happened the other day.  I was unpacking a box of math workbooks Tammy Vosika had brought over to Cebu.  I had actually packed the box of books myself in Minnesota and taped it up, ready to go, and dropped it off at Tammy’s house.  In Cebu as I unzipped the travel bag around the box, I noticed the tape was gone from the box.  That was not surprising as boxes are often inspected at some point during the travel route.  As I was taking the books out of the box, there was a five dollar bill taped to one of the books!  I was a bit surprised and wondered out loud if Tammy had taped the money in between the books just to see if the inspection guys were honest.  Tammy came around a bit later and I asked her about the money.  She said she had not put any money in the box!  So that meant an inspector at one of the airports, most likely Minneapolis or Chicago, had taped the five dollars to the box, contributing to the shelter and school.  Maybe that person read the name of the orphanage on the outside of the travel bag. Maybe he had a connection to the Philippines.  We’ll never know, but what a sweet and powerful reminder of God’s work.  Thank you to that anonymous donor! 


The first question

Jun. 21, 2014By: Paul Healy

Marlys, Jenny and I are in MN for one year. When I see people for the first time (on this stay) they will invariably ask,
"When do you go back?" Sometimes before saying "hi" or asking how I'm doing, they will inquire as to our return date. I think the reason is that we have been living in Cebu for so long that people just imagine us being there. And for some, we are their link to the Philippines and CSC. Seeing us in Minnestoa seems out of place.

Sometimes I do feel out of place in the U.S. In getting situated here we have so much learning to do about technology: phones, internet, new forms of information and communication. It hit us the other night when some of our former CSC residents came over for a visit. They had to show us how our new phones worked. It was a little embarassing, but when we reflected on it we thought it was pretty  cool. Kids we helped to rescue from poverty and homelessness several years ago are now our  mentors for life in the States!