Field Application

If you are intersted in volunteering on a long-term basis, please email our office. DO NOT complete this form until you have been told to do so from our office.

This application is required for those who desire to spend one week or more serving in Cebu in a volunteer or employee role. You may elect to start the application, save as a draft and complete later using an access code you will be given at the time you save it.

Saved Form Access Code: OPEN »
* : required

Application Type

*I am applying:
If part of a group, which one?
*When do you hope to arrive in Cebu?
*For how long are you hoping to be at CSC?

Applicant Information

*Date of Birth:
*E-mail address:
State/Province:Zip Code:
*Are you 21 years of age or older?
If no, please provide parent's name(s):
Parent phone number:
Parent e-mail address:
Expected graduation month and year:


*Where do you attend church?
Church address:
How long have you gone there?
Pastor's name:

Christian Walk & Ministry

*Tell briefly about your relationship with Christ:
*Summarize how you became interested in working at CSC:
*What gifts, talents and interests can you contribute to the ministry and children of CSC?
*Do you have any ministry experience that would benefit your group or CSC? This could be church, community, cross-cultural or something else:


*When was your last medical check-up?
*Do you have any physical limitations?
If so, please explain how you are limited and if there are accommodations during your trip that you would request of CSC:

Please indicate if you have ever been diagnosed with any of the following conditions, or if you suspect you have had the condition.

*Food intolerances:
If so, what form of cancer?Are you in remission?
*Cardiac problems:
*Eating disorders:
*Kidney problems:
*Sensitivity to the sun:
If you answered "yes" to any of the above, please describe how and when these have impacted you, any medication you are taking and how each affects your daily activities:

Mental health

*Have you in the past or are you currently receiving counseling or therapy for a psychological or spiritual problem?
If yes, please explain:
*Do you suffer or have you ever suffered from depression or any other emotional or mental disorder?
If so, please explain:
*Are there any medical, emotional, mental or spiritual issues that might affect your ability to serve in Cebu?
If yes, please explain:

Other Medical

*Are you pregnant?
If so, when is your due date?
*Do you miss work or school on a recurring basis for any reason? Examples may include migraines, back pain or menstrual problems, etc.:
If so, please explain:
*Do you have any problems working in a hot and humid climate?
*Are than any other medical concerns that could, even slightly, affect your trip to Cebu?
If so, please explain:

Child Safety

*Do you have any history of substance abuse, sexual or child abuse, or have you ever been convicted of a crime?
If yes, please explain:


Pastor's Reference

*Pastor Name:
*Phone number:
*Pastor E-mail:

Character Reference

Please list two other people, other than a relative or person who is applying as a part of your team, who can provide a character reference for you.

Reference 1, Name:
*Phone number:
*Reference 2, Name:
*Phone number: