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Fun Activities
Every year CSC children, 10-year-old and above, look forward
to summer activities. Summer activities schedule is in the month of May. This
year before January was over, the children approached me with a list of
activities they want to be in. I tell them to wait in February. I will have the
list of names of the kids who will be in the summer activities. In the list
they could also put down 3 activities they preferred by numbering them 1 to 3. Kids were so excited. They continued to ask
what activities were available to them. “Is there basketball?” Is there
baseball?” “What about music?” “Will we have the same teacher for music as last
year?” “Is swimming every day?” “Is it okay to have two activities to enroll
in?” Even the 9-year-olds and below were curious to know when summer activities
would be. The questions were usually “Is May after graduation?” “Is it far
away?” “When will it start?”
After the lists were out to the homes, the next questions
asked were “Who is in basketball or soccer or music or etc.?” Another one was
“May I change my activity?” “I like that activity, why is it not in the list?”
“I would like to be with so-and-so, may I transfer to that one?” When
confusion, agreements and activities were in place, thirty-six children were enrolled
in various activities this year. There are 3 in soccer, 8 in basketball, 1 in
table tennis, 7 in cooking, 9 in music, 1 in badminton, and 7 in swimming.
The other day, I was the watcher for basketball. Early in
the morning while I was up putting my bags at the child care office, one of the
girls asked if we could leave earlier than the time we were to leave. When
asked why, she said they did not want to be late. Their coach made them do push-ups
according to how many minutes they were late. So we did and we made it!
It was the first time I was watcher for basketball this
year. I was pleasantly surprised at what happened before lessons were started.
The head coach told the kids who were there to sit down, bow their heads and he
prayed for them and for the morning ahead. After praying, he proceeded to talk
to the kids about discipline, practice and preparing for things in the future.
He told them Noah did not start building the ark when it started to rain. Noah
was ready with the ark and he was safe, together with his family, when the
rains came. He finished his talk and encouragement to the kids by telling them
to always practice what they learned, to be prepared, to do everything they
could to come early to basketball lessons. When they do that, the lessons they
learned will help them face difficulties, or trials that would come to them later
on. He reminded them not to forget God will always be there to help them if
they ask.